The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2761 Breeze Sword Intent

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Volume 1 Chapter 208

Some of the people who matched several Tianjiao turned pale, and they knew that they would definitely lose.

The crowd began to move to one side for a one-on-one duel.

Tie Qingfeng said, "You are not my opponent, you should quit!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "How do you know if you don't try?"

Tie Qingfeng said coldly, "Well, I'll let you see the power of the Xuantian epee."

Tie Qingfeng took off the heavy sword on his back and swung forward to Zhao Fu, and a huge and heavy sword wind slashed towards Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu will block in front of him, the sword emits a slight sword light.


With a dull sound, Jian Feng stood on Zhao Fu's sword. Although Zhao Fu blocked Jian Feng, his body retreated four or five steps, and the hand holding the sword trembled.

As a kendo genius, Tie Qingfeng is proud of himself.

Zhao Fu's expression was serious, and his body turned into a few breezes, flying towards Tie Qingfeng.

Tie Qingfeng smiled contemptuously, the heavy sword in his hand slashed, and a huge sword qi flew towards Zhao Fu.

The sword energy was so strong that it forced Zhao Fu to retreat into the few breezes that he had transformed into, and then re-condensed into his body to escape the blow.

Tie Qingfeng then disappeared on the spot and appeared in front of Zhao Fu. A sword slashed towards Zhao Fu with powerful force. Zhao Fu couldn't stop the power of this swordsmanship, so he could only hide to the side. Tie Qingfeng immediately changed his sword move and continued to slash towards Zhao Fu with one sword.


Zhao Fu was slashed by a sword, his body quickly flew backwards, fell heavily to the ground, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Tie Qingfeng was a little surprised, this person only suffered such a light injury from his blow, and the dragon's physique is really strong.

Everyone also understands that the gap between the two sides is huge, Zhao Fu will undoubtedly lose, and there is no chance of winning.

Tie Qingfeng said with a hint of arrogance, "I told you to quit!"

Zhao Fu stood up from the ground, and his expression became cold. He closed his eyes once, and his body immediately turned into a few breezes and shot at Tie Qingfeng.

Tie Qingfeng contemptuously slashed out another sword, and a huge sword arc slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Several of the breezes were cut open by the sword arc, and the remaining breeze crossed the sword arc and turned into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu came to Tie Qingfeng and slashed at him with a sword.

Tie Qingfeng stood still,


A thick sword qi burst out from his body, forming a thick sword cover. Zhao Fu slashed on it with a sword, but he couldn't cut through the thick sword cover.

Tie Qingfeng swung the heavy sword again and slashed at Zhao Fu with a powerful sword force.

Zhao Fu's body turned into a few breezes, and he went around behind Tie Qingfeng, and the sword in his hand was slashed out with a cyan sword light.


Zhao Fu's sword slashed on Tie Qingfeng's sword cover, but he still couldn't cut the sword cover.

Tie Qingfeng backhanded a sword, forcing Zhao Fu's body back.

Now Tie Qingfeng's defense can't be broken, and Zhao Fu has nothing to win at all.

Feng Yao people are also worried.

At this time, Zhao Fu's consciousness was immersed in that blue sword power. The blue sword power was the inheritance of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and Zhao Fu also relied on it to master and improve the Qingfeng Sword Intent.

Tie Qingfeng turned to look at Zhao Fu with his eyes closed, raised his sword and slashed it down, a terrifying sword light slashed towards Zhao Fu, dragging a crack on the ground.

Zhao Fu's body turned into a few breezes at once and spread out around him.

Tie Qingfeng was no longer interested in wasting time with Zhao Fu, he stretched out a hand, and a huge sword intent slammed into Zhao Fu like a river. With such a large area, even if Zhao Fu turned into a few breezes, he could not hide. open.

At this critical moment, several strands of fresh wind radiated a strong cyan light, gathered together again, and turned into a cyan whirlwind and flew into the sky.

Tie Qingfeng raised his outstretched hand, and the terrifying sword intent slammed into the cyan whirlwind from bottom to top.


A sword cry sounded, and the cyan whirlwind in the sky spread out at one time, condensed into many cyan sword lights, and quickly flew towards the Tie Qingfeng below.

Tie Qingfeng controlled the sword intent pouring out of his hands, forming a thick wall of sword intent.

bang bang bang...

The numerous cyan sword lights shot on the thick sword intent wall and stopped, but only shot an inch in, unable to shoot through the wall.

Tie Qingfeng pushed forward with his hand, and the sword intent wall turned into a stream, and with a terrifying momentum, slammed into the numerous blue sword lights.

The cyan sword light immediately turned into numerous cyan sword qi and fled, avoiding the heavy sword intent.

Many cyan sword qi condensed in the sky at one time, and turned into Zhao Fu's body again. Still with his eyes closed, Zhao Fu then brought out a cyan streamer and shot at Tie Qingfeng.

Tie Qingfeng waved the heavy sword in his hand.


A steel crash sounded, the two swords slammed together, and many sparks erupted, and a strong wind spread.

Tie Qingfeng was a little surprised, he clearly felt that Zhao Fu's sword intent was stronger than before.

However, this was not his opponent. Tie Qingfeng swung his sword vigorously, and knocked Zhao Fu's body into the air, and caught up with another sword. A powerful sword light slashed towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu blocked the sword in front of him, and countless breezes blew out from the sword.


Countless breezes are still hit by that sword

The light cut off, and Zhao Fu's body was still knocked out, but the breeze weakened most of the power of the sword light, and Zhao Fu was not injured.

Tie Qingfeng leaped into the sky with force, and the sword in his hand brought out a huge black sword light and slashed towards Zhao Fu.

At this moment, Zhao Fu's whole body burst out with cyan sword light, and the same sword slashed out with force.


Another sound of steel slamming sounded, the two swords collided together, a sword force spread, and Zhao Fu's body was knocked out at once.

Tie Qingfeng's face also became serious. He sensed that Zhao Fu's kendo power was increasing, and the speed of this increase was too fast.

Tie Qingfeng slashed towards Zhao Fu with a sword.

Zhao Fu's body then turned into a few breezes and spread out, and a few breezes gathered in another place to form Zhao Fu's body, but the next moment Tie Qingfeng's body appeared above Zhao Fu, a sword emitting a strong sword light , slashed towards Zhao Fu.


With a loud noise, Zhao Fu was hit by a sword and fell to the ground. The ground shattered, and the sand and dust spread to cover everyone's sight.

There was no surprise to everyone. Zhao Fu's kendo strength was far from Tie Qingfeng's. If he suffered such a terrifying blow, Zhao Fu should have lost.

But the smoke dispersed, Zhao Fu's body was wrapped in a breeze and floated above the big pit without much damage.

This time, everyone's faces were astonished. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to endure this blow.

Tie Qingfeng's expression was also a little stunned. First, he did not seriously injure Zhao Fu, and second, he felt that Zhao Fu's swordsmanship continued to increase.

But this kendo power was not his opponent. Tie Qingfeng raised the sword in his hand, and several terrifying black sword lights with terrifying destructive power quickly slashed towards Zhao Fu.

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