The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2717 Guling

Volume 1 Chapter 164

The feminine youth said in shock, "How did you do it?"

Although the ancient spirits can use a very small amount of the power of bronze fragments, they absolutely have no ability to control them, and they have no ability to refine the fragments and turn them into their own.

But now the person in front of him has done it, let the bronze fragments recognize the master, and the souls of the feminine young people have been greatly impacted. It should be the sacred weapon of their family, but others can easily control them. They have never thought of such a thing.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "I've said it all, I'm the owner of the bronze shards now. Although you are affected by the ruins, you have nurtured a trace of the power of bronze shards in your body, but you can't become the masters of the bronze shards, so your family is still the same. Give me the bronze shard."

The feminine young man's face was ugly, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The people you can't reach, don't talk nonsense, I need you to take me to the location of your family."

The feminine young man said seriously, "No, outsiders step into our clan, and there are bronze fragments that are sacred to our clan, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to you."

Zhao Fu's face turned cold, "Then don't blame me!"


A huge stream of blood gushed out from Zhao Fu's body, turning into tentacles formed by strips of blood-colored aura, and quickly shot at the feminine young people.

The yin and soft youths hurriedly ran out, but the tentacles were faster, and shot into their bodies from the back, and the huge evil blood energy was continuously injected into their bodies. There.

Now Zhao Fu is using the power of the first evil immortal to control the yin and soft young people, intending to let them lead him to the location of their clan.

Zhao Fu immediately wanted to go to the location of the Guling family, turned around and said to Alasina, "You stay here and wait for me."

Alasna understood what Zhao Fu meant and responded.

Zhao Fu controlled the yin and cold youth to leave the inn, and followed behind the yin and soft youth. Now the yin and soft young people are like puppets, running in front of them according to Zhao Fu's orders.

In another room in the Alliance City, a noble young man frowned and asked the people around him, "Where did my brother go?"

An old man next to him said, "Second Young Master seems to be going to grab the bronze shard. I heard that one in the city got a bronze shard. That bronze shard may be a sacred object of our family."

The noble young man said, "How can a holy relic be so easy to obtain. The ancestors searched for many years and could not find another piece. There is no holy relic here. There is no need to waste time here. We will go back regardless of him."

The old man nodded.

Zhao Fu followed the yin and soft young people and ran forward. He didn't know where their clan was, and hoped that it would not be too far.

A few hours later, eight suns rose from the east, illuminating the world with intense sunlight.


A blade of light with powerful power quickly slashed over from behind Zhao Fu.

With a wave of Zhao Fu's hand, he easily shattered the sword light that had slashed past, and his body stopped, only to see a group of people rushing over from behind.

The noble young man looked angry, "What did you do to my brother?"

Originally, the noble young man thought that his younger brother was working in the Alliance City, but on the way back, he saw that they were being manipulated like puppets, so he rushed over with people angrily.

Zhao Fu looked at the group of noble young people and said with a smile, "I didn't do anything to your brother, I just manipulated him to go to the location of your family."

The noble young man said coldly, "Now let my brothers go!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This is impossible, unless you can exchange your family's holy relics, I can consider letting them go."

The old man said beside him, "Eldest Young Master, this person should be the one who obtained the bronze fragments, and now he asks about the sacred relic of our family. It is very likely that he is a real sacred relic in his hand, and this person is very powerful, Eldest Young Master. You have to be careful."

The noble young man responded and looked at Zhao Fu, "Now hand over the sacred relics of our family and spare my younger brothers, I can not pursue this matter."

Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle, "Who gave you confidence?"

The noble young man's expression turned cold, and he was about to order an attack on Zhao Fu. The next second, Zhao Fu instantly disappeared in place, appeared in front of him, stretched out a hand and grabbed his throat and lifted his body.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly wanted to save the noble young man.


Zhao Fu burst out with a powerful force, sending everyone who rushed over into the air, and an invincible aura also radiated out.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu in shock, how could this person's strength be so terrifying?

The noble young man's face turned pale, and he looked at Zhao Fu with fear. He struggled hard, trying to break free from Zhao Fu's hand, but there was no way to break free, like a chicken being lifted up.

The old man hurriedly said nervously, "Don't kill our young master!"

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at the old man, "Then take the sacred relics of your family in exchange!"

The old man said embarrassedly, "We can't do this. The sacred objects have always been placed in the ancestral hall. Except for the patriarch and some great elders, no one else can enter there."

Zhao Fu looked at the old man, "How many bronze fragments do you have?"

The old man replied, "There are three in total!"

Zhao Fu smiled, and he found three pieces at once, and the progress has improved a lot. He must go to the location of the ancient spirits and get the three bronze fragments.

Guang looked at the old man, "I want to know some information. If you answer truthfully, I don't need to kill you."

The old man glanced at his young master and nodded, "I can tell you!"

Zhao Fu asked, "What's your young master's identity?"

The old man replied, "Our young master's name is Ling Que, and he is the son of a great elder."

It turned out to be just the son of an elder, no wonder he was so weak, Zhao Fu said, "I heard that you have a patriarch, what children does your patriarch have?"

The fragments are in the ancestral hall of the ancient spirit clan. Zhao Fu wants to obtain the most orthodox bloodline of the ancient spirit clan. With this bloodline, he should be able to enter the ancestral hall to obtain the bronze fragments.

The old man replied earnestly, "Our patriarch has a son named Lingxuan with the ability to reach the sky, who is the strongest genius in the history of our ancient spiritual clan. Now he recognizes a half-immortal as his teacher, and he is also one of the top ten talents in the Chaos World."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, Ling Xuan can be the top ten geniuses in the chaotic world, and his strength must be very terrifying. And he, an ancient spirit clan, can achieve such an achievement, which is enough for the entire ancient spirit clan to worship and respect.

Hearing Lingxuan's achievements, Zhao Fu was just a little surprised, and then he didn't care, because there was no way to get his blood essence, and now Zhao Fu just wanted to get the blood to enter the ancestral hall.

As for Tianjiao, with Zhao Fu's current strength and aptitude, no matter which one comes, there is no fear.

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