The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2720 Ancient Spirit Domain (unblocked and updated)

Volume 1 Chapter 167

In the end, the light man was completely eroded into a blood-colored light-man, and that world became a blood-colored world. Zhao Fu successfully eroded this domain into his own domain.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding scene quickly shrank, blending into Zhao Fu's body like a tide, and the next second Zhao Fu returned to that ancestral hall.

Zhao Fu was about to step forward.

Lingjue sensed the disappearance of the ancient spirit realm, frowned, and her body turned into a streamer and shot towards the ancestral hall. Not only her other high-level officials also sensed the change of the ancestral hall, but also flew towards here quickly.

Zhao Fu also felt a strong danger in an instant, and immediately withdrew from the ancestral temple without any hesitation.

Lingjuan was the first to feel the ancestral hall, looking at the ancestral hall empty, with a strange expression on her face.

Then a ruthless middle-aged man also rushed here, he is the ancient spiritual patriarch named Lingkong.

Lingkong bowed to Lingjuan and asked suspiciously, "What happened here, Lingzun? Why did the ancient spirit domain of the ancestral temple disappear?"

Lingjuan said, "I don't know either. It seems that something has swallowed up the ancient spirit realm arranged here."

Lingkong was a little surprised, "This ancient spirit domain is something that we assess for some clansmen, and it has no other use. How could it be swallowed?"

Lingjuan looked serious, "No matter what it is, he must have sneaked into our ancestral temple for some purpose. Immediately send someone to search the city and find that thing."

Ling Kong nodded.

Lingjuan flew into the ancestral hall, where there was a wooden table with tablet tablets, and three bronze fragments were floating above the tablet tablets.

Although this bronze fragment is as simple as the other fragments, with a lot of rust, it emits a slight golden light, which is not the place for other fragments.

When the ancient spirits got three bronze shards, they used their own power to nourish them every day, because they belonged to the same kind of power as the bronze shards. Although they were extremely weak, they also affected the bronze shards.

The three bronze shards have been repaired a little under the nourishment of the ancient spirits for countless years. The ancient spirits also relied on the three bronze shards to enhance a lot of power.

That peerless genius of the Ancient Spirit Race, Lingxuan, has received nourishment from three bronze fragments since the beginning of his womb, which is why he has such amazing potential.

In addition to enshrining ancestors, nourishing bronze fragments, and obtaining the inheritance of the ancient spirits.

Why did that thing come? There are only two kinds. The first is bronze fragments, and the second is the inheritance of the ancient spirits.

The first kind of bronze fragments, ordinary people have no use, they simply do not have the ability to use them, their ancient spirits can only use weak power.

That one person came for the inheritance of the ancient spirits? This is somewhat possible. The person entering the ancestral hall must be a member of the ancient spirit clan. I don't know that the ancient spirit clan wants to steal the inheritance of the ancient spirit clan.

Lingkong walked in from the outside and said, "Nothing was found. The guards at the door were controlled by a force, and after clearing that force, they didn't get hurt at all."

Lingjuan said solemnly, "Maybe it was done by the ancient spirits!"

There was a trace of anger on Lingkong's face, "I'll go check it right away to see that person dares to be so bold."

Lingjuan hummed softly.

The next day, everyone also knew that someone had sneaked into the ancestral temple, and there was a lot of discussion, guessing that the tribe had broken into the ancestral temple.

Lingluo couldn't help thinking of Zhao Fu. She first felt that Zhao Fu was very suspicious, so she found her mother, "Mother! I may know who that person is."

Lingjuan asked with a surprised smile, "How do you know?"

Lingluo said, "The things I took back yesterday were given by that person. At that time, I saw him sneakily standing in the corner and looking at the ancestral hall."

Lingjuan asked, "What does that person look like?"

Lingluo shook his head, "I don't know, that person is wearing a cloak, but the blood aura is very pure."

Lingjuan's heart was really done by people in the clan, and she was a little relieved. If an outsider broke into this place under her nose, it would be a very troublesome thing, and it would be simpler for people from her own clan.

They didn't know that Zhao Fu was an outsider, not a member of the Guling family.

Now Zhao Fu has already fled to hide outside the city, and found out that stealing things from Danny's side is extremely difficult. A small fluctuation will attract her attention. Fortunately, there is a hidden aura, otherwise Zhao Fu will be found in an instant.

Zhao Fu did not go to the city and knew that many people were looking for him, and the situation became very dangerous, but Zhao Fu would never give up those three bronze fragments.

After waiting outside for a while, Zhao Fu quietly sneaked into the city,

Lingkong also arrested a lot of people for Lingluo to confirm, but unfortunately none of them were, Lingkong continued to order people to arrest those suspected people, which made people in the city uneasy, and everyone worried that they would be implicated.

Zhao Fu came to the ancestral hall again, and found that the ancestral hall had been strengthened for defense, not to mention many restrictions, and it was more difficult than before to break in again.

Now how to do?

When Zhao Fu was thinking about it, when he saw Lingluo and a few of her friends walking out of it, Zhao Fu showed a bit of a despicable smile.


A huge dragon roar sounded, and a blood dragon condensed from many insects and beasts appeared in the sky. It looked very terrifying and exuded a huge dragon might.

Lingjuan and Lingkong immediately rushed out with people, looking at the blood dragon in the sky with a pair of eyes, everyone felt that the blood dragon only had the power of the emperor heaven,

With a hint of contempt, those present can easily get rid of this blood dragon.

Lingjuan asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The blood dragon is a fusion of the corpse of the black dragon that Zhao Fu killed before, and the corpses of many insects and beasts. It possesses a part of Zhao Fu's power and is considered a clone of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said, "Hand over your holy relic, I can spare your daughter and others."

Lingjuan was surprised at first, it turned out that the person's goal was not the inheritance of the ancient spirits, but the sacred relics of the ancients, but hearing the next words, the anger on Lingjuan's face, sensed the city, and found that her daughter and her Several friends are gone.

Lingjuan said angrily, "Where did you take my daughter?"

The expressions of the other people changed. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu really caught Lingjuan's daughter, but they didn't collect anything. It only showed that the strength of that person was very terrifying, and everyone didn't have the contempt before.

Zhao Fu said, "I've said it all, as long as I hand over your family's sacred relics, I will let them go. Now they don't have anything to worry about."

Lingjuan also saw that the blood dragon in front of him was not the real body, and said coldly, "I already know that you are a member of the clan, you don't have to hide your identity, do you know what you are doing now? Immediately plead guilty and let my daughter go, or else No matter who you are in the clan, I will kill you."

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