The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2724 Ancient God of War (unblocked and updated)

Volume 1 Chapter 171

Wang Jian's many generals came here, and looked at such a terrifying ancient soldier, and also showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect such a big change in the ancient soldier.

The ancient soldier's six blood-colored eyes glanced at Wang Jian and everyone, and his ferocious nature was uncontrollably revealed. The terrifying aura that exuded made it seem like he fell into ice water, his body couldn't help shaking, and his heart poured out a strong feeling. of fear.

Wang Jian's expression changed, and he felt that the ancient god of war had malice towards them, and was about to order a suppression.

The brutal nature of the ancient soldier really wanted to attack Wang Jian and everyone, wanting to destroy everything around him and slaughter all the living beings, but the next moment a trace of power permeated his mind, and the ancient soldier felt like he fell into the abyss immediately. Extreme fear.

At this time, the ancient soldier immediately regained his senses and realized that he had a master who was ten thousand times more terrifying than him. Thinking of that master, the ancient soldier immediately became honest, and he was afraid of what happened just now. If he really did something to Wang Jian and everyone, Then he will suffer endless pain, and he will not die.

Wang Jian was relieved when he saw that the ancient soldier was back to normal. If the ancient soldier ran rampant, it would cause great trouble to Da Qin, and he might need to use the wrath of the god of war to suppress it.

After the ancient soldier returned to normal, he looked at the other ancient soldier gods around him, and when he raised his head to the sky, he let out a huge roar, and the heaven and earth began to change immediately. There is a metallic smell.

Countless alchemy powers continued to gather, and the colorful clouds became larger and larger, exuding an astonishing coercion, covering all directions.

Wang Jian looked at the colorful sky and didn't know what this ancient soldier was doing. This ancient soldier just obeyed their majesty, and they couldn't control it at will.

roar roar...

Countless ancient warrior gods became extremely excited, Yang Tian let out a loud roar, the sound shook all directions, as if a group of demons were born, the picture was both shocking and scary.


From the mouth of the ancient soldier, a huge blood-colored light beam spewed out, shooting towards the colorful clouds in the sky with a terrifying momentum.

The colorful clouds tumbling and surging immediately formed slender spirals that fell from the sky, falling into the mouths of the ancient gods of war.

The ancient god of war devoured this force frantically, his body exuded countless rays of light, his body was also growing rapidly, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

It was only at this moment that everyone in Wang Jian understood that the ancient soldier master was using his own power to induce changes in the world and enhance the power of all the ancient soldier gods.

I saw the crazy growth of those ancient warrior gods, and they didn't stop until they grew to a kilometer. In front of Wang Jian's crowd, a thousand-meter-high gathering appeared. Each of them had blood-colored eyes and a pair of claws-like hands, emitting a threat to the world. The breath, the picture looks extremely terrifying.

Wang Jian looked at the countless ancient warrior gods with a smile on his face. These ancient warrior gods would play a great role in the next battlefield.

The colorful clouds in the sky dissipated, and the visions around them stopped. The ancient soldier looked at Wang Jian and everyone and roared a few times, as if to say, where is my great master?

He obtained such a powerful power, and it also enhanced the power of all the ancient warrior gods, allowing them to exert their original power, so he wanted to take credit and let Zhao Fu give him more rewards.

Now he needs more of Zhao Fu's source blood. With this source blood, he can unleash the full potential of the ancient warrior gods and further his strength. As for the ordinary alchemy heart, it has no effect on him.

Wang Jian understood the meaning of the ancient soldier, and replied, "Your Majesty has gone to the Chaos World and has not returned."

The ancient soldier roared in disappointment, and then let the many ancient soldiers dispersed.

Wang Jian did not disturb the group of ancient warrior gods either, and said with a smile, "The order will be revealed to the world and tell the changes of the ancient warrior gods in Daqin."

The Great Qin Empire,

Now the huge power of the Daqin Empire is controlled by two people. The two people are Li Si and Bai Qi. One of them handles internal affairs and the other handles military affairs.

Upon receiving the news from the alchemy world, Li Si said with a smile, "I should be very happy when His Majesty returns."

A smile appeared on Bai Qi's face, "Yeah! During this period, we'd better be prepared for the affairs of the various kingdoms."

Li Si asked, "How do you deal with the worms?"

Bai Qi replied, "I have re-sent some strong men to find the nests of insect beasts in the chaotic world, and complete the things that His Majesty has not completed. These insect beasts are now the most important means to check and balance the major kingdoms, and there is nothing wrong."

Li Si nodded, "I don't know how long it will take for His Majesty to come back. There is no news at all. I hope that there will be no danger."

Bai Qi said, "With Your Majesty's luck over all sentient beings, it is difficult for anyone in this world to kill His Majesty. We don't have to worry too much."

Daqin harem.

Wu Qingniang snorted softly, "That guy doesn't know how to be happy there. He hasn't come back yet, and he must teach him a good lesson when he comes back."

Nvlu said with a smile, "Maybe Xianggong has something serious to do, otherwise he won't come back so late, and he won't send back some news."

Jiang Rou said with a light smile, "I don't mind how he is outside, as long as there is no accident!"

Nvlu smiled and said, "Well, I'm used to it, I just hope he's okay and I can rest assured, now the huge Qin Empire is all about him.

Heart, he must not have an accident. "

Wu Qingniang said, "Don't worry about him, he can't be in trouble. After all, there are now eight supreme emperor stars blessing."

Hanano also hummed softly, "Let's just wait for him to come back!"

His eyes finally returned to Zhao Fu.

After Zhao Fu escaped from the secret realm, he felt that no one was chasing him, and felt a little strange in his heart, but he was relieved and returned to the previous city.

Alasna looked at Zhao Fu's return and asked, "How is it?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I got three bronze shards, and I also devoured an ancient spirit realm. The harvest is not small, but we must leave here immediately."

Alasna smiled and hummed.

There should be no bronze fragments nearby. Many of the powerhouses who entered the ruins before have been unable to find them. There are only a few people's information. I hope they have bronze fragments in their hands.

Now the bronze fragments in Zhao Fu's hands have reached ten, and it is estimated that a third of the fragments have been collected.

Zhao Fu and the others followed the information and flew in one direction.

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