The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2722 Bronze Fragment (unsealed and updated)

Volume 1 Chapter 169

Lingjuan's complexion changed, and she immediately used the defensive cover to block the grabbed arms, and each arm hit the defensive cover. Although it couldn't break Lingjuan's defense, the crazy and abnormal breath made Lingjuan's defense. Cuckoo felt a chill. .o Now Zhao Fu is fully exerting the power of the first evil immortal, so that crazy twisted and perverted breath is extremely strong and pure.

A blood force also wrapped Lingjuan and began to erode Lingjuan's defensive cover.

Lingjuan also began to use her true power. Countless white rays of light emanated from her body, forming a 100-meter-high light man. This light man looked exactly like Lingjuan, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

After the light man appeared, he punched the blood-colored earthworm with a huge force, directly hitting the blood-colored earthworm on the ground, making a loud noise, the ground shattered, and countless rocks flew out.

After the Guangren knocked down Zhao Fu's earthworm clone, he raised his fist and punched Zhao Fu again. Zhao Fu's earthworm clone angrily patted and bit the Guangren with one mouth.


A loud explosion sounded, and the blood-colored earthworm's head was smashed with a punch, and countless flesh and blood splashed out.


The next moment, the headless blood-colored earthworm grew countless heads, fiercely biting towards the naked man, biting at different places on the naked man's body one by one. .o Guangren's face was furious, and he punched the blood-colored earthworm's body, smashing the body of the blood-colored earthworm, but the blood-colored earthworm didn't let go, and continued to bite the Guangren ferociously.

Standing on the hillside, Zhao Fu looked at the city ahead and understood that it would be very difficult to obtain those three bronze fragments. Now there is only one way left. That is to use the seven bronze fragments in his body to mobilize the three bronze fragments in the ancestral hall and let them run out on their own.

The three bronze pieces in the ancestral hall are different from other bronze fragments. After so many years of nourishment, they have recovered a little strength, and it is possible to be drawn out.

Of course, there is a possibility of failure. Zhao Fu intends to give it a final try. If it doesn’t work, he can only wait a few days and think about whether there are other ways.

Zhao Fu's body squatted down, and the power of the source of chaos poured out, a golden magic circle appeared on the ground, and seven bronze fragments emerged from the void, floating around Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pressed it to the ground.

The three bronze fragments floating on the many spirit tablets in the ancestral hall sensed this pure source power and began to tremble.


A huge roar sounded, and the three fragments radiated countless golden rays of light. A huge and desperate beam rushed into the sky, as if it smashed the sky. A huge golden beam of light was formed, and a huge source of power was like a tide. Generally gush. .o Lingjuan's clone stopped with a look of astonishment, and looked at the huge golden beam of light behind him.

Countless people in the city also looked at the golden beam of light in shock, feeling the strong and pure source of power, their bodies seemed to be imprisoned there, unable to move a single bit, and their minds also suffered a huge impact.

The body of Lingjuan and the people in Lingkong in the distance also looked at the golden beam of light in the distance with surprise.

Lingjuan said anxiously, "Something happened! Let's hurry back."

Everyone responded, and they all flew towards the city quickly.


The three bronze fragments in the ancestral hall turned into three golden streamers and shot out of the ancestral hall, and also dragged out three golden flow marks.

Lingjuan wanted to stop it, but the speed of the three fragments was extremely fast. Before she could do anything, the three fragments flew into the distance and flew in the direction of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu, who was squatting on the hillside, saw three golden streams of light coming, and a smile appeared on his face.

The three bronze shards stopped in front of Zhao Fu, and there was a faint golden light above the intimate, as if he had met his master, Zhao Fu smiled and put the three bronze shards away, and flew in one direction at a very fast speed.

Now that the fragments are in hand, they must escape from here as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to escape when Lingjuan's body returns.

Lingjue stopped above the ancestral hall and found that the three fragments had disappeared.

Lingkong said with an ugly face, "How can the sacred objects of our family fly away by themselves?"

The other people's faces were not good-looking. The sacred objects they had been nourishing were lost. They were also very surprised that the sacred objects would fly away by themselves. This almost impossible thing happened.

Lingjuan said in a deep voice, "The origin of this person may be very terrifying. He should not be from our family. With the strength of our family, we have no ability to make the bronze shards like this. Perhaps as he said, he is the owner of the bronze shards."

Lingkong said, "Bronze fragments contain the source power of the chaotic world. Back then, our ancestors were also nourished by the source power of the relics, and then our self-consciousness was born. The ancestors also understood that this matter was important, so they chose to live in a secret realm. Hide your identity."

"If he is the owner of the bronze shards and can control the bronze shards at will, then only the people of the Yuanyuan family in the chaotic world can do it, but the Yuanyuan family has disappeared for countless years, and it is impossible to appear here."

Lingjuan said, "No! You should have heard the news of the son of chaos, and that son of chaos is also collecting bronze fragments."

Everyone was shocked, their eyes were wide open, their hearts were beating violently, and there was no way to stop them.

Lingkong said in a trembling voice, "You said that person is the son of Chaos?"

Lingjuan nodded earnestly, "I can't think of a second person with such ability except him."

Lingkong continued to ask, "Then what should we do?"

Lingjuan sighed, "Don't worry about it, our family can't afford such a level of existence, and the bronze fragments belonged to their family. The three fragments have been in the hands of our family for so many years, and they only used a little strength, but he can Easy to use, he is the real master of the fragments."

Everyone sighed one after another. The three fragments were sacred objects of their family. Losing them now would be a huge loss for the Ancient Spirits. Although they were not reconciled, there was nothing they could do. This belonged to someone else.

The key point is that their family can't afford to offend. Although their family has a great power, they are like ants that can be pinched to death in the face of the origin family born together with the world.

At this time, a blood-colored worm crawled out from one side, and there were several unconscious teenagers and girls lying on it. It was the missing Lingluo.

Zhao Fu didn't want to hurt them at first, so he sent them away to ease the relationship between the two parties. The most important thing was to let Zhao Fu escape from here.

Seeing that her daughter was all right, Lingjue breathed a sigh of relief, and woke up several young girls with a wave of her hand.

Everyone in Lingluo looked puzzled and didn't know what was going on.

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