The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2736 Three-headed dragon (unblocked and updated)

Volume 1 Chapter 183

In the end, the black dragon and the spear dissipated, and the golden chain dragon hit Long Ju and flew out, falling to the ground and spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhao Fu came to Long Ju and said, "Do you want to continue?"

When everyone saw this scene, they sighed in their hearts. They thought that Long Ju would be Zhao Fu's opponent, but now that Zhao Fu is far stronger than Long Ju, this time Long Ju is sure to lose.

Zhao Fu refreshed everyone's expectations at one time. Long Ju was the second-ranked powerhouse, but he was defeated so easily by Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu didn't seem to have erupted with all his strength, which was really surprising. I don't know how strong Zhao Fu really is.

Long Qingzhu looked at the scene in front of her, and she was not surprised. When she was easily defeated by Zhao Fu, she thought that Long Ju was not an opponent.

It's a pity that Long Ju did not force out all of Zhao Fu's power. Now Long Qingzhu is very curious about Zhao Fu, not only how strong Zhao Fu is, but also his identity.

Long Hongming smiled, Zhao Fu easily defeated Long Ju, as long as he defeated Long Moya, he would become the young master of the Demon Dragon lineage.

At this time, Long Ju got up from the ground, "I still want to try it!"


A huge roar sounded, and a terrifying force erupted from Long Ju's body, and the black dragon energy spread out like a tide, and a wind also blew.

Zhao Fu felt that the power of Dragon Jurisdiction continued to grow stronger!

I saw that the armor on Long Xia was integrated into his body. Long Xia's body radiated black light and continued to grow. The last one was five meters high, with three dragon heads, four arms, and a black dragon power monster appeared.


After the monster appeared, the mouths of the three dragon heads opened, and three black light beams shot at Zhao Fu with astonishing power.

Zhao Fu exudes a force, and a black energy shield emerges and wraps around Zhao Fu's body.


The three black beams of light shot on Zhao Fu's energy shield, making a loud noise, and some cracks appeared in the defensive shield.


The monster's left and right heads quickly grew out, and it bit Zhao Fu from the left and right, very fast.


Zhao Fu's protective cover was shattered by two dragon heads, and the two dragon heads continued to bite Zhao Fu fiercely, and Zhao Fu immediately stepped back.

The two faucets turned around and opened their mouths to shoot out two black beams.

This time Zhao Fu was unprepared and was knocked out by the black beam. He suffered some injuries, but his injuries were not serious.


The two faucets continued to shoot towards Zhao Fu at a high speed, like two black shadows that could not be seen clearly, their speed reached a limit.

At this time, scales appeared on Zhao Fu's other hand, and a powerful breath spread out.

The two faucets quickly bit towards Zhao Fu from the left and right, but he did not expect Zhao Fu to open his hands directly and grab the two faucets that had been shot.

The two dragon heads struggled hard, but they couldn't break free from Zhao Fu's hands.

The head between the monsters also grew rapidly at this time, shooting towards Zhao Fu like a bolt of lightning.

Just when the dragon head was biting Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu grabbed the two dragon heads and punched the other one. A dull sound came out. The three dragon heads collided, and the monster felt dizzy.

Zhao Fu then kicked out with force, and the powerful force kicked the three dragon heads into the air.

The three heads of the monster also shrank back immediately.

Zhao Fu's body flew towards the monster.

The monster didn't have any fear, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a powerful aura.

Zhao Fu clenched one fist and hit the monster with a powerful force, and the monster clenched four fists and hit Zhao Fu with astonishing power.


A blast of air sounded, and the two forces collided together, turning into a gust of wind and blowing away. Zhao Fu took a step back, and the monster's body took five steps back.

Zhao Fu continued to charge towards the monster.

The monster raised its four dragon claws and patted Zhao Fu with a terrifying force. Zhao Fu suddenly dodged the attack by dodging to the side, and then attacked from the side. He punched the monster's waist hard, and the severe pain caused the monster to let out a scream.

But Zhao Fu's attack did not stop. Zhao Fu's other fist quickly hit the monster again. The monster frantically grabbed at Zhao Fu, carrying countless terrifying claw prints, which were densely packed like a net, as if everything was covered. Shred in general.

Zhao Fu's body quickly retreated.

The monster angrily chased after Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, and suddenly instead of retreating, he rushed towards the monster. First, he dodged a blow from the monster, and then kicked the monster away with one foot. The monster rushed back in anger in one place, and the four dragon claws risked The black light grabbed forward, and four black crescent moons slashed towards Zhao Fu with astonishing power.

Zhao Fu also gathered the dragon power in his claws, and after a while, two black crescent monsters slashed over.


An explosion sounded, the two collided, and countless black rays of light shot out.

When the black light disappeared, Zhao Fu had already appeared on top of the monster's head, punching with terrifying power, blasting the air.

This punch directly hit the monster's chest, and the monster's body quickly fell back to the ground, smashing a big hole on the ground.

The monster spit out a mouthful of blood, but it still fought quickly. The monster's defensive physique and recovery speed were not good.

Often perverted.

If others meet such an opponent, they will have a headache, but unfortunately he is facing Zhao Fu,

Originally, Zhao Fu's body disappeared, and he instantly appeared in front of him. He kicked it out again, and the monster was kicked out with a huge force.

The next second, Zhao Fu's body appeared on the monster's back, and a powerful force gathered on the dragon's claws.

The face of the flying monster changed, and he wanted to turn around to defend, but it was too late. Zhao Fu slapped the back of the monster with a paw. The huge force destroyed the monster's body in an instant, and turned back to Long Ju's body and flew backwards. go out.

Long Ju fell to the ground with wounds all over his body, and his body was severely injured.

Zhao Fu came to him and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

Long Xia shook his head with a wry smile, "No need, I know it's not your opponent, I wanted to try to force out all your strength, but I found that I still couldn't do it, I admit defeat."

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Your strength is not weak, but you are weaker than me."

Long Ju said with an embarrassed smile, "Well! I can't compare with you. When will you show me all your power?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This needs someone who can let me do my best!"

Long Xia looked at Long Moya, "The next thing is the battle between you and him. I'm convinced by your defeat, and I hope you can defeat him and become the young master of the dragon."

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