The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2637 Sword Master

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Volume 1 Chapter 94

Blood Flying Fish thought for a while, "I'm not sure who has it, but one person might have it."

Zhao Fu asked in surprise, "Who is that person?"

Xue Feiyu said, "That person's name is Longquanyi, and I used to explore the ruins with me. I got a bronze shard in it, and he may have got one, but after so long, I don't know where he is now. where."

Zhao Fu thought, "Then we can only ask about him!"

Blood Flying Fish asked, "When are you leaving? I'm tired of staying in Duogu, and I want to go out early to get some air."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Come here!"

Xue Feiyu glared at Zhao Fu, "I can't go there!"

In the end, the blood flying fish was pulled over by Zhao Fu. After an hour, everyone left Duogu.

The biggest purpose of grabbing the valley this time was to see if there were any bronze shards. I didn't expect to get two bronze shards and get the next piece of news. Zhao Fu thought that it would not be difficult to collect all the bronze shards.

The current plan is to find an alliance city to inquire about the news of Longquanyi, while continuing to buy a large amount of blood of the king of insects and beasts. Zhao Fu has just arrived in this area, and there should be many bloodlines that have not been integrated.

A few days later, Zhao Fu and the others came to a seventh-level alliance city.

In the past few days, Zhao Fu also refined the three bronze shards he obtained. With the first experience and the help of the first shard, Zhao Fu easily refined the three bronze shards. Caused such a big fluctuation last time.

The four fragments belong to different positions, and they are now distributed in Zhao Fu's body, and they are not combined together. The power of the source of chaos in Zhao Fu's body is also much stronger.

Zhao Fu spent hundreds of millions of gold coins to buy thousands of bloodlines in the alliance city. If he wants to upgrade the first bloodline to the third stage, he may need tens of thousands of bloodlines.

Zhao Fu has also inquired about the news about Longquanyi. He heard that Longquanyi disappeared, but there is an inheritor left. Now it is to see if his inheritor has this bronze fragment.

The inheritor's name is Long Baihe, and now he is an emperor-level force. His status is not low, and his cultivation has reached the virtual realm.

It took everyone a few days to come to the emperor-level force.

The process was unexpectedly smooth, and Zhao Fu easily saw that Long Baihe, this Long Baihe has become a fair and clean middle-aged man.

Long Baihe smiled and bowed to the blood flying fish, "I didn't expect that the senior is still alive, and the master often mentions you."

The reason why it is so easy to see Long Baihe is to use the identity of the blood flying fish, because the relationship between the blood flying fish and Longquanyi was also very good, otherwise they would not go to explore the ruins,

Blood Flying Fish nodded, "Where is your master now?"

Long Baihe replied with a smile, "Master has gone to the Endless Void!"

The Endless Void is a place other than the Primal Chaos World. Zhao Fu also went there when he was looking for the Half-Immortal Realm. It was extremely dangerous.

Longquanyi went to the Endless Void, it must be impossible to contact him, Xue Feiyu asked curiously, "What is your master's cultivation level now?"

Back then, Longquanyi and Xuefeiyu had similar cultivation bases. Now, Longquanyi's cultivation base should be very high in the past, and Longquanyi's own strength is also very powerful.

Long Baihe said with a smile, "When Master left the chaotic world, he was already at the peak of the great power realm. Now that so many years have passed, there should be a half-immortal mirror realm."

Xue Feiyu was a little envious. "If I didn't fight those people back then, my current cultivation base should be the same as your master. Now my cultivation base has fallen to the realm of heaven and earth, and I don't know when I will return to the realm of power."

Long Baihe said with a smile, "The extraordinary aptitude of the predecessors should soon be able to restore the power realm!"

Zhao Fu saw that Xue Feiyu was about to forget important things, and asked, "I wonder if your master left you a bronze fragment?"

Now Zhao Fu is a little worried. Although he doesn't know if there are any bronze fragments in Longquanyi yet, even if he has gone to the Endless Void, it is impossible for Zhao Fu to find him.

Long Baihe thought carefully, "I wonder what that bronze fragment looks like?"

Zhao Fu said, "It's a fragment of that kind of bronze mirror. It's very old and rough. It doesn't give off any aura, but it's indestructible."

Long Baihe replied, "Master did not leave me such a bronze fragment!"

Zhao Fu's heart sank, and he continued to ask, "Then does your master have such a bronze fragment?"

Long Baihe thought for a while, "It seems that Master does not have such a bronze fragment!"

Zhao Fu didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed at this time. He was happy that the bronze shards were not brought to the Endless Void by Longquanyi, and he was disappointed that this time might be a waste of time.

Long Baihe asked curiously, "What's the use of you looking for such bronze fragments?"

Zhao Fu didn't tell Long Baihe, he just said, "This is something very important to me."

Long Baihe said, "I seem to have heard of this thing, but it is difficult for you to get it."

Zhao Fu smiled in surprise and said quickly, "Who is that person?"

Long Baihe opened his mouth and said, "This person is the Dao Zun who I am in the power of now, cultivated in the powerful realm, and is extremely arrogant and domineering, and it is extremely difficult to get along with, and I want to get this bronze fragment from him.

extremely difficult. "

It is impossible for Zhao Fu to deal with the cultivation of the Great Power Realm. It is indeed difficult to get the bronze shard from him without any other means. If he asks him directly now, he may kill him without any resistance. .

But Zhao Fu must get the bronze shard. This is the source of chaos. If you get a complete tool of the source, it is possible to obtain the real power of the source of chaos.

If you can invite an almighty to talk to that swordsman, it would be best to get the bronze shard from him, but where did Zhao Fu ask an almighty to help him?

Zhao Fu said gratefully to Long Baihe, "Thank you!"

Long Baihe said with a smile, "You're welcome, you are senior's friends, and that's my friend."

Xue Feiyu looked at Zhao Fu, "What are you going to do now?"

Zhao Fu said what was in his heart, "I want to find a great master to exchange that piece of bronze shard!"

Xue Feiyu frowned, "I may not be able to help you with this, although I have known many high-level existences in the past, and now it has been so long, I don't know where they are, and what is going on now, otherwise I can ask them to help one. It shouldn't be a big problem to be busy."

Long Baihe thought for a moment, "I can introduce an almighty to you, but it's up to you whether she can help you or not! I don't have the ability to ask her to help you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you, sorry for your troubles!"

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