The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2624 Ancient Bronze Fragments (Unsealed and Updated)

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Volume 1 Chapter 71

Fengshensha said with a chuckle, "Do you know where you are?"

Zi Yan said coldly, "Of course I know!"

Fengshensha said with a smile, "Then do you know who you are talking to?"

Zi Yan knew with some disdain, "I don't know your identities, but I understand that he is a coward who bullies the soft and fears the hard. As a man, he has no backbone at all. I am also curious about how you are so beautiful and follow such a person."

Fengshensha didn't answer Zi Yan's question, and said with a chuckle, "I hope you don't regret it!"

Zi Yan looked puzzled, not sure what Fengshensha was talking about.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, I'm just a waste, so I don't dare to argue with you."

When everyone heard this, they didn't want to see it, because people like this were not worth seeing, and they felt ashamed when they saw it. Are there really such rubbish people? Not only was he insulted like that, but he also admitted that he was a waste. What happened to the woman next to him, it was really a pity to follow such a guy.

Zhao Fu was not bidding, nor was anyone else bidding. In the end, the sword was obtained by Hongyan at a price of 620 million.

After taking this sword, Hongyan's heart that has been mentioned all the time is relieved, this time her task is to get this sword.

Afterwards, an item was brought out at one time, and it was a piece of rusty bronze shards with some dirt on it. There was no smell emanating from it, and it felt like a very ordinary thing.

Baishiyue introduced, "This piece of bronze was accidentally obtained by our business group. Don't look at it as ordinary, but it cannot be destroyed by the Emperor's Heavenly Realm cultivation base, and I don't know what material was used. It is extremely hard. The age is also very old, and the starting price is 150 million gold coins!"

Everyone didn't bid immediately because they didn't know what it was doing or what it was used for. No one was willing to spend so much money on a piece of junk.

Zhao Fu's face became serious at this time, not as relaxed as before.

Alasina, who was sitting in his arms, noticed Zhao Fu's change and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Fu did not open his mouth to answer, but glanced around. No one opened a bid. He shouted, "One hundred and sixty million!"

Hearing that there was finally someone bidding, Baishiyue breathed a sigh of relief and looked around, hoping that there would still be bids. This item has already been shot once and no one wants it, and he doesn't want to do it again.

Qing Huo Ye looked at Zhao Fu's bid, thought for a moment, and shouted, "200 million gold coins!"

Zhao Fu shouted directly, "Three hundred million gold coins!"

Qing Huo Ye shouted, "350 million gold coins!"

Zhao Fu glanced at him, but did not bid.

Qing Huo Ye was a little puzzled, why Zhao Fu didn't bid anymore. Although he felt that this thing was very ordinary, but looking at Zhao Fu's bidding, he thought there was something special about the bronze fragments, but he didn't expect Zhao Fu to give up so quickly.

A smile appeared on Baishiyue's face, "Is there anyone else bidding? If there is no such bronze fragment, it will belong to the emperor."

Zhao Fu said slowly at this time, "Three hundred and sixty million gold coins!"

Seeing Zhao Fu re-bid, Qing Huo Ye hesitated in his heart, thinking about whether he should continue to bid.

Zhao Fu said at this time, "If you give out one billion gold coins, I will give you this thing."

Hearing this, Qing Huo Ye gave up the bid for bronze fragments in his heart, and he was not so foolish to spend a billion gold coins on a piece of junk.

Hearing this, the others did not bid, nor did they want to offer a billion gold coins.

In the end, this piece of bronze fragment was obtained by Zhao Fu.

Alasna kept looking at Zhao Fu, but didn't say anything at this time, she was honestly in Zhao Fu's arms.

Then another thing was pushed up.

It is an emerald that is three meters high and four meters wide, like many mountain peaks, exuding a very powerful and heavy thing.

Baishiyue introduced with a smile, "This is a superb piece of Chongshan jade, a small piece of ordinary Chongshan jade is worth millions, such a large piece of superb Chongshan jade is extremely rare, don't miss it, start shooting 200 million gold coins!"

This Chongshan jade is a rare material for making defensive equipment, so many Chongshan jade can create a set of defensive equipment, and everyone is excited to bid immediately.

"220 million gold coins!"

"Three hundred million gold coins!"

"Three hundred and forty million gold coins!"


No matter what the price was, Zhao Fu didn't have any interest and just sat there silently.

Alasna couldn't help but ask, "What is that bronze fragment?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I don't know either, but I sensed a trace of the original aura on the bronze shard. Although it was very weak, it was indeed the original aura. If I didn't have the original bloodline, I would not be able to sense it. Moreover, the origin on the bronze shard was of the origin. Breath is the original breath of the chaotic world."

Alasna was taken aback, and she didn't think that it was related to the origin. In any case, as long as it had a little connection with the origin, it was definitely not ordinary. She also understood why Zhao Fu was serious.

Now Zhao Fu doesn't know what the bronze shard is for, but it's just certain that there is a trace of origin. Maybe he bought a piece of waste, but he will have to wait until he gets that shard to find out.

Zhao Fu was no longer interested in other things.

Is waiting for the auction to end, and then get that piece of bronze shard.

The crowd naturally didn't care about Zhao Fu's changes, and continued to bid fiercely. The last piece of huge Chongshan jade was obtained by a handsome young man.

The next item was quickly brought up. It was a fist-sized icy eyeball with many small icy tentacles. It floated on the wooden plate and was covered by an energy cover, exuding an extremely terrifying energy. chill.

Baishiyue said, "This is the Ice Demon Winter Eye of the Emperor Heaven Realm. It can be integrated into your own eyes and master the ability to freeze the world. The starting price is 300 million gold coins."

Everyone felt the piercing chill. If they blended into their eyeballs, they could freeze everything they saw. Thinking about it, it felt very scary, so they started bidding again.

Qing Huo Ye was also a little excited about such a treasure, and also participated in the bidding.

Zhao Fu has more eyes now. He has thirteen pupils in his left eye, which is more terrifying than the frozen eye of the ice demon. Naturally, he does not want to integrate it into his own eyes.

In the end, the frozen eye of the ice demon was obtained by Qing Huo Ye, and the price reached an astonishing 800 million gold coins.

Then another thing was pushed out.

Zhao Fu still has no interest in these things. Fortunately, the original auction has already reached the late stage. After another auction, this auction is finally coming to an end.

Others who didn't get anything at auction walked off the field, while those who got something went to the side room.

Zhao Fu let out a sigh of relief, and he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.


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