The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2649 Chaos

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Volume 1 Chapter 96

Facing the eyes of the two, Zhao Fu knew in his heart that if he didn't handle it properly, his life might be in danger. .

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly. He didn't have the humble and gentle look before, but a kind of disdain and force, "I wanted to use some gentle methods to get the fragments, but you still threatened me, and now hand over that bronze piece. Fragments, otherwise I want your forces to be useless."

Dao Zun and Yu Qianxun looked at Zhao Fu, who suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person, and they were a little stunned. Dao Zun smiled fiercely, "Boy, you dare to be so mad in front of me, are you really not afraid of death?"

Zhao Fu gave Dao Zun a contemptuous look, "Does it depend on you? I'm not qualified!"

Dao Zun couldn't help it anymore, a trace of killing intent appeared in his heart, and a terrifying aura erupted directly, and he was about to attack Zhao Fu.

Kaoru Yumae didn't mean to stop her either.

Long Baihe hurriedly said, "Master Dao, please give me a face, he is a friend I brought."

Dao Zun also has the identity of being afraid of Long Baihe, and snorted coldly, "This kid is courting death by himself, and he dares to say such things in front of me. Now even if he reveals his identity, he will die here."

Long Baihe just wanted to say something.


A roar suddenly recalled that a chaotic and desolate force erupted, covering the hall like a mighty heaven, and the surroundings seemed to be imprisoned by this force. .

Dao Zun and Yuqian Kaoru were stunned, and their bloodline power souls felt a sense of fear, "This... This is the power of the source of chaos!"

Zhao Fu said lightly, "Don't you really want to know my identity and identity? Now I will tell you that I am the son of Chaos of the Yuanyuan family."

Dao Zun's heart was shocked, and in front of him was the son of chaos who made a sensation in the chaos world. People all over the world were looking for him, but they didn't expect to appear in front of them. They even didn't believe it, but the power he radiated was the power of the source. .

Although Yu Qianxun thought that Zhao Fu was not easy, he did not think that Zhao Fu was the son of Chaos, and was extremely shocked.

Long Baihe looked at Zhao Fu with a shocked expression. He never thought that the person who was polite to him before had such a terrifying identity.

Dao Zun also weakened in the face of Zhao Fu's source power. Although he has the ability to kill Zhao Fu, he is afraid of the source family behind Zhao Fu, and he may not be able to kill Zhao Fu, because This is the son of Chaos, there must be means of life-saving, maybe he can invite a fairy-level existence.

As for the fact that he wanted this emperor-level force to be dead, Dao Zun completely believed that Zhao Fu had this ability. Even if he didn't use the power of the family, he just said that he wanted to destroy them. In order to please Zhao Fu, the powerhouses of all parties would not mind destroying them. them. .

boom! boom! boom!

This force also alerted the other three high-level existences, and hurriedly flew to this hall. It was a middle-aged man with a beard, an old man with short cyan hair, and finally a young girl wearing a long purple dress.

They looked at Zhao Fu who exuded the power of the source, and they were also extremely surprised, and they understood Zhao Fu's identity.

The old man is the most powerful person in this force, and said politely, "I don't know what happened to the son of chaos?"

Zhao Fu was still very nervous in his heart. He was not really the son of chaos, and he had no protection from immortals and half-immortals. If he really wanted to kill him, he could only use the ability of the first evil immortal to escape.

However, at this time, the momentum must not be lost, Zhao Fu said coldly, "You ask him, he just said that he wants me to die."

The faces of the three people who came here changed. Is Dao Zun crazy for daring to kill the Son of Chaos? Even if he wanted to die, he wouldn't bring the entire force to be buried with him.

The old man shouted sharply, "Knife Vault, do you dare to kill the son of Chaos?"

The originally ferocious and domineering Dao Zun was also very afraid of Zhao Fu's terrifying identity, and said, "I didn't know he was the son of chaos before!"

The old man smiled and said to Zhao Fu, "This is a misunderstanding, please don't mind the son of chaos, Dao Qiong, you haven't apologized to the son of chaos!"

Dao Qiong hesitated in his heart, he is also a powerful man after all, it is a shameless thing to apologize to Zhao Fu, but thinking of the terrible identity of the son of chaos, Dao Qiong said, "Son of Chaos, I'm sorry, it was me who recklessly offended."

Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that they are very afraid of the identity of the son of chaos. In fact, the saint son of the general saint-level power, the great master, does not dare to offend, and he must speak politely when meeting. The saint-level power has a fairy-level existence. Not to mention the more terrifying origin clan.

Kaoru Yumae also said, "I'm sorry! I have offended something before."

With Zhao Fu's status now, Yu Qianxun didn't dare to offend her. She didn't want to die like this, but she finally became a powerful person.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, "Give me the pieces!"

Dao Qiong did not hesitate to hand over the bronze shard to Zhao Fu. He thought it might be a shard of a holy artifact, but now it seems that it is not as simple as a shard of a holy artifact. It is really useless to keep this piece in his hands.

Zhao Fu took the pieces and warned, "Forget it this time, I don't want to start killing people."

There was a smile on Dao Qiong's face, "Child of Chaos, you are generous!"

Zhao Fu snorted lightly, not replying to his words.

The old man said with a smile, "Child of Chaos, your honored guest came to our force, and we will prepare wine and food to entertain you right away."

Zhao Fuke

Don't dare to stay here too long, "No need, the family still has tasks to give to me."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Fu walked out with the people openly and aboveboard.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhao Fu and everyone leaving. It was also a good thing to send this great god away. They couldn't afford to offend them at all. Their power was as weak as a mouse to that kind of existence, and could be easily trampled to death.

After everyone left this force, Xue Feiyu couldn't help but say, "Your identity is really useful, you can get everything you want in the chaotic world, why do you have to work hard to collect these bronze fragments yourself?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "If only I were the son of Chaos in the Chaos World, it would be great if I could have countless strong men collect fragments for me with just one sentence, and I don't want to be so laborious and troublesome."

Xue Feiyu was stunned, "Aren't you really the son of Chaos? How can you have such a pure source of Chaos power?"

Thrush eyebrows said softly, "He is indeed not the son of Chaos, but he is the son of the opposite Apocalypse!"

Xue Feiyu looked puzzled and didn't understand what it meant, because she stayed in the treasure for too long and didn't know anything else.

With the explanation of others, Xue Feiyu only knew Zhao Fu's identity, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Zhao Fu and the others quickly left this place without staying too long. Because their identities were leaked, many strong people would definitely come here.

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