The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2632 The Son of Apocalypse (unblocked and updated)

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Volume 1 Chapter 79

Eastern Union.

Twelve people sat at the top of the hall, exuding a huge momentum, which made everyone feel a sense of fear.

The white-haired old man sitting in the middle said solemnly, "Now all parties in the chaotic world should know the news of the son of chaos, what do you think of this?"

A ruthless young man said, "I want to find the son of chaos. If I can get his source blood, I can easily upgrade to the holy bloodline."

These words changed the expressions of everyone present, and a middle-aged man in black immediately said, "You better not have this idea, and he is the son of chaos, if you dare to touch him, the Eastern Alliance will not be able to keep it. You will even be hit hard."

A monkey-faced youth immediately said, "Yeah, don't pull us when you are courting death yourself. We don't want to offend the general saint-level forces, let alone the origin clan that existed when the world was created."

A delicate woman persuaded, "Don't be arguing, I heard that this son of Chaos revealed his identity because of a vision caused by a bronze fragment. That son of Chaos should be collecting that bronze fragment, you know that fragment. What would it be?"

An ugly woman said, "I don't know, the son of chaos is collecting this bronze shard. It should be something related to the Yuanyuan family. Maybe we can find him by relying on those bronze shards."

A fat man said, "Let him go! What if you find him? You don't dare to offend him, and you have to treat him like your ancestors. I don't want to have anything to do with him."

A handsome young man exhaled a sigh of relief and said coldly, "I really convinced you guys, one wants to get the blood of the source, and the other doesn't want to have anything to do with the Son of Chaos, no wonder our Eastern Alliance is getting weaker and weaker. ."

An old man sighed, "Originally, our Eastern Alliance was the strongest of the four alliances, but after the incident with the first evil immortal, it is getting weaker and weaker now."

A gentle young man next to him said, "Don't mention these things, everyone has their own ideas, then everyone should do it according to their own ideas, one thing is that if something happens, don't affect other people, and don't get any benefits. be envious."

The handsome young man said, "Since this is the case, there is no need for this council to continue, I will go first!"

The handsome young man left, followed by a few others, and finally there were only five people left in the hall.

The ugly woman said, "I also want to collect that bronze shard. Even if it is of no use to me, it can still attract that child of chaos. I don't need to say more about the importance of that child of chaos. Who is willing to join me?"

The beautiful woman said, "I joined, this may be something that affects the fate of the chaotic world, how could we not participate."

Others also joined in.

In addition to the four alliances that control the alliance world, other large and small forces are discussing this matter and have made different decisions.

It can be said that the Chaos World is discussing Zhao Fu, and most people are in shock. They did not expect such a terrible person to appear in the Chaos World. Zhao Fu caused such a sensation.

However, they did not expect that Zhao Fu was not the son of Chaos, but the son of Tianqi.

Now Zhao Fu is in a cave, this cave is far away from the previous area, Zhao Fu also understands how much sensation the power of the source will cause, so he must stay away from that area, otherwise Zhao Fu will be very dangerous.

As for the blood of the many insect kings collected by Lu Nan, he can only give up. It is impossible for Zhao Fu to go to that area, and Lu Nan should also know his identity.

At this time, Lu Nan was kneeling in a hall, carefully talking about the news about Zhao Fu word by word. The few people sitting above were also the managers of the Yao Ming business group.

After listening to Lu Nan's words, several people let Lu Nan go down, and as long as Zhao Fu was looking for him, they would immediately notify them.

Lu Nan calmed down and left the hall immediately. He didn't know what to say this time. He never wanted Zhao Fu's identity to be so terrifying, as well as the matter of the bronze shard. Neither did they blame Lu Nan.

After Lu Nan left, several managers also discussed it. They had far more information than others. Not only did they know that Zhao Fu was collecting bronze fragments, but they also knew that Zhao Fu was collecting countless blood, whether it be insects or chaos. all need.

They guessed that the bronze fragment was related to the Yuanyuan family. No one was surprised that Zhao Fu collected that thing, but they did not understand why Zhao Fu collected so much blood.

What things, what spells, what people need so many kinds of blood?

They also don’t understand this. They also want to befriend Zhao Fu, the son of Chaos, so they ordered people to notify them immediately when they see Zhao Fu in the future. They can also meet all of Zhao Fu’s requirements. If they get the support of the son of Chaos, they may become Chaos World. The first business group.

Zhao Fu sat cross-legged on the ground at this time, took out blood cells and glass bottles, and planned to absorb these blood vessels.

Alasna's women lay on the side with ruddy faces, resting, Zi Yan's bold expressions were nothing, and Hong Yan was a little shy.

bang bang bang...

Countless glass bottles shattered, and countless blood and blood groups flew into Zhao Fu's body, and Zhao Fu began to refine these insects and beasts.

And the blood of the Chaos Race, the most powerful of which is naturally the Emperor Blood of Qing Huo Ye.

Inside Zhao Fu's body, the blood of many worms and beasts turned into different worms, and the bloodlines of those Chaos races also turned into different people. The size of ordinary worms and people is only a few meters, and the bloodline of Qing Huoye is 100 meters high. A person, a blue-haired old man in a robe.

This blue-haired old man should be a person with the blood of the first-generation emperor, and also the ancestor of Qing Huo Ye. Many bloodlines will return to their ancestors, because their bloodline power comes from their ancestors.


The blue-haired old man was the first to attack Zhao Fu. With a cyan-colored force, he fiercely hit Zhao Fu, which could shatter a mountain.

The other worms and people felt that the emperor's aura on the blue-haired old man also stepped aside, and did not dare to intervene.

Facing the mere power of the emperor's bloodline, Zhao Fu showed a sneer. He threw a punch and a small punch, instantly shattering the huge cyan power, turning it into almost air flow, and also The blue-haired old man flew out.

The old man in Tsing Yi roared, and countless insects and beasts and people all rushed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu didn't have any fear. When he summoned the blood pool, countless bloody hands stretched out from the blood pool and dragged the insects and beasts into the blood pool. Zhao Fu had the advantage of the original bloodline and could easily refine many bloodlines. Including that kind of emperor blood.

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