The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2630 Chaos Son (unblocked and updated)

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Volume 1 Chapter 77

Everyone nodded solemnly and continued to fly in that direction.

As countless people approached, the power of the source they felt became stronger and stronger, and their instincts became more and more afraid. Everyone still wanted to know what happened, and insisted on continuing to fly forward.

Finally, everyone came to a relatively close position. They had no way to move forward. Their bodies and spirits reached a limit. If they continued to move forward, they might collapse to the ground weakly, without a trace of strength.

However, they also knew what happened. They saw a person sitting cross-legged in the center of countless golden rays of light. Because the light was too strong, everyone didn't see who that person was at first. Find out who that person is.

Everyone's faces were astonished, and they never thought that this person was the one who broke the alliance circle before.

This vast source of power seems to be emanating from his body, so he is the son of the source of the chaotic world? Is there really a son of origin in the chaotic world?

There was a huge wave in everyone's heart, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

The stewards of the five alliance cities finally understood why Zhao Fu said he didn't want to know his identity, and why Zhao Fu didn't want to reveal his identity. It turned out that he was the son of Yuanyuan in the chaotic world. If this matter spread out, it would definitely shock the world.

At the center of countless golden rays of light, Zhao Fu also sensed the arrival of many strong men. At this time, his face was pale due to the loss of too much blood.

The bronze shards in front of him are still absorbing Zhao Fu's blood and the power of heaven and earth around him, and the appearance of the shards has also undergone great changes. It does not have the old appearance that was eroded by the years, but has become harmonious. Like new, with metallic luster.

Because the bronze shards absorb Zhao Fu's countless blood, Zhao Fu is also trying to use his own blood to control this bronze shard. At first, he could only control a little bit. Now, with the continuous injection of blood, the control area is getting bigger and bigger. .

But suddenly that piece of debris lost Zhao Fu's control and turned into a stream of light that shot into the sky.


A loud bang sounded, and countless dazzling golden rays of light radiated out, and that ancient, chaotic, barren force suppressed the world.

Countless people present were horrified, their bodies collapsed to the ground weakly, a wave of fear came from the depths of their bodies, and they did not have the courage to look at the bronze shards in the sky.

The five alliance city stewards also found that the bronze shard was the one they auctioned off, and they felt very complicated and regretful, so they knew that this bronze shard was related to the Yuanyuan family, so they would definitely not auction it.

However, without this piece of bronze shard, the Son of Origin would not be able to be drawn, and it seems that this fragment is only useful if it falls into the hands of the Son of Origin, because they have also studied this piece of bronze shard for a long time and have not found any use.

The golden light weakened, and the terrifying power of chaos also weakened. The piece of bronze shard floating in the air turned into a golden streamer and shot into the body of Zhao Fu who was sitting on the ground.

At this time, everyone regained some strength, and looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes in shock. Now, because the bronze fragments flew into Zhao Fu's body, the aura emanating from Zhao Fu's body was the aura of the origin of chaos.

Zhao Fu ignored these gazes and closed his eyes to observe the bronze shards in his body. Now this bronze shard is sitting quietly in his body without any movement.

Zhao Fu tried to control this piece of bronze shard. Fortunately, this piece of bronze shard was still under his control, otherwise Zhao Fu would never allow an uncontrolled thing to stay in his body.

This piece of debris should be a piece of a bronze mirror, and that bronze mirror should be an instrument of origin, that is, a powerful instrument containing the origin of chaos.

I don't know what this bronze mirror was shattered. If you collect all the bronze fragments, it may be possible to use the power of your own blood to repair this bronze mirror. Unfortunately, this bronze mirror is broken into many pieces, and the Chaos World is so big. Hard to find other fragments.

However, there are also some advantages now, that is, this piece of bronze shard is sensitive to other pieces, and it may be possible to rely on this piece of bronze shard to find other bronze shards.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes and stood up from the ground, intending to leave this place.

"Meet the son of the source!"

At this time, countless people came to Zhao Fu's side, and bowed respectfully and excitedly to Zhao Fu. They had never seen the common saints, let alone the rarer ones.

Zhao Fu replied softly.

The short-haired man opened his mouth and said, "The son of the source has done something wrong in the past. We sincerely apologize to you!"

Now the five stewards are more and more afraid. The one they have offended is a son of Yuanyuan, a person they must not offend. This also explains why Zhao Fu is also in the Emperor Heaven Realm, and his power is so much stronger than them.

Zhao Fu said calmly, "It's okay!"

The short-haired man said, "Son of the Source, let's invite you to the Alliance City as a guest first. We will treat you well and make amends. I wonder if you can show your face?"

A tall young man also said flatteringly, "Son of the source, we also want to invite you to our power as a guest, we will prepare the best wine and women for you.

people for you to enjoy. "

Another beautiful woman said charmingly, "Son of the source, you can go to us, and we will try our best to entertain you to ensure your satisfaction."

Others have also opened their mouths to invite Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu is the son of Yuanyuan. As long as the son of Yuanyuan has some relationship, it will be equivalent to obtaining a great opportunity. How can this not make them excited?

Although there are many of them, they have no intention of doing anything to Zhao Fu. Now Zhao Fu is like a heaven to them. They just want to have a good relationship with Zhao Fu and try their best to please Zhao Fu. So that I can get Zhao Fu's appreciation.

Zhao Fu understands his identity. Now because of the bronze fragments on his body, they think that he is the son of the origin of the chaotic world, but they don't know that he is actually the son of the origin of the world of Apocalypse. The result of this matter is very serious.

Zhao Fu was sure to reject them and said, "Sorry, I have to leave beforehand."

Hearing Zhao Fu's refusal, everyone was disappointed, but they did not dare to resist, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, if the son of the source has time to go, we will welcome you at any time."

Zhao Fu responded lightly and turned into a stream of light that shot toward the horizon.

Everyone looked at the direction of Zhao Fu's disappearance, and the emotions in their hearts had not yet subsided, and then a news about the existence of the son of the source of chaos caused a sensation in the entire world of chaos.

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