The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2712 Ancient Demon Dragon (unblocked and updated)

Volume 1 Chapter 159

The black dragon raised a huge dragon claw like a hill, and countless inheritance powers gathered, that dragon claw emitted countless black lights, and a huge drop of dragon blood flowed out from one of the black dragon's claw.

This drop of dragon blood kept changing and condensing, turning into a two-meter-long black dragon, flying towards Zhao Fu with an astonishing aura.

Zhao Fu stood there still, letting the black dragon burrow into his body.


A huge roar sounded, and countless black rays of light shot out from Zhao Fu's body, and a huge ancient demonic dragon power burst out. Under this dragon power, Zhao Fu's body quickly transformed into a dragon, and black began to grow on his head. Dragon horns, with black scales growing on the body.

Zhao Fu quickly absorbed this power of inheritance, and also integrated the bloodline of the ancient demon dragon. The bloodline of this ancient demon dragon is also extremely pure.


I saw Zhao Fu carrying enormous power, turned into a black streamer and flew to the sky, countless black rays of light shot out, Zhao Fu turned into a black dragon with a length of more than ten meters, and a huge dragon's might also spread out, covering thousands of miles around.

Zhao Fu looks almost like a black dragon now, with three horns like a blade on his head, a pair of pure black dragon eyes, and black scales like steel, but Zhao Fu's body is much slender, not as strong and powerful as a black dragon. , the breath that exudes is also very domineering and powerful.

Heilong was stunned. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to perfectly absorb the power of her bloodline and inheritance. Now Zhao Fu exudes a breath like a real ancient demon dragon, but it is hard to imagine that this person is not an ancient demon dragon at all.

The four Long Hao saw this scene with their own eyes, and they were very shocked in their hearts. They felt that Zhao Fu was too powerful, and this time he turned into a member of their family.

Zhao Fu first felt the power of his body, then he smiled and turned back into a human form, standing in the sky.

Heilong looked at Zhao Fu solemnly. Before, she felt that Zhao Fu was very unusual and asked, "Who the hell is your kid?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Who do you think I am?"

Hei Long said, "You are at least a saint, right?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Probably so!"

Now, of course, Zhao Fu will not reveal his identity, and Zhao Fu used to be the son of a saint, and now he is the son of the source.

Hei Long frowned and asked, "Probably?"

Zhao Fu was not answering Hei Long's words, and said, "You gave me the treasure and passed it on to me, and I don't plan to do anything else to you. I also hope you understand a little and don't force me to do anything to you. "

Heilong was dissatisfied, this kid dared to warn her, and waited for the seal to be lifted before cleaning up this kid. He was just a saint, and he was not afraid. If he ate him, he would escape from the chaotic world.

Heilong had a cold face and did not answer Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at the four Long Hao and said, "I left here beforehand!"

Long Hao said with a smile, "Yeah! Thank you very much this time. I'll see you again in the future. Our brothers will thank you again."

Zhao Fu simply responded and turned into a stream of light that shot towards the horizon and quickly disappeared.

The four of Longhao looked at Heilong and understood that this time the plan was a failure. They did not convince Heilong to surrender to their young master. Heilong would also break out in more than a hundred years.

This matter is very important, Long Hao feels that he must tell the young master in detail, especially about Zhao Fu.

Heilong didn't have time to pay attention to Long Hao and the others. He lay on the ground and continued to fall asleep. Her injuries were quickly healed.

Then the four Longhao left and returned to the land of the ancient dragon clan.

When they came to the alliance city agreed with the girls of Alasna, the girls smiled when they saw Zhao Fu coming back, and asked what happened inside, and whether there were any bronze fragments.

Zhao Fu smiled and told them what was inside. He also took out the bronze shard the size of a finger. This is the sixth bronze shard Zhao Fu obtained. He will refine it later. will increase a bit.

After dealing with many things, Zhao Fu called the old man Feng Xu again. This time, he told Zhao Fu about the bronze fragment, and also told Zhao Fu how to enter the sealed land. Zhao Fu also promised him to help him find his father. relic.

Among the many treasures, Zhao Fu found a halberd with a bloodline similar to Feng Xu, which should be the relic of Feng Xu's father.

Zhao Fu gave the halberd to Feng Xu.

Feng Xu recognized at first sight that it was his father's weapon, and took it with a trembling body. He touched it carefully, his eyes were moist, and gratefully said to Zhao Fu, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You're welcome!"

Xue Feiyu looked at the old man and said, "You might as well surrender to him, it's a good opportunity for you."

Zhao Fu looked at the old man, and it would be good for Zhao Fu to subdue a strong virtual realm.

The old man said apologetically, "Xuezun is sorry! I still have family to take care of, so I can't follow you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's nothing, you don't have to be sorry!"

Afterwards, everyone in Zhao Fu said goodbye to Feng Xu and continued to walk towards the ruins where Xue Feiyu obtained the bronze fragments.

Zhao Fu felt that this direction was absolutely right. If he hadn't gone to this place, Zhao Fu would not have obtained the sixth bronze shard, and his understanding of the Evil Immortal Domain had also progressed.

After spending seven or eight days on the road, Zhao Fu and the others finally arrived at the site of the ruins. In front of them was a ruin, surrounded by weeds, and some small animals jumping around. It was very ordinary and did not show any responsibility.

What a dangerous atmosphere.

According to the blood flying fish, that relic was a relic that appeared suddenly, not a relic that existed for a long time, and this relic appeared because it was about to collapse. The blood flying fish hurried into it and simply explored it.

Now that a long time has passed, there should be nothing left, and even if there is, it will be taken by others.

Zhao Fu came to the center of the ruins, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the ground, the six bronze fragments in his body emitted a strong light, and a huge source of chaotic power poured out from Zhao Fu's hand, spreading like golden light waves. go out.

If there are still bronze fragments left here, Zhao Fu can sense it, and the result is that there is no response, indicating that there are no bronze fragments in this place.

Zhao Fu was not disappointed either, he had already expected it in his heart.

Seeing Zhao Fu's expression, Xue Feiyu knew that there was no gain, and said, "I already said that the ruins no longer exist, what should I do now? Go there to find the bronze fragments?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "I'll look around in the nearby area. If I can't find it, I'll have to leave this place. As for where I'm going after that, I don't know what I can do but take a step by step."

When the girls heard the words, they nodded slightly.

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