The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2769 Goddess

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Volume 1 Chapter 216

When the two fought, everyone was still a little surprised. They expected Jian Qi to be very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong, like the king of swords.

The defeat of the beast in his hands is not wrong at all.

In a short period of time, two kendo talents failed, and there were only four people left in the audience. Zhao Fu and Nv Jian'er did not fight.

Seeing the powerful strength of Jian Qi and Tian Ming, Nu Jian'er already knew that she was not their opponent, so she hesitated in her heart to continue a challenge that must be defeated?

After thinking about it carefully, Nu Jian'er decided to give it a try, because it would be too humiliating to admit defeat without a fight.

Nu Jian'er looked at Tianming, and in front of Tianming, she said, "I want to compete with you!"

Tian Ming glanced at her, "You are not my opponent!"

Female Jian'er replied, "Yeah! I know, but I still have to give it a try."

With a hint of pride, Tian Ming said, "Then let's do it!"


The female Jian'er took out the sword tied to her waist and swung forward, three white crescent moons slashed towards Tianming with powerful force.

Tian Ming swung out a sword and chopped three white crescent moons into pieces.


Female Jian'er's sword stabbed forward with force, and a white sword light shot out and turned into a white holy phoenix, flapping its wings and charging towards Tianming with a huge momentum.

Tian Ming slashed out with a sword, and a demon appeared, fiercely pounced on the white phoenix.


With a loud noise, Bai Feng and the demon collided and turned into a huge wave of air blowing around, with a very loud momentum.


A huge white figure appeared behind Tian Ming, and that was Tian Jiannu, the guardian spirit of Nu Jian'er.

Tian Jiannu raised his hands like two white giant swords, slashing towards Tian Ming below with enormous strength.

Tian Ming stood in place without dodging or dodging, with a gray sword qi covering above his head.


Two white giant swords slashed on the gray sword qi cover, and a shock wave spread, but there was no way to break Tian Ming's sword qi defense cover.

The next second, Tian Jiannu turned one leg into a giant sword and kicked Xiang Tianming forcefully, bringing out a strong white sword light that was extremely terrifying.


A dull voice sounded, Tian Ming's body was knocked out, and he was not injured after stopping.

Tian Jiannu's other leg also turned into a giant sword, and both hands and feet had turned into giant swords. Tian Jiannu charged towards Tianming with a powerful sword force.

Tianming just wanted to launch an attack.

The female Jian'er suddenly appeared behind him, and a sword slashed at Tianming with a sharp white sword light.

Tian Ming quickly ducked to the side, dodging the blow.

Nu Jian'er looked at Tian Ming and said, "Although I am not your opponent, but I have the ability to hurt you, don't underestimate me."

At this time, Tian Jiannu was already beside Tian Ming, raised a large white sword, and slashed towards Tian Ming with force.

The corners of Tian Ming's mouth rose, revealing a smile, "Interesting!"

While speaking, Tian Ming stretched out a hand to the Tian Jian slave who was about to attack next to him.


A huge gray sword energy shot out from Tian Ming's palm, instantly knocking Tian Jiannu's body into the distance.

Tian Ming said with a smile, "I'm a little interested in you, how about being my partner?"

Female Jian'er snorted coldly, "Don't even think about it!"

With a sword swing, dozens of white crescent moons with powerful force slashed towards Tianming together, with an astonishing momentum.

The sword in Tian Ming's hand swiped forward, and a straight gray sword light slashed out. The picture seemed to freeze. The many white crescent moons that were shot in the past were smashed by a sword, turning into many white light spots and dissipating.

Tian Ming said with a smile, "I am more honorable than you as the descendant of the evil sword. You will not suffer from being my woman, and your power will be happy."

The female Jian'er did not answer, and another sword slashed towards Tianming.

Tian Ming blocked the sword of the female Jian'er with his sword and continued, "My patience is limited, you must know that there are very few women who interest me!"

Female Jian'er said coldly, "Wait until you become the Lord of Swords!"

Female Jian'er's body then retreated, and that day Jiannu came to Tianming's side, raised two white giant swords and slashed at Tianming.

Tian Ming swung out a sword with force, slashing out a huge sword light, and with one blow, the Tianjian slave flew into the sky, and said with a smile, "This time I am the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, and no one can stop me."

Female Jian'er sneered, "Don't be too confident, Jian Qi's strength is no weaker than you."

Tian Ming chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I will let you see how I defeat him, what if we agreed? As long as I become the Lord of Swords, you will become my woman?"

Female Jian'er sneered and said, "Okay! If you become the master of ten thousand swords, I will give you a chance."

Tian Ming said with a smile, "Well! Is it necessary to continue the battle between us, lady?"

Female Jian'er said angrily, "Don't call me that, of course you have to continue."

After speaking, the female Jian'er raised the sword. Above the sword finger, a white sword light rushed to the sky, and the huge spiritual power around them gathered quickly. Flower rain. Beautiful and dreamy.


Flower cut! "

The female Jian'er slashed out with force, and a huge white sword light with countless white petals slashed forward like a mountain splitting the ground, looking beautiful and terrifying.

This is the very famous sword move of the Heavenly Maiden Sword, and only a very powerful sword cultivator can use it.

Tian Ming injected a huge force into the sword and swung it forward with force. Countless demons roared and rushed towards the female Jian'er. horrible.


There was a loud noise, and the two collided together, causing a violent explosion, instantly blasting a big crater on the ground, and a wave of air mixed with white petals and magical energy rushed around, making people feel scared.

After the fluctuations dissipated, Nv Jian'er and Tian Ming both stood on one side. Nv Jian'er suffered some injuries, but Tian Ming was not injured. Tian Ming just kept his hand, otherwise Nv Jian'er's injury would have been more serious.

Tian Ming smiled and said, "Don't continue!"

The female swordsman snorted coldly.

A huge figure jumped down from the sky, exuding countless white sword qi all over his body, like a falling meteorite.

Tian Ming raised the sword, a huge force poured into it, and a terrifying sword light shot into the sky. In half, it turned into many sword qi collapses and dissipated.

Female Jian'er was also attacked by a force and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Tian Ming smiled and said, "Miss! Do you want to continue? Don't waste your energy."

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