The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2663 Mummy

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.mianhuatang. Volume 1, Chapter 110

Shi Qian and a few others, because they knew Zhao Fu, looked at the ruthless young man with a strange expression. Didn't Zhao Fu not block the ruthless young man before? Why did the ruthless young man surrender to Zhao Fu in the blink of an eye?

The cold middle-aged man frowned.

The thin old man stared at Zhao Fu coldly.

The bloody spiky-headed youth shouted angrily, "I'm not convinced! Why can he directly obtain the bloodline inheritance without going through the test?"

Blood Mushroom said coldly, "Why? You are not qualified to compare with him."

The spiky-headed young man was very angry and felt humiliated, but he was not the opponent of so many blood servants, and shouted loudly, "Those present, are you watching the blood demon inheritance by him?"

The cold middle-aged man said, "Of course I don't want to. You can use it if you have the ability. I see if you have the qualifications."

Blood Mushroom said coldly, "You don't deserve to carry his shoes. It's not up to you to say whether he is qualified or not."

Hearing this, the cold middle-aged man was angry and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Blood Mushroom glanced around, "Everyone present, please leave immediately, don't prevent this lord from obtaining the inheritance of Lord Gorefiend, otherwise we can only drive you away."

When the people around heard this, they were extremely curious, what kind of identity is Zhao Fu? Let the Blood Servant treat him like this.

Shi Qian and a few others thought that Zhao Fu called himself a Gorefiend, wouldn't it really have a lot to do with Gorefiend?

The blood mushroom asked them to leave here immediately, and everyone was very unwilling and did not want to leave like this.

At this time, Zhao Fu said, "Then I and you have a chance. As long as anyone can defeat me, I will give this blood demon inheritance to whoever!"

Everyone nodded, they could still accept it.

The spiky-headed youth laughed, "Okay! Let me beat you."


The spiky-headed young man, holding a blood-colored long knife, charged towards Zhao Fu with a huge momentum, and the speed was very fast.

Zhao Fu flicked to the side, easily dodging the spiky head's attack.

The spiky-headed youth swung his blood saber vigorously, and a huge blood-colored saber light slashed towards Zhao Fu sideways. Zhao Fu's body disappeared in place once and appeared in another place, and the spiky-headed youth's attack failed once.

This made the spiky-headed youth a little angry, raised the knife in his hand, and a powerful force was injected into it. Just cut it off.


There was a loud noise, and the huge arrogance knife was actually grabbed by Zhao Fu with one hand, causing the people present to be stunned.

The spiky-headed young man's expression was also stunned, and he did not expect Zhao Fu to take his full blow in this way.

With a faint smile, Zhao Fu grabbed Qi Yan's hand and folded it, breaking the blood-colored Qi-flame knife, and then Zhao Fu threw it hard.

The spiky-headed young man felt a sense of fear, and hurriedly wanted to block it, but it seemed too late, but the blood-colored airflow didn't hurt him, and it blew like a gust of wind, making his clothes rattle.

The blood-colored airflow blew past, and the spiky-haired youth stood there in cold sweat. After a while, he realized, "I lost, I'm not as good as you, I'm convinced."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Who else wants to try it?"

After seeing Zhao Fu's terrifying power, the people around didn't speak, they understood that they were not opponents.

After seeing Zhao Fu's strength, Shi Qianhe shook his head and didn't plan to go.

The cold middle-aged man did not speak.

At that moment, the skinny old man appeared behind Zhao Fu and grabbed Zhao Fu with a claw.

Zhao Fu sideways dodged the blow, and kicked it with force, the old man hurriedly jumped back to dodge the blow.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, the old man still had a little strength, Zhao Fu came to be interested, stretched out a hand, countless blood-colored breaths poured out, turned into a huge bloody hand and grabbed the old man.

The old man also stretched out a hand, and countless blood-colored breaths poured out, forming a huge blood-claw, which claws at Zhao Fu with force.


The two collided, making a loud explosion of air, and a strong gust of wind blew away all around.

Zhao Fu stood there and did not take a step back, but the old man took a few steps back and looked at Zhao Fu with a solemn expression.


A huge roar sounded, and the old man knew that he was not Zhao Fu's opponent, so he used all his strength, and saw that his body continued to grow and grow, and finally turned into a huge mummified corpse with a height of 1,000 meters and a head of silver and white hair, exuding terror like a The aura of the mountains.

The people around were surprised and stepped back one after another. The strength of the old man exceeded their expectations.

The old man waved his hand, and the huge, mummified hand slammed towards Zhao Fu with a fierce wind, making a loud noise, and the stone bricks on the ground were blown up piece by piece, and the picture was extremely scary.

Zhao Fu's expression became serious, he stretched out a hand, and countless blood-colored rays of light shot out from his palm, forming a thick blood-colored protective cover, and there were many insect shadows twisting on the surface.


The corpse-like hand hit the terrifying force on Zhao Fu's defense cover, and the terrifying force seemed to be

To destroy everything, the sky, the ground, the trees, the stones, shattered in an instant, turned into countless pieces and flew out like raindrops.

Surprised, the people around them erected defensive shields to block the countless flying debris.

But when everything subsided, the defensive cover only cracked a few cracks and was not broken.

The mummified corpse made a huge roar in the sky, raised its other hand with the power to destroy the earth, and slapped it hard at Zhao Fu.

At that moment, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it, a blood bead appeared in his hand, and countless blood gushed out to form a slender blood sword, Zhao Fu waved it hard, and a huge and sharp blood-colored sword light Cut out, cut off the hand of the mummified corpse.

The mummified corpse let out a scream, and the body hurriedly retreated.

Zhao Fu raised the slender blood sword with one hand, slashed it down with force, and a straight blood-colored sword light slashed towards the mummified corpse. The sky seemed to be torn apart, and the ground crumbled in an instant. The sword seemed to destroy the world.


The huge mummified corpse was slashed by a sword and flew far away. It fell to the ground and smashed a big hole. The mummy had no strength to climb up, and its body continued to shrink. In the end, it turned back to that old man, who was seriously injured lying on the ground. There.

Everyone's eyes widened and they swallowed. It was the first time they saw such terrifying power. Is this the power that Emperor Tianjing can possess?

Shi Qian and the others were also extremely shocked. Their identities were very noble, but Zhao Fu's terrifyingness was stronger than all the peerless talents they had ever seen. This kind of power was suffocating.

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