The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2645 Blood Sword

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Volume 1 Chapter 92

After Zhao Fu entered the stone gate, he came to a large cave, surrounded by all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, exuding a dazzling luster, which made people move. In the middle was a stone platform, three meters high, with a sword groove in the center.

Zhao Fu had no interest in those treasures for the time being. He walked to the platform out of curiosity. He heard that among the treasures in the Valley, there was also the inheritance left by the first powerhouse in the Valley.

Now this platform should be the place to obtain inheritance. A powerful inheritance is not important to Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu mainly wants to obtain the chaotic luck brought by inheritance.

Bloodline Zhao Fu can integrate various bloodlines in the chaotic world, but if he wants to awaken the supreme emperor star of the chaotic world, he needs a lot of luck.

Zhao Fu inserted the sword into the platform's sword slot, and countless blood-colored sword lights radiated out. The magic circle on the platform was activated, and an astonishing momentum spread.

A figure appeared in front of Zhao Fu. It was a woman with blood-colored long hair, a fit body, and a strong fighting spirit.

Zhao Fu looked at the woman in front of him and said, "Are you Sword Spirit or the number one powerhouse back then?"

Now Zhao Fu can't be sure of the identity of the woman in front of him. It looks like the sword spirit who took the sword, but the aura that exudes is like the number one powerhouse back then.

The woman smiled and said with a fighting intent, "If you want to know, defeat me, and let me see your power as a child of chaos."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You are not my opponent, so don't ask for trouble."

The woman stepped forward and held the sword of victory in both hands, and said with a smile, "Then I'll give it a try too!"


The woman pulled out the sword, and a terrifying sword power spread out. The power of the sword and the power of the woman merged into one, and a huge coercion emanated from the woman's body.

Seeing that the woman really wanted to fight, Zhao Fu also used the power of the source of chaos as she wished. The bronze fragments in her body shook. Zhao Fu raised his hand and patted the woman. The aura of the source of chaos rushed toward the woman like a rushing river.

The woman felt such a huge source of power and said with a smile, "Okay!"


The woman raised the sword in her hand and slashed, and a **** sword light with astonishing power cut through the long river of breath, and continued to cut towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, his palm emitting golden light, and the blood-colored sword light was blocked by an invisible force.

The woman smiled and retracted the sword, and several more swords were slashed out with force, and several blood-colored sword lights slashed towards Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu's face was dull, and when he held out his outstretched hand, the blood-colored sword lights that were slashed were directly caught by a huge force.

The power of the source of chaos is one of the most powerful forces in this chaotic world. Now Zhao Fu uses it to deal with women extremely easily, because the power of the source of chaos can suppress other forces.

As soon as Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, the woman was slapped towards the woman by an invisible force. The woman immediately blocked her body with a sword, and a dull voice was heard, and the woman was knocked back a few steps.

The woman exclaimed excitedly, "Is this the power of the source of chaos? It's really strong!"

Zhao Fu's body seemed to be wrapped in golden power, and his body twisted and disappeared at that moment.

The woman did not sense Zhao Fu's position. She injected a huge force into the sword in her hand and inserted it into the ground. A blood-colored shock wave spread out around with astonishing power, and the ground shattered in an instant.


Zhao Fu appeared behind the woman and hugged the woman. The woman tried to break free, and Zhao Fu used the six desires to pour into the woman's body.

The woman's face changed and she called out, "How can you, a son of chaos, use such despicable power!"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Do you think I'm that easy to mess with? If you want to fight me, just fight with me?"

The huge Six Desires Demonic Qi controlled the woman's body, Zhao Fu also let go of her and asked, "Can you tell me who you are now?"

The woman exhaled, "Although you used such a despicable power, you also defeated me, so I will tell you that I was the first powerhouse to win the valley back then."

Zhao Fu didn't have much surprise in his heart, and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman replied, "My name is Blood Flying Fish!"

Zhao Fu took out the bronze fragments that had not been refined before, and said, "Do you have such bronze fragments here?"

Xue Feiyu was stunned, "Isn't this the piece of bronze shard I lost back then?"

Zhao Fu looked surprised. He originally wanted to ask Xuefeiyu if there was such a bronze shard, but he didn't expect that this piece of bronze was something that Xuefeiyu had lost. "What's going on?"

Xue Feiyu said, "When I fought with a few strong men, I lost such a bronze shard. I still have two such bronze shards."

Zhao Fu smiled in surprise and said, "Where are the remaining two bronze fragments?"

Xuefeiyu stretched out a hand and grabbed it, and a wooden box flew out of the treasure pile. Xuefeiyu grabbed the wooden box and handed it to Zhao Fu, "What are they used for? I got them before, but I just felt that they were not ordinary things. But don't know their information."

Zhao Fu opened the wooden box, and there were indeed two bronze fragments. Zhao Fu sensed the fragments in his body. Both bronze fragments reacted. They were the bronze fragments Zhao Fu was looking for.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "These two pieces are the origin of the

Fragments of the device. "

Xue Feiyu said in surprise, "This is a fragment of the source device? Why didn't I find it?"

Zhao Fu replied, "These fragments need the power of the source to be sensed, and where did you get these fragments?"

Xuefeiyu thought for a while, "I also got the three bronze fragments from different places, some are in the ruins, and some are from others."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed, and thought he could get news of other fragments from the blood flying fish.

The three bronze shards were put away first. Refining them requires a lot of source power and the power of heaven and earth. It needs to find a secluded place to refine them, so now Zhao Fu doesn’t plan to refine them.

Zhao Fu looked at Xue Feiyu, "Now pass on your inheritance to me!"

Xue Feiyu said strangely, "You, a son of chaos, are stronger than me, why do you want my inheritance?"

Zhao Fu said, "Since you are a woman, I..."

Xue Feiyu interrupted Zhao Fu directly, "Wait, when did I become your woman? I didn't promise you."

Zhao Fu said indifferently, "You have no ability to resist, I need your inheritance of luck to awaken the supreme emperor star of the chaotic world!"

Xue Feiyu was a little angry when he heard what Zhao Fu said in front of him, and when he heard the words behind, he asked strangely, "Although Emperor Star is rare, as a son of Chaos, it should be easy for you to awaken Emperor Star, why do you need other inheritance luck? "

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