The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2726 Demon Dragon Young Master (Updated and Unblocked)

Volume 1 Chapter 173

Long Hongming's face also became serious. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to have such a big background. Since he is the heir of that evil dragon, he must have some purpose in coming here, and it must cause some disasters. The pulse may be uneven.

When Zhao Fu heard Long Wushui's puzzled look, he wondered who it was, and then suddenly thought of the black dragon that was sealed, and he had obtained her inheritance.

Zhao Fu looked at the cute girl hanging on his body, "Long Wushui Longzun you said is the sealed magic dragon?"

The cute girl smiled sweetly and nodded, "Yes, is Lord Long Zun okay now?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Not bad, there are still more than a hundred years before the seal can be unlocked."


There was an uproar around everyone, with expressions of shock and fear on their faces. The dragon has more than 100 years to unlock the seal? If she breaks the seal and they will be persecuted again, what's going on? Wasn't that evil dragon always sealed?

Long Hongming was also surprised. He didn't even know that the dragon was going to unlock the seal. This was definitely a major event that shook the dragon's lineage.

The girl opened her big eyes, "Really? That's great."

She didn't know that the relationship between Zhao Fu and the demon dragon was not good. The demon dragon might find Zhao Fu to kill him as soon as the seal was released, and she didn't know that Zhao Fu could release the seal of the demon dragon at any time.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "What's your name?"

The cute girl replied, "My name is Long Yunyun."

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Well, did your master leave anything good?"

Long Yunyun asked strangely, "Young master, your words are so strange. The master should also be your master. What do you say about your master?"

Zhao Fu showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, "Then did Master leave anything good?"

Long Yunyun tilted his head and thought, "I don't know, do you want to go back to the master's Dragon Palace with me?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Okay!"

Now that the person has no bronze fragments, Zhao Fu has nowhere to go. He can go to Long Wushui's Dragon Palace to see. She likes to collect treasures, and maybe there are some treasures.

Long Wushui still doesn't know about this, if he knew what Zhao Fu did, he would definitely explode.

Long Hongming hurriedly said, "Wait!"

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at him and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Now that Zhao Fu is someone who will definitely cause major events in the future, Long Hongming naturally wants to know more about Zhao Fu and understand what kind of person Zhao Fu is.

Long Hongming said with a smile, "I did something wrong just now. I also ask this friend not to worry about it."

Zhao Fu returned, "Oh!"

Long Hongming continued, "I want to meet my friends, I don't know if you want to."

Zhao Fu thought, "No problem!"

Long Yunyun pursed his lips and said, "Young Master, don't have anything to do with them. These people don't help when their master is sealed, and they still don't help the master to unlock the seal. They hate them so much."

Zhao Fu said with a blushing face, "It is precisely because Master is too withdrawn that he was sealed away without a single person.

Help, as the inheritor of Master, I should change this situation, and now I am also thinking of Master for the sake of Master. "

Long Yunyun thought for a while and felt that what Zhao Fu said made sense, so he nodded without objection.

Long Hongming breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he thought that Zhao Fu was also an evil and cruel person, but now he feels that Zhao Fu is a good person.

Long Hongming said, "I don't know what your name is?"

Zhao Fu replied, "My name is Long Tianba!"

Zhao Fu chose this name casually, thinking that the Dragon Clan is named after the dragon, so he also chose one after the dragon.

Long Hongming said with a smile, "Brother Ba, let's find a place to chat, I want to know more about you."

Zhao Fu said, "I have something to say! I still have something to do."

Long Hongming looked embarrassed, "I don't know what the identity of Brother Tianba is? It doesn't seem like we belong to the ancient dragon clan, so how did we get the inheritance of Dragon Venerable?"

Long Yunyun also looked at Zhao Fu curiously, she also wanted to know the information of the young master.

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, first, I am from the ancient dragon clan, and when he said that Zhao Fu exudes a pure aura of the ancient devil dragon, everyone was stunned. people.

Zhao Fu continued, "I don't want to say my identity, and you probably won't be able to find out. As for how I got my inheritance, I accidentally broke into the seal. After being appreciated and liked by Long Zun, she passed it all on to me. , and gave me all her treasures.

If Long Wushui heard this, he would have wanted to eat Zhao Fu immediately. Zhao Fu tortured her severely, and finally they reached a deal to give Zhao Fu treasure and inheritance. She didn't appreciate Zhao Fu at all, but hated Zhao Fu thoroughly. just.

Long Yunyun said with a smile, "I believe in the master's vision, young master, you must have extraordinary talents, I believe you will become the young master of the magic dragon lineage, and now we have no young master in the magic dragon lineage, is it the master faction? Are you coming back to be the young master?"

Long Hongming's heart was shocked and he almost forgot about it. Now their Demon Dragon lineage is about to elect the young master. When Zhao Fu came back at this time, he must have come to compete for the position of the young master.

With Zhao Fu's strength, Long Hongming felt that Zhao Fu might become the young master, and he couldn't help but pay more attention to Zhao Fu. If Zhao Fu became the young master of the demon dragon lineage, he would be the most honorable person in the demon dragon lineage.

When Zhao Fu heard this, he looked puzzled, "What young master?"

Hearing this, Long Yunyun and Long Hongming looked surprised.

Long Yunyun said strangely, "Young Master, didn't the master tell you? Our Demon Dragon Lineage will elect the Young Master of the Demon Dragon Lineage every once in a while. In the future, we will lead the Demon Dragon Lineage, and now we will choose the Young Master. time."

Zhao Fu asked, "What are the benefits of being the young master of the Demon Dragon Lineage?"

Long Yunyun called out with a stroke, "There are so many great benefits, becoming a young master you will be admired and worshipped by the entire line of demon dragons, you will have endless treasures and women, and you will also be able to obtain the inheritance of the ancient desolate and ancient demon dragons, and even You can also become the master of the entire Huanggu Dragon Clan, awakening the Dragon Clan's highest emperor star, Huanggu Longxing."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu showed an interested smile, "I can give it a try and see if I can get the position of the young master."

Long Yunyun said happily, "I believe that the young master will definitely become the young master of the magic dragon."

Long Hongming also wanted to compete for the position of the young master, but he knew that he was not Zhao Fu's opponent, so he gave up the idea and said with a smile, "I am just brother Tianba becoming the young master of the dragon!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you!"

The black dragon lying on the other side also seized this opportunity and said flatteringly, "I wholeheartedly support you to become the young master of the devil dragon lineage."

Now he just wants Zhao Fu not to pursue the things just now, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

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