The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2670 Blood Demon Spirit Body (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 117

Hearing this, Zhao Fu had nowhere to go after thinking about it, so he nodded.

Everyone followed Xue Wuya to the Xue Changmen. This Xue Changmen surprised Zhao Fu. It is a very powerful emperor-level force. There are ten great powers in the door, and there are many talents. , no one dares to provoke.

Blood Nagato was also inherited from ancient times, and it is divided into eight gates, and Xue Wuya is the direct line of one of them.

Because of the large number of Zhao Fu, Xue Wuya ordered several tables of meals to be prepared. Xue Wuya kept toasting Zhao Fu, while thanking Zhao Fu for his help, and at the same time understanding that Zhao Fu's potential is amazing, and he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future. So I also want to make friends with Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu also politely replied.

At this time, a mature woman, wearing a blood-coat, with a beautiful face and refined temperament, walked in.

Xue Wuya said with a smile, "Sister, you are here!"

The person who came was Xue Wuya's sister Xue Youruo.

Xue Youruo looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Is he the one you said?"

Xue Wuya said with a smile, "Yeah!"

Xue Youruo showed a smile, bowed to Zhao Fu, and said, "Thank you for saving your life!"

Zhao Fu said, "You're welcome!"

Xue Youruo sat on the table, picked up a glass of wine, and said, "I'll give you a toast!"

Zhao Fu also picked up a glass of wine, and the two drank the wine together.

Xue Youruo glanced at the daughters of the blood tree and the blood servants beside Zhao Fu, and said in surprise, "These are all people from the Gorefiend realm? Each one is not only powerful in blood, but also has a Gorefiend spirit body."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

Xue Youruo asked curiously, "Since you have acquired the Gorefiend inheritance, you should master the ability to transform the Gorefiend spirit body, right?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, do you also want to obtain the Gorefiend Spirit Body?"

Xue Youruo smiled and nodded and said, "Our school is called Blood Martial Arts. We rely on blood to fight, and we will lose a lot of blood. Last time I was seriously injured because I lost too much blood. Fortunately, my brother brought back the pill. Medicine, I can recover so quickly."

"The Gorefiend spirit body itself is a high-level constitution. It was created by the Gorefiend back then. It can absorb a large amount of blood essence and convert it into my own blood essence. If I can obtain this kind of constitution, it can make up for the shortcomings of the exercises. "

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If you want, I can give you the Gorefiend Spirit Body right now. It's very easy for me to transform this kind of Spirit Body."

Xue Youruo said with a smile, "Thank you! I don't know what you want? Or do you want to do? I also want to help you."

Xue Wuya also said with a smile, "That's right! I also want to repay you."

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "How many kinds of blood essence do you have?"

Xue Wuya opened his mouth and said, "We need a lot of blood essence because of the cultivation method, which is basically human essence and blood. I don't know how much you need?"

Is it all human blood? Zhao Fu thought about it and needed it, "I want as much as I want!"

Xue Wuya said with a smile, "No problem! I'll have someone prepare it for you right away, don't you have anything else you want?"

Zhao Fu asked, "Have you heard about some bronze fragments?"

"Bronze fragments?" Xue Wuya asked with a smile.

Zhao Fu may know about the bronze shards from his appearance, and said in surprise, "Well, do you know the news about the bronze shards?"

Xue Wuya smiled and shook his head, "It seems that a lot of people have been collecting and inquiring about bronze fragments recently, and I heard that it is related to that Son of Chaos."

Zhao Fu was disappointed and thought Xue Wuya knew about it.

Zhao Fu said, "You are ready, I will help you transform into a blood demon spirit body!"

Xue Youruo smiled and nodded.

Transforming into a blood demon spirit body requires not only Zhao Fu's strength, but also a lot of blood essence to help.

There is no shortage of these blood Youruo, and they will be ready soon.

In an exquisite room, Xue Youyou looked at Zhao Fu expectantly. Now there are only two people in the room, and the others are waiting outside.

There are already a thousand blood bottles all around, and they are filled with high-level blood essence. It takes a lot of blood to transform the blood demon spirit body. A drop of blood essence can get a lot of ordinary blood. kind of.

Zhao Fu said, "Take off the clothes!"

Xue Youruo blushed and thought for a while, seeing that Zhao Fu didn't want to be a bad person, it should be the need to transform the blood demon spirit body, so he did it according to Zhao Fu's words.

Zhao Fu was indeed like a gentleman, his expression did not change, he stretched out a hand, and a blood-colored force poured out, banging countless bottles shattered, and countless blood turned into one after another circling around Xue Youruo.

A blood demon with a height of three meters, long horns, and a pair of fleshy wings appeared behind Zhao Fu, exuding a strong blood energy.

The hand that Zhao Fu stretched out pressed, a huge blood-colored aura gushed out from the palm, and quickly poured into Xue Youruo's body. Countless blood-colored rays of light came out.

Xue Youruo only felt that her body changed rapidly under the power of blood, becoming stronger than before, and she was very happy in her heart.

Their blood martial arts skills and the blood demon spirit body allow her to use the forbidden power without any scruples, which can increase her combat power

Several times, she also has a lot of confidence in the next trial.

In the bloody light, a mark like a blood demon appeared on the back of Xue Youruo, an amazing blood force emanated from Xue Youruo's body, and Xue Youruo's temperament also changed a little, with a hint of evil breath.

Xue Youruo obtained the Gorefiend Spirit Body, and the light emitted dissipated.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "How do you feel about this power now?"

Xue Youruo said happily, "It's very strong, thank you."

Zhao Fu looked at Xue Youruo with a pair of eyes and said, "You're welcome!"

Xue Youruo looked at Zhao Fu looking at her, and she also reacted, her face blushed and just as she was about to put on her clothes, Zhao Fu stepped forward and hugged her.

Xue Wuya everyone was waiting outside the gate, Xue Wuya also wanted to get the Gorefiend Spirit Body, and now he was thinking about what the Gorefiend Spirit would feel like.

After more than an hour, Xue Youruo's face was flushed, she glared at Zhao Fu fiercely, and began to put on her clothes.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly. When he told Xue Wuya some information before, Zhao Fu didn't want to reveal his identity, so he needed to control them.

The door opened, Xue Wuya looked at the ruddy face, like a different elder sister, and asked happily, "Sister! How does it feel to get the Gorefiend Spirit Body?"

Xue Youruo turned her head and glanced at Zhao Fu, and said angrily, "Ask him!"

Xue Wuya looked puzzled, why was his sister so polite and friendly to Zhao Fu before, why is it like this now?

Zhao Fu was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "You will know when you get the Gorefiend Spirit Body."

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