The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2763 Green Sword Bird

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Volume 1 Chapter 210


Tie Qingfeng slashed out with a sword, and the giant sword phantom appeared at one time, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with a huge and heavy force.

Zhao Fu dodged and avoided.

The giant sword phantom swiped across the ground, and easily cut a deep ditch on the ground, leaving strands of black and thick sword energy.

Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand, a breeze wrapped around the body of the sword, and a whip whipped Tie Qingfeng with a powerful force.

Tie Qingfeng's epee stood in front of him, blocking Zhao Fu's attack.

Zhao Fu's body flew forward, turning into numerous cyan sword lights, with sharp powers, shooting towards the Tie Qingfeng like raindrops.

Tie Qingfeng injected a force into the epee, and the epee kept pouring out black sword energy, forming a black semi-circle cover.

bang bang bang...

One after another cyan sword light shot on the black cover like a violent storm, which seemed very terrifying, but there was no way to break the black cover.

Numerous cyan sword lights scattered into countless cyan sword qi, surrounding Tie Qingfeng and wanted to attack from all directions.


The sword in Tie Qingfeng's hand swung hard, and the huge black sword qi that poured out quickly slashed towards the surrounding blue sword qi.

The cyan sword energy was continuously attacked and retreated, then gathered together and turned into Zhao Fu's body.

Tie Qingfeng immediately appeared in front of Zhao Fu, raised the heavy sword in his hand, and slashed towards Zhao Fu with the momentum of splitting a mountain.

Zhao Fu also swung the sword in his hand vigorously, slashing towards Tie Qingfeng with a strong cyan sword light.


There was a sound of metal colliding with cracking stones and piercing gold, and a terrifying force spread in the air, like a gust of wind.


Zhao Fu's body was knocked out, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but Zhao Fu immediately raised his sword and stabbed it, and a sword qi that was as gentle as the morning breeze shot towards Tie Qingfeng.

Tie Qingfeng used his heavy sword to block in front of him, but he was still knocked out by this gentle sword intent.

The two continued to fight in the air,

Ling Ye looked at him with a surprised expression. The current Zhao Fu is so different from the Zhao Fu he had seen before. It is hard to imagine that Zhao Fu has become a person who can rival the arrogance of the swordsman.

Nv Jian'er was also very surprised. She didn't expect Zhao Fu's talent to be so terrifying. He could possess such terrifying kendo power in a short period of time. If he was given a certain amount of time, he would definitely surpass her.

The funny thing is that she thought Zhao Fu was weak before and asked Zhao Fu to quit earlier. If she met him as an opponent next time, Nv Jian'er didn't have the confidence to win.

Beast Defeat also cares about Zhao Fu, because he didn't like Zhao Fu at all before, and now Zhao Fu's change has surprised him too much.

As for Jian Qi and Tian Ming, they didn't really care, because with Zhao Fu's current strength, they couldn't threaten them.

The people watching the battle around watched the two fighting with excitement and excitement, discussing enthusiastically.

"Both of them are amazing, I'm so excited to see that, it's not a battle between the two geniuses."

"I want to apologize. I underestimated the young master of the dragon. I didn't expect the potential to be so perverted, and I caught up with Tie Qingfeng in one fell swoop. Such a talent is worthy of becoming Tianjiao."

"Who are you talking about now? I feel that Tie Qingfeng has a bigger advantage."

"Really? I feel that the young master of the magic dragon may win, and now the young master of the magic dragon is still growing rapidly."

"I support that Demon Dragon Young Master to win, and I now believe in his strength."


Among the many strong people in the stands, some people looked more serious, but some people began to admire Zhao Fu.


There was a loud noise, and Tie Qingfeng was slashed to the ground by Zhao Fu's sword, hitting a big hole, but he didn't suffer much damage.

Tie Qingfeng looked at Zhao Fu seriously. If he had some advantages just now, now his swordsmanship strength is almost the same as Zhao Fu's, and he has no advantage.

Tie Qingfeng raised the sword, the world began to change color, and countless spiritual powers quickly gathered, shouting, "Xuantian Sword Gang!"


A huge roar sounded, and a black metal beam fell from the sky and landed on Tie Qingfeng's body, and a terrifying wave continued to spread.

The beam spreads out, and a black sword light wraps around Tie Qingfeng's body. He exudes an extremely huge sword power, like a human-shaped sword.

clang clang...

Tie Qingfeng waved the heavy sword in his hand, and more than a dozen sword lights slashed straight at Zhao Fu, dragging more than a dozen cracks on the ground.

At that moment, Zhao Fu turned into a few breezes and spread out, and then quickly gathered behind Tie Qingfeng, and slashed towards Tie Qingfeng's back with a sword with a cyan sword light.

But Tie Qingfeng did not dodge or dodge, and let Zhao Fujian slash on his back. What made people stunned was that the sword seemed to be slashed on hard metal and did not hurt Tie Qingfeng. This was the power of Xuantian Sword Handle.

Tie Qingfeng immediately backhanded his sword and slashed towards Zhao Fu behind him.

Zhao Fu immediately retracted the sword and blocked it in front of him. With a bang, Zhao Fu was still slashed by a sword and flew out.

Tie Qingfeng immediately shot several sword gangs from his body and quickly shot at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu immediately swung his sword and turned it into a huge cyan whirlwind, pulling the sword gangs that had been shot into the whirlwind, and a few sword gangs were cleared away.

The erosion of Feng Jianyi immediately collapsed.

Tie Qingfeng rushed directly into the cyan whirlwind, shouted loudly, and countless black sword gangs shot out from his body, instantly shooting through the cyan whirlwind, and the cyan whirlwind spread out.

Zhao Fu's body reappeared, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

A smile appeared on Tie Qingfeng's face, and he continued to charge towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu's face was cold, and countless cyan rays of light flew from his body into the sky. The surrounding spiritual power was also rapidly gathering, and a cool breeze was blowing around.


A huge chirping sounded, and countless dazzling blue rays of light radiated out, shining in all directions, and a huge and elegant blue bird appeared in the sky.

This huge blue bird emits blue light, but its body is transparent and slender, with a feather on its head, soft eyes, and winds around it, exuding a huge sword power, just like the elf of the wind.

Tie Qingfeng dragged the heavy sword from the ground to the blue bird in the sky.

The blue bird in the sky also wanted Tie Qingfeng to rush over. With two wings, countless breezes hit Tie Qingfeng overwhelmingly, like a super blue storm, tearing everything in front of him. The scene is extremely terrifying.

Tie Qingfeng's body shot out countless sword gangs, which shot towards the blue bird above like a hail of bullets, as if destroying them all.

bang bang bang...

Countless breezes and sword gangs collided together, making a loud noise. The blue wind and sword qi shot indiscriminately, and the ground was knocked out one by one, which soon became riddled with holes. A terrifying wave spread, making everyone feel scared.

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