The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2642 Blood Sky

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Volume 1 Chapter 90

Xue Changkong stood in front of Shimen with a sword in hand, and raised the sword in one hand. .


A huge roar sounded, and Xue Changkong poured all the power into the sword continuously, and the sword emitted strands of blood-colored sword energy, exuding a power that slaughtered the world, causing fear in countless people's hearts.

Everyone was holding their breath at this moment, and they were so nervous, because Xue Changkong was the last person who might break the barrier.


Xue Changkong slashed down with a sword, and a long river composed of blood-colored sword lights rushed forward fiercely with the power to destroy the world. There was nothing to stop it, and the ground shattered and collapsed, bringing out a huge ravine.


The blood-colored Jianguang River slammed into the Shimen defensive cover and made a loud noise. I saw that the originally indestructible protective cover actually cracked countless cracks. The Jiangguang River continued to hit the protective cover, and finally the protective cover shattered.

Countless people couldn't help shouting loudly, and finally someone broke the first barrier.

The Hongyan people were also surprised, they didn't expect Xue Changkong's strength to be so strong.

Everyone in the stands also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the barrier on the first layer was broken, otherwise it would be a shame if not one barrier was broken.

Xue Changkong was relieved to see that he had broken the first layer of enchantment. Hearing the cheers around him, he also showed a smile. .

After waiting for a while, Xue Changkong regained his strength. He raised the sword at one time, and all the power was continuously injected into it. The sword exuded wisps of blood-colored sword energy at one time, and the power to kill the world also spread out.

Countless people opened their eyes wide, excitedly looking forward to watching the scene in front of them.


A huge sword cry sounded, and a long river composed of blood-colored sword lights rushed towards Shimen with terrifying power, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.


A huge force poured out from one place in the stone gate and turned into a sword qi.

That ferocious Jianguang River was slashed open by that Sword Qi in an instant, the blood-colored Jianguang River was divided into two halves, and the Sword Qi continued to fly towards the bloody sky.

Xue Changkong was shocked and blocked the sword in front of him.


A dull sound came out, and Xue Changkong was slashed and flew out, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and the sword in his hand was thrown out and fell to the ground on one side.

Seeing this scene, everyone sighed, Xue Changkong could only break the first barrier and the second barrier. The third layer of enchantment is completely powerless to break.

Everyone in the stands was not surprised, because they had expected this scene, and this time the activity to open the treasure ended in failure. .

The old man sitting in the middle of the stands said disappointedly, "It seems that we still have to wait for the younger generation to break the barrier. This generation has already failed."

An old woman said, "I managed to retrieve the lead sword. I thought the treasure would be opened, but I was happy."

The middle-aged man next to him was also a little unhappy and said, "I didn't expect the younger generation to be so absent, just breaking the first layer of enchantment, and I'll be teased by people from other forces later, so let's end the meeting early! I don't want to stay here any longer. "

Everyone nodded, and now all those who are qualified to hold the sword have all failed, and no one is qualified anymore.

Bing Qing made everyone disappointed. It seemed that Zhao Fu wasted so much time, and there was no way to open the treasure, let alone get the contents.

Everyone present was very disappointed. Everyone came here for the one who can break the barrier, get the inheritance of the first powerhouse, and become the next generation to take over the master, but they did not expect this result, and they have no interest in staying here.

The yellow-haired old man stepped forward and was about to announce the end of the event.

"I want to try it!" A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone followed the voice and looked at a young man with a cloak.

"Who is this person?" Everyone asked curiously.

The other people in the valley also shook their heads, saying that they had never seen Zhao Fu before.

Xue Changkong everyone also looked at Zhao Fu, Xue Changkong did not believe that Zhao Fu could break the barrier, but the two of Hongyan showed pleasant smiles.

Bai Lang reminded, "As a friend of Hongyan, you may not know that this barrier needs the blood of our Duogu to open."

The red core sneered, "I don't know how high the sky is!"

Bing Qingqing, Zi Yue, and the three girls all looked surprised. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu would suddenly say such a thing.

The people around him couldn't help laughing when they heard that Zhao Fu was not the one who took the grain.

A young man with a black mole on his face said with a smile, "If there is no bloodline restriction, I would also like to give it a try. Anyway, I have nothing to lose."

Another coaxed and said, "Everyone wants to try it!"

Zhao Fu ignored these people and walked forward. People around him gave way. Zhao Fu came to the open space in front of him and stretched out a hand to grab it.


The sword that fell to the side made a sound of sword cries and flew into Zhao Fu's hands automatically. He felt the aura in Zhao Fu's body, and the excitement kept flowing, as if he had met his true master.

Although Zhao Fu is not the one who takes the grain, don't forget that Zhao Fu has absorbed Hongyan.

Zi Yan's bloodline can also be regarded as the person who wins the valley, and Jian felt the power of the source of chaos in Zhao Fu's body so excited.

Zhao Fu didn't want to do this either, but no one else could break the barrier, so he had no choice but to do it himself.

The scene fell into silence, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them with astonishment. What happened? Just now, several people have taken swords, but none of them have such a reaction.

Zhao Fu injected a force into the body of the sword, and the sword did not vibrate. Zhao Fu walked over to the stone gate.

The yellow-haired old man stepped forward to stop Zhao Fu.

The old man sitting in the middle looked serious, "Let him try it!"

Everyone present looked at Zhao Fu. It was obvious that Zhao Fu was not simple. Xue Changkong and Hei Lan'er also looked serious, and they didn't dare to underestimate Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu walked slowly to the Shimen gate. Shimen seemed to sense a huge danger, emitting countless rays of light, forming a solid energy shield.

Zhao Fu raised the sword in his hand and injected a force into it. The body of the sword radiated a slight black light, and the sword slashed forward. The movement was simple and fast.


The sword slashed on the protective cover, and a huge roar sounded. The protective cover seemed to be hit by an unimaginable force, and it shattered instantly. A strong wind blew away fiercely around, and the hair of the people around it fell backwards. Corner swings.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu in shock. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu could not only step forward, but also break the first-layer barrier so easily. Blood Sky is not so easy.

"Who is this person? The power is too terrifying!"

Although everyone didn't know what was behind Zhao Fu, they could definitely be the one who took the grain, otherwise they would not have the qualifications to step forward, let alone break the barrier. l0ns3v3

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