The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2771 Tianming

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Volume 1 Chapter 218


Tian Ming attacked first, raised the sword in his hand, and a huge evil force spread out. A huge demon with a height of 1,000 meters appeared behind Tian Ming and let out a huge roar, exuding an extremely terrifying sense of oppression. ,

Everyone felt the oppressive feeling, and only felt that the body was plunged into darkness, and the hairs all over the body stood up, creating a strong fear.

This power is far stronger than when fighting the female swordsman. It seems that Tianming only used part of his strength to fight against the female swordsman from the beginning, and only used his real power in the face of a strong enemy.


The two made a loud noise, and the huge demon waved his sharp claws and cut out ten huge black arcs fiercely towards Jian Qi, as if it could smash a mountain to pieces.

clang clang...

Eight swords flew out of Jian Qi's body and flew in front of Jian Qi. The tips of the swords formed a circle outward, emitting a strong sword light, forming a round shield.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and ten huge black arcs slashed on the shield, turning into numerous black sword qi and dispersing, and Jian Qi's sword shield was not damaged.

Tian Ming's face was expressionless, just a tentative blow.


The demon leaned forward and lifted a demonic claw. The demonic claw emitted numerous black sword lights, with the power to penetrate the earth, and slapped it towards Jian Qi.


A dull voice sounded, the magic claw slammed on the sword and shield, and a huge force pressed against a radius of 100 meters, and the sword and shield began to slowly crack.


The sword and shield shattered, and Jian Qi's body turned into several sword lights and shot in all directions. The magic claw hit the ground, and the gray sword light penetrated from the ground, and the ground with a radius of 100 meters shattered instantly.

Jian Qi came to another place, looked at the huge demon with a serious face, took out the sword tied to his waist, and then many swords flew out, surrounding the sword held by Jian Qi, forming a large number of swords. composed of great swords.

Jian Qi swung his giant sword and slashed towards the huge demon, bringing a fierce sword wind.

The demon stretched out one claws, emitting a sword light, blocking the giant sword that came over, and grabbed the other claws towards Jian Qi.

Jian Qi immediately retracted the giant sword and hit it hard to the side, deflecting the claws that had been caught.

The demon raised one hand at a time, and the claws emitted a strong sword light, shining in all directions, exuding an astonishing sword power.


The magic claws shot down with terrifying power, and brought a strong wind that blew the surrounding stones away.

Jian Qi immediately blocked the giant sword in front of him.


The claws hit the giant sword, and the giant sword turned into countless swords and shot away, one by one stuck on the ground. A series of sword sounds were emitted.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tian Ming's mouth, he controlled the demon behind him, and stretched out a pair of claws to grab Jian Qi.

Jian Qi seemed to be at a disadvantage, but he did not panic, and his posture was calm.


The swords that were inserted into the ground radiated countless sword lights one after another, and beams of light shot forward with astonishing power. screams.

Jian Qi began to fight back, his body turned into a sword light and shot in the sky, standing above the demon, stabbed forward with his sword.

clang clang...

There was a sound of sword cries, and countless swords slanted out, and quickly shot towards the huge demon below, like a sharp rain of swords.

The demon blocked his hands in front of him, and there was a gray light above him, trying to resist Jian Yu's attack.

However, the many swords that were shot down did not attack the demon, but slid past the demon and landed on the ground beside the demon. Soon the demon was filled with swords.

Tian Ming immediately felt bad.

I saw the sharp swords inserted on the ground emitting a slight sword light, and a huge sword formation emerged. With the demon as the center, an amazing sword power also spread out.


A huge roar sounded, and countless sword lights radiated frightening power, shooting towards the demon from all directions, instantly drowning the demon's voice.

ah ah ah...

In the sword light, the demon let out a scream, and the body was cut a little by countless sword lights, and the pain was extremely intense.

In the end, the demon's body collapsed, turning into countless gray sword qi and dissipating, and countless sword lights continued to shoot at Tianming.

With a solemn expression, Tianming poured all his strength into the sword, and inserted the sword into the ground.


A huge evil sword energy spewed out like a volcanic eruption, surging towards the surroundings like a flood. Blocked the countless sword lights that shot past.

Jian Qi injected a force into the sword, and the sword emitted a slightly colorful sword light.

The huge sword formation on the ground radiated a more powerful colorful sword light, and shot towards Tian Ming in the center even more terrifyingly.

An even larger gray sword energy gushed out from the ground, surrounding Tianming layer by layer. The sword light that shot past was blocked by the gray sword energy, and there was still no way to hurt Tianming.

Jian Qi retracted the sword, opened his palm, the sword absorbed Jian Qi's blood, and an invisible sword power emanated.

plugged into the ground

The swords vibrated slightly, and waves of sword light emanated from them, and waves of sword power were injected into the sword formation.


A gigantic sword roar caused the heaven and earth to fight. The mighty sword light had the power to destroy the world and could not stop the celestial being shot towards the center.

Such a terrifying sword light could easily shoot through layers of gray sword energy and shoot it towards Tian Ming in the center.

At this dangerous moment, Tian Ming held the sword stuck on the ground with both hands and shouted, "Huntian Evil Sword!"


A sky-shattering sword force erupted, and the terrifying force spread out, swept away countless swords stuck on the ground, and the ground cracked open at that moment.

The huge evil sword power poured out from the sword and injected into Tianming's body. A pair of black demon horns were cut off from Tianming's head, his long hair turned gray, and his pupils turned black, like the eyes of a dead man. No anger, nails turned grey,

The terrifying power emanating from Tianming enveloped the audience, and everyone was filled with unprecedented fear. Some people with weak strength had weak legs and almost fell to the ground.

"This is all the power of Tianming?" Countless people looked at Tianming on the field with shock. This power was so terrifying that many people did not expect it.

Many strong people in the stands looked at Tian Ming with a pair of eyes, and their faces became serious. The evil power caused a chill in their hearts.

This is the power of the most evil sword.

If Tianming just used this supreme power to deal with other kendo arrogances, those kendo arrogances may be defeated by Tianming in a few moves, because this power is already above the kendo arrogance.

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