The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2695 Eight people

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Volume 1 Chapter 142

I saw the eight blood gates in the sky exuding a huge momentum, and then slowly opened, the eight blood-colored figures exuding huge power, slowly walked out from them.

Among them, there are men and women, with different appearances. They are the people who established the blood Nagato, and they are also the first generation of the eight blood gates.

For the final trial, they came to assess it in person.

Everyone looked at the eight blood-colored figures, like the gods who dominated this world, feeling the huge power, and there was a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. This is not an existence that they can fight against.


One of the eight blood-colored figures charged towards Zhao Fu extremely fast, bringing out a flowing shadow.

The figure behind Zhao Fu exudes an invisible force field that protects Zhao Fu's body.

That figure was a strong man, rushing in front of Zhao Fu, raising his fist and punching with a huge force.


The force field protecting Zhao Fu was blasted away by a punch, and a force turned into a gust of wind. Zhao Fu was not injured, but the figure behind him slowly disappeared.

After that bloody figure broke Zhao Fu's defense, he flipped his body and kicked Zhao Fu from top to bottom with one leg with great strength.

Zhao Fu hurriedly dodged,


That leg kicked on the ground, the ground shattered, and countless gravels were blown away like a strong wind.

Zhao Fu's body appeared on the other side, just dodging the blow.

One of the seven blood-colored figures in the sky also rushed towards Zhao Fu. It looked like a middle-aged man, and slapped Zhao Fu's chest with a palm with a strong wind.

Zhao Fu moved with his hands.


With a dull sound, Zhao Fu's body was stopped by flying seven or eight meters with a palm, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Fu looked at the bloody figure with a serious face. This man's strength is really strong, and he can actually hurt him.

Everyone outside the arena was also surprised. They saw Zhao Fu injured for the first time after watching it for so long. This final trial was not ordinary.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Fu with icy eyes, and rushed towards Zhao Fu at one time, with a very fast speed, and once again slapped Zhao Fu with a huge force with his palm.

Zhao Fu ignited a blood-colored arrogance, clenched a fist, and punched it hard.


The fists collided together, and a blood-colored shock wave spread out, and the ground collapsed in that instant.

At this moment, the man who kicked with his legs quickly rushed towards Zhao Fu, came to Zhao Fu, and kicked Zhao Fu horizontally with one leg.

Zhao Fu jumped one after another, dodging the blow.

An ugly woman in the sky also shot, stretched out a hand and shot a blood-colored mist towards Zhao Fu. This woman should be the first-generation blood poison sect master.


Zhao Fu threw out a punch, a punch and a strong wind hit the blood-colored mist, dispersing the blood-colored mist.

Zhao Fu looked at the many blood-colored figures with a solemn expression. Now there are only three people who are fighting. If he only uses his current strength and eight people to attack together, he will definitely lose, and the power of the Blood Charm Sect is not suitable for direct combat.

The middle-aged man and another man continued to charge towards Zhao Fu with a strong aura.


A huge force erupted from Zhao Fu's body, and the reason continued to spread out like a tide, forcing the two attacking to stop.

Now that Zhao Fu has released all the power of the Blood Charm Sect, he can see that his body is changing, his nails are getting longer, his ears are getting sharper, his appearance has become softer and more feminine, and his forehead is slowly growing. Eyes up.

This vertical eye has two blood-colored eyeballs, emitting a slight blood light, and has a captivating ability.

An enchanting woman in the sky sensed the power of Zhao Fu, and immediately shot at Zhao Fu, her body flew towards Zhao Fu, and she patted it gently with a palm, and the phantoms of several women appeared around. With an invisible and huge force, he attacked Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu, who had unleashed the power of the Blood Charm Sect with all his strength, was much stronger than before. He raised one hand, and a huge force gathered in the palm of his hand.

call out!

A sound of breaking the air sounded, and a slender blood-colored beam with terrifying power shot forward rapidly, as if dividing the sky into two.

The female phantoms were also cut open with a huge momentum, the female phantoms dissipated, and the enchanting woman was also repelled.

The two men on the ground quickly rushed towards Zhao Fu from the left and right directions.

The two rushed to Zhao Fu's side. The young man punched Zhao Fu from the left with amazing strength, and the middle-aged man punched Zhao Fu from the right with a punch.

Zhao Fu stood in the middle, the pupils between his eyebrows turned, and an invisible power of charm spread out.

The eyes of the two men who attacked Zhao Fu were slightly lost.


Zhao Fu flew upward at this time, the fists and palms of the young man and the middle-aged man collided together, a huge force exploded, the ground shattered in an instant, and the two were also knocked out, and the corners of their mouths flowed out. blood.

Now the vertical eyes growing between Zhao Fu's brows are called Blood Charming Demon Eyes, which have the strongest charm.

in the sky

Seeing this scene, several people rushed towards Zhao Fu with a huge momentum.


A Sven youth exudes a huge blood-colored aura. These blood-colored auras quickly condense into different weapons, and the Sven youth controls these weapons to fly towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and an invisible force spread out, blocking the countless blood-colored weapons.

The figure of a young man suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fu, raised a hand and slashed down hard, and the terrifying force split Zhao Fu's defense.


A huge roar sounded, the strong one on the ground. A huge blood force was emitted, and the blood force formed a huge and mighty male lion. The man punched his fist hard, and the blood-colored male lion attacked Zhao Fu with amazing momentum.

Zhao Fu turned around and rushed towards the bloody male lion. The male lion rushed in front of Zhao Fu, opened its huge mouth and bit Zhao Fu, as if it could swallow Zhao Fu in one bite. Zhao Fu punched with terrifying strength.


The blood-colored lion was smashed away by a punch, turning into a blood-colored gust of wind and blowing away all around.

A thin, bald-headed youth suddenly appeared behind Zhao Fu, and his palm like a knife slashed towards Zhao Fu with a strong killing intent.

Zhao Fu's body was cut in half by that palm.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, but then the two halves of the body dissipated, obviously not Zhao Fu's body, they were relieved, and then Zhao Fu appeared on the other side.

Several people also rushed towards Zhao Fu and surrounded Zhao Fu in the middle.

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