The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2658 Gorefiend (New Year! I wish you all the best)

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.mianhuatang. Volume 1, Chapter 105

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu in astonishment as he stood there with nothing at all, and felt that this person was very unusual.


The bloody tree exudes an even greater power, and many rhizomes with a powerful force shoot at Zhao Fu, the roots are densely packed and it is unclear.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a burst of blood gushed out from Zhao Fu's palm, quickly pouring into the many rhizomes, and the many rhizomes that shot past stopped.

Xue Nagini was horrified to find that her body was losing control. The blood flowed into her body and completely suppressed her body. This force was far beyond her imagination, so that she had no resistance at all, and could only watch. Watching the body be controlled.

With a faint smile, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it. The huge bloody tree kept changing, and finally turned into a blood-colored long-haired woman.

This woman has long blood-colored hair and a few leaves on her head. She has a beautiful face and a slender figure. Her clothes are also made of leaves.

Xue Naginu stared at Zhao Fu angrily with a pair of blood-colored pupils.

Zhao Fu smiled and hugged her and planned to leave here.

The people around hurriedly stopped Zhao Fu, and everyone was waiting here for the fruit of the bloody tree. How could they watch Zhao Fu take the bloody tree away?

Zhao Fu looked at the crowd surrounding him and said, "What? Do you still want to grab it?"

A vicious old man said coldly, "Do you want to leave with the Xue Naginata tree and leave nothing behind?"

Zhao Fu said, "You mean I have to leave something behind?"

The vicious old man replied in a cold voice, "Of course, you can take some of the fruit of the bloody tree and leave the body of the tree."

Zhao Fu asked a little angrily, "Why? You won't take the bloody tree there, but I took it and you asked me for it?"

The vicious old man exuded a huge Emperor Heaven Realm aura, and said, "Why! It's just our strength."

boom boom boom...

Several other people also exuded a momentum of Emperor Heaven Realm, making the surrounding air become more dignified.

Except for the few of them, the people around looked at Zhao Fu with bad expressions, and they would not let Zhao Fu take all the benefits away.

Xue Nagini said with a chuckle, "You guys should be honest, you are no match for so many people."

Zhao Fu said coldly, "There's nothing to say!"


A huge roar sounded, and a huge force burst out from Zhao Fu's body.

A worm as huge as a grasshopper, a worm as gigantic as a centipede, a worm as gigantic as a beetle, a worm as gigantic as an ant, a gigantic wasp as big as Zhao Fu's body got out, and with a ferocious force, he quickly turned to the few Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouses.

Several Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouses hurriedly took out their weapons, exuding a powerful force to resist.

bang bang bang...

Several Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouses were hit and flew out, flying upside down for more than ten meters.

Zhao Fu put one arm around the bloody tree, exuding a terrifying aura, and his voice was domineering and strong, "Who else dares to grab it?"

The old man and a few of the Emperor Heaven Realm were silent, they understood that Zhao Fu's power was far stronger than them.

Everyone looked at each other, facing Zhao Fu's terrifying power, and everyone didn't dare to say anything.

A small boy shouted, "Don't be afraid! There are so many of us."

Hearing this voice, everyone made a decision and charged towards Zhao Fu with strength. The fruit of the bloody tree is very precious, and the body of the tree is even more precious, and as long as Zhao Fu takes it away, it will never happen again. There are blood naginata tree fruit.

Zhao Fu waved a hand, and many insects and beasts poured out of that hand, turning into a huge arm made of countless insects and beasts, and he waved it hard.

bang bang bang...

A dull sound rang out, and many people who rushed over were like gravel that was swept away, without any resistance.

Zhao Fu's terrifying arm grabbed hard again, quickly grabbing the bodies of a dozen people, and then with a hard grip, the bodies of a dozen people burst open, and countless blood splashed.


Zhao Fu swung his backhand vigorously, and the huge and terrifying arm smashed the crowd who would rush from behind at one time.

The people around showed fearful expressions, looking at Zhao Fu's terrifying arm, what kind of monster was in front of him?

Zhao Fu's voice is arrogant and domineering, "Continue to come!"

At this time, no one dared to rush up. Just now so many people rushed over, most of them died, and those who survived were also seriously injured.

Several Emperor Heaven Realm powerhouses did not dare to rush over just now, and now they even dare not rush over.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and walked to the side with the bloody tree. The people around didn't dare to stop Zhao Fu, they could only look at Zhao Fu's strength.

Seeing Zhao Fu's power, Xue Naginu also felt a little scared in his heart.

Alasna kept up with Zhao Fu with a faint smile. She didn't move a hand before, and she understood that Zhao Fu was capable of solving these problems.

Zhao Fu brought the two of them to a place, and the bloody tree changed back to its original form. He took all the fruit of the Xueyen tree in his hand. There were more than 3,000 fruit in total. Zhao Fu tasted one and it tasted very good.

It was unpalatable, it was a strong blood smell, and it didn't improve his bloodline much.

Zhao Fu was a little disappointed, and changed the bloody tree into a human shape.

The bloody tree was casually manipulated by Zhao Fu, and said angrily, "What do you want to do to me?"

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, eight runes appeared, and a stream of blood was drawn from the bloody tree. While pumping the blood of the bloody tree, Zhao Fu replied, "I don't want to do anything, I will take you out next. Tell what you know."

Xue Xueshu stared at Zhao Fu angrily. Originally, she wanted to suck Zhao Fu's blood, but now she was sucked blood by Zhao Fu, and she couldn't resist, "What do you want to know?"

Incorporating the blood of the blood tree into the blood of the first evil immortal is more effective than incorporating a kind of emperor blood, which makes Zhao Fu reveal a smile of surprise. A place with great benefits.

Zhao Fu said, "Is there anything similar to yours? Are there any other treasures?"

Blood Naginaki said, "Would you let me go if I told you?"

Zhao Fu said, "No, but if you don't say it, I will make you feel pain."

Xue Xueshu snorted angrily, "I don't know now. I was just a tree planted by Lord Gorefiend. It took countless years to absorb blood to become what I am now."

Zhao Fu thought, "How much do you know about Gorefiend?"

Xue Nagini said admiringly, "Gorefiend is a very powerful being, and he treats us very well, but such a good Gorefiend was killed, and the Gorefiend realm has become like this, I will definitely Will take revenge for Lord Gorefiend."


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