The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2674 Blood Immortal (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 121

Xuemei's face was pale, and she said nervously, "I don't know, this happened when junior brother put his hand on the blood door."


A bald-headed middle-aged man came with a terrifying aura. He belonged to another sect. This sect was called Xueshamen. Every Xueshamen had a strong murderous aura. Growth, the power is very terrifying.

Each of the Xueshamen is bald, and the middle-aged man is the head of the Xueshamen, named Xue Shura.

Xueshamen is one of the gates that did not send anyone to see Zhao Fu. They also know that the blood demon inheritance is strong, but because of their strength, they disdain to send people to see Zhao Fu. It should be the blood demon inheritance to see them. It can be seen that the blood brake gates are all arrogant and arrogant.

Seeing this scene, Xue Shura was extremely shocked and said, "Blood Gate itself also has the qualifications to detect people who join Xue Nagamen. If it is a genius, it will cause some visions, but it has never caused such a big celestial phenomenon before.


Xue Baimei also said in shock, "This is the first time I have seen such a big fluctuation in the blood sect of the capital."

Xue Shura asked, "Who is this person? It can cause such a big vision, and its potential may surpass that of ordinary peerless arrogance. It is the son of heaven who is favored by heaven."

Xue Baimei replied, "He is the Gorefiend."

Xue Shura was stunned, "Is he that blood demon?"

Xue Baimei replied, "Yeah!"

Xue Shura said in astonishment, "I didn't expect him to have such potential. I should meet him in person. Xue Baimei might as well give him to me. I will promise you any conditions."

Xue Baimei chuckled and said, "This is absolutely impossible. I will cultivate him at all costs and make him a person who will disturb the chaotic world. I even saw him lead Xue Nagato to glory."

When Xue Shura heard this, he did not refute it, because he believed that Zhao Fu had this ability.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and several other sect masters also felt this. The sect master of the Blood Poison Sect was an ugly but extremely attractive beautiful woman named Blood Poison Woman, and the Blood Ware Sect was an elegant middle-aged woman. Man vampire. The Blood Beast Gate is a woman with short bloody hair, a fit body, and a vicious-looking appearance, named Blood Fierce Bell.

Xuewumen is a calm temperament, a middle-aged man with a beard named Xue Wuzun, and Xuezhongmen is a wretched old man named Xue Xiao.

Xue Wuzun asked, "Who is this person who can cause such a big fluctuation, I don't seem to have seen it before."

Xue Baimei said with a smug smile, "He is the Gorefiend, the disciple of my Blood Demon Sect."

Hearing this, everyone was also shocked, and none of them thought that it was the Gorefiend who caused such a big fluctuation.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and a powerful blood-colored light beam landed on the side, and the light scattered, a boy with blood-colored long hair and a cold face appeared.

This young man is the sect master of Blood Immortal Sect. His name is Xue Qianyue. Don't look at him as a teenager, but he is older than the other sect masters, and he is also the strongest among the sect masters.

They possess a kind of blood fairy power, this kind of blood fairy power is extremely powerful, and the cultivation to the extreme can be comparable to the immortal energy of the fairy world, and this kind of blood fairy power also has a strong vitality, making the cultivation of blood fairy power Powerful people are young.

The Blood Immortal Gate is the strongest of the Blood Nagato Gates, even stronger than the Blood Brake Gate. In history, there have been several Blood Nagamen Gates for this kind of people.

They were even arrogant than the Xueshamen. They often looked down on the other disciples of the Xuechangmen. Naturally, they refused to see Zhao Fu. If they wanted Zhao Fu to ask them, they would agree to Zhao Fu to join the Xuexianmen.

Xue Qianyue said coldly, "Besides he is the heir of Gorefiend, what other information do you know about him?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xue Baimei. Now that Zhao Fu is a member of Xue Meimen, Xue Baimei should know some information about Zhao Fu.

Xue Baimei said embarrassedly, "I know his identity is not ordinary, but he doesn't want to say that I didn't ask questions, so I don't know about him."

Xue Shura looked at Zhao Fu seriously, "Then who the hell is he, don't tell me he's an ordinary person, ordinary people definitely don't have such potential."

Xue Qianyue said, "Wait a minute to ask his identity."

Zhao Fu looked at this blood gate with a surprised expression. He did not expect such a change. The power of heaven and earth around him was gathering, and the carvings on the blood gate seemed to come alive.


A huge roar sounded at once, the huge blood-colored beam of light had disappeared, and countless powers of heaven and earth poured into the blood gate, and the blood gate exuded an amazing momentum.

At this time, blood-colored words appeared in the void in front of the door, emitting a slight blood light, and the distribution was disordered. This is the inheritance of the blood charm door.

A few sect masters saw this scene and showed surprised expressions in one place. Usually, disciples put their hands on the door and they would get the inheritance method of the blood charm door, but now the inheritance method is materialized, there is only one reason for this, that is, blood Meimen chose the next generation of the door owner and gave him the power of inheritance.

But wasn't Zhao Fu joining the Blood Sect on the first day? How did the Blood Sect choose him as the next generation sect master? This is too surprising.

Those bloody words that appeared flew towards Zhao Fu and merged into Zhao Fu's body. At the same time, a powerful inheritance force was also injected into Zhao Fu's body.

After many bloody words were integrated into Zhao Fu's body

, and reunited, and many blood-colored words re-formed a blood-colored small door. This small door is only the size of a palm, and it looks exactly the same as the blood charm door outside, and the huge power of inheritance also pours into it.

There was a smile on Zhao Fu's face. He was lacking such a powerful inheritance power. Now such a powerful inheritance power was delivered directly to the door, and Zhao Fu got it without much effort.

Time passed slowly, and the fluctuations emitted by the blood gate also weakened, and finally disappeared.

Zhao Fu retracted the outstretched hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

The eight sect masters also walked behind Zhao Fu.

Countless people present saw this scene and understood that something big would happen next, and Zhao Fu's identity might change dramatically.

Xue Wuya and Shi Qianhe, who had some attributes to Zhao Fu, never thought that such a day would come.

Zhao Fu turned around to look at the eight sect masters, and bowed, "Meet all the sect masters!"

Xue Qianyue looked straight at Zhao Fu and asked, "Tell me your identity!"

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu replied, "I have no identity, and I will not do anything that endangers the blood Nagato, I can guarantee this."

Many sect masters do not believe that Zhao Fu has no identity, but Zhao Fu is reluctant to say that, and they do not want to force Zhao Fu, and now Zhao Fu's potential makes them a little afraid.


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