The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2784 The blood world comes (please subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 231

Tian Ming's eyes were wide open, and endless gray sword energy poured out continuously, almost covering the ground, and it became more and more intense, and the evil power emanating became more and more terrifying, a dangerous aura that seemed to destroy the world. keep spreading.

Countless people on the ground only felt that they were being stared at by a terrifying demon.

Jian Qi and Ling Ye immediately backed away, not only the countless people below them, but also backed back in fear, feeling the extreme danger, and absolutely cannot stand in place.

Standing in the sky, Zhao Fu raised a hand and pointed at the sky.

That blood-colored world exudes a strong blood-colored sword light, turning the entire sky into blood-colored, and the sword intent full of killing, madness, and blood fills the world, and the world seems to be in fear and begins to tremble.

Everyone stepped back again with fear on their faces, feeling that if they were standing there, they might die.


Zhao Fu's raised hand fell, and the blood-colored world sank to the ground with a huge slaughtering power, as if to kill all beings on the ground. Countless creatures only felt an unprecedented fear.


Tian Ming looked at Zhao Fu fiercely. The sea of ​​gray sword energy on the ground surged, and it rushed towards the sky with an extremely evil force, as if it was going to destroy the entire sky. Ghosts are afraid.


There was a sound like the sky and the earth bursting, the blood-colored world and the gray sword sea collided together, the world was shaking violently, the ground and the sky were all shattering, the airflow became extremely chaotic, and the breath of destruction invaded the soul.

The enchantment guarding the platform emerged, emitting countless sword lights that enveloped the entire trial platform.


A crisp sound came out, and after the enchantment emerged, it shattered directly, without any effect.

The expressions of many strong men changed, and they hurriedly flew over to display a stronger barrier to protect countless people outside the platform.


A terrifying force spread out in an instant. From a distance, I saw a huge semicircle spread out, and everything around was turned into nothingness by an invisible sword power.

The ground trembled violently, and a huge sword qi storm blew out to the surroundings, as if destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

However, fortunately, this wave was blocked by the enchantment, and everyone looked at the front with a look of fear. Just now, they felt as if they were about to die, and their hands and feet became cold.

The power of these two people is too perverted, and it is simply not the power of human beings. Countless people thought in surprise, seeing such an earth-shattering battle with their own eyes, and their hearts were greatly impacted. Under this power, they are all ants.

The earth is still shaking, and the loud noise is still making, and it will stop after a while.

I saw that the entire platform was almost completely collapsed, and only the place where the giant sword was inserted in the center was intact. Jian Qiling and a few people were in the edge area, their bodies were bleeding, and they seemed to be seriously injured.

They looked at the center seriously. They were seriously injured just by being affected. What would happen to the two who were in the fight?


Zhao Fu spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was recovering quickly, and he slowly stood up from the ground.

Tian Ming's body was bleeding, lying on the ground with serious injuries, and his breath became very weak.

Zhao Fu looked at Tian Ming. In fact, neither of them won the battle. It was a draw. However, Zhao Fu's physique and recovery speed, as the son of Yuanyuan, were far faster than Tianming's.

The power of this Chaos Heaven Evil Sword is indeed powerful, and it is no less than the second-ranked sword in the Chaos World.

Of course, now Zhao Fu only used the power of the Emperor Killing Sword, and did not use the power of the origin of other emperor stars. If he used these powers, Zhao Fu would definitely win Tianming, but now it is the battle of swordsmanship.

Zhao Fu walked towards Tian Ming with murderous intent. Such a powerful enemy just killed him at the moment, otherwise there would be another threatening enemy in the future, and it was Tian Ming who wanted to kill first, so Zhao Fu would not be soft-hearted.

Tian Ming looked at Zhao Fu who was walking in front of him with an ugly face. He knew that Zhao Fu was here to kill him. He wanted to escape immediately, but he had no strength, so he could only say, "You can't kill me!"

Zhao Fu sneered, ignoring Tianming, raised his hand and slapped Tianming's heart in the presence of numerous black-blooded sword lights.

Tian Ming had a look of fear on his face, and Wan Jianyin between his eyebrows suddenly emitted many colored sword lights to protect him. It was said before that Wan Jianyin would protect those who took the final trial.

Zhao Fu also stopped because of the appearance of the protective sword light.

Wanjian City Master said, "Young Master Demon Dragon! His status as the heir of the Huntian Evil Sword is not simple. If you really want to kill him, the consequences may be serious."

The beautiful woman in the red dress also said, "Although you are the young master of the ancient demon dragon lineage, this is not a trivial matter. Your demon dragon lineage may be greatly implicated."

Many strong men stared at the scene in front of them.

With the protection of Wan Jianyin and the persuasion of Wanjian City Lord, Tianming's face eased, he breathed a sigh of relief, he might not die, he took the initiative to surrender and said, "This time I admit defeat, I admit that your strength is stronger. "

Taking care of your life is the most important thing now, and when you come to avenge today's revenge later, Tianming will remember today's shame and will not let Zhao Fu go.

The eyes of countless people fell on Zhao Fu, wanting to see what decision Zhao Fu made. Most people didn't want to die, after all, such a shocking person

It's a pity that the genius died here, and Tianming's identity is terrible. Killing it has serious consequences.

Some people think that Tianming will die because letting go of Tianming will cause endless troubles.

clang clang...

Zhao Fu's left eye cracked sword pupil suddenly shot out more than a dozen black blood-colored sword qi, which slashed into the space beside Tian Ming.

Tian Ming's face changed greatly, and the connection between Wan Jianyin and him has been cut off.

The sword light that Zhao Fu just shot from his eyes was to cut off the power connection between Wan Jianyin and the giant sword. With Wan Jianyin in Zhao Fu, it was impossible to kill Tianming. Then Zhao Fu raised that hand with the sword light. His hand continued to grab Tian Ming's heart, and the speed was extremely fast, not giving anyone time to react.


The blood splashed, Zhao Fu grabbed Tianming's chest with one hand, and held his heart with the other, and squeezed the heart to pieces.

Tian Ming screamed, his eyes dimmed, and he lost signs of life.

Everyone around took a deep breath. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu would actually dare to kill Tian Ming, and a world-shattering genius would fall like this.

This time things became very bad, and I don't know what terrible things will happen in the future.

Everyone also felt sorry for Tian Ming's death, and no one could be happy, even though the Lord of Swords had already been born.

Many strong people in the stands couldn't help but sigh.

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