The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2786 The First Evil Sword (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 233

Wanjian City Lord said solemnly, "I also don't believe it, but this is Wanjian Xinlian, and Wanjian Xinlian has appeared twice in the history of Wanjian City."

The handsome young man said in a deep voice, "The first time Wan Jianxinlian was the first Wanjian City Lord, and the second time Wanjianxinlian was the second generation Wanjian Lord, both of them were earth-shattering and frightening. People have already ascended to the upper world, and no one in the world does not know their names."

"Especially the second-generation Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, who ended the purgatory catastrophe with the power of one person, killed the purgatory demon god, the first evil sword master in the chaotic world, and saved all beings, with boundless merit."

"One is the founder of Wanjian City, and the other is the person who ended the catastrophe of purgatory. Is this young master of the devil dragon, a person from the dragon family, really qualified to compare with the two of them?"

The white-haired old man said, "We can't judge whether he is qualified or not, Wanjian will judge by himself, and although this young master of the devil dragon is a dragon, but now he has two supreme sword intents, I think he is qualified to carry out Wanjian. Heart training."

Some fat men said, "The first evil sword in the chaotic world appeared three hundred years ago. I have a hunch in my heart that Wanjian is going to choose the person who will fight against the first evil sword."

The beautiful woman in the red dress said seriously, "I think it makes sense. After all, the master of the first evil sword in the Chaos World is a fairy, and he is a person who came down from the Immortal Realm. His body has pure Chaos Immortal Blood. are famous."

Wanjian City Lord said, "Now everything is left to Wanjian to handle it, and we don't need to intervene."

Everyone nodded seriously.

Many people on the ground still don't understand what happened, but because they are in this world, they feel that their kendo power is rapidly improving, and they have not cultivated kendo, but they have improved themselves. They are greatly surprised.

Everyone immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice. Such a good opportunity is rare, and if it is missed, it will never happen again.

As they practiced, everyone showed more excited and pleasant smiles, because everyone felt that their kendo power was improving faster.

Zhao Fu was standing on the ground, and he didn't know what was going on. Didn't he come to the giant sword to get the trial? Why is there such a change?

clang clang...

At this time, countless swords gathered above to form a huge sword formation, and a huge sword force enveloped the whole world.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge pillar of sword light fell from above with a huge sword power, and landed on Zhao Fu's body. The terrifying sword power penetrated Zhao Fu's body, causing Zhao Fu to feel intense pain. , the body seems to be cut by countless swords.

Zhao Fu raised his head to look at the sky with a hint of anger.


A huge black blood-colored sword energy gushed out from Zhao Fu's body, strands of terrifying black blood-colored sword energy with powerful force, frantically shot towards the sword formation above.

However, a large amount of black blood-colored sword energy continued to rise, and was weakened by the sword light pillar, and it dissipated before it could attack the sword formation.

Before he could attack the sword formation, Zhao Fu planned to defend. Countless black blood-colored sword energy shrouded his head, forming a black blood-colored sword cover, exuding a huge killing sword intent.

But it was of no use. The sword power brought by the sword beam directly ignored Zhao Fu's sword cover and continued to erode Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's defense was useless.

"What's going on? This sword power can't be defended?" Zhao Fu looked strange.


An even stronger sword force poured out from the sword formation in the sky, and slammed into Zhao Fu's body with a huge sword force, causing Zhao Fu's body to shake, taking a step back, and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Wanjian City Master said in surprise, "This young master of the devil dragon has a very strong physique. He only suffered a small injury to endure such a huge force of Wanjian. Generally speaking, a holy son would be in danger to his life if he suffered such a huge force of Wanjian."

Zhao Fu endured that stronger sword intent, and his body was in even more pain. Zhao Fu couldn't stop it in disbelief. A large amount of black blood sword energy poured out of his body, and then a large amount of gray sword energy poured out. It was the first time for Zhao Fu. Use the power of the evil sword.

The two sword qi merged together to form a blood-grey sword cover, and a sword power that was so deadly spread out, and the void could not bear the distortion of this terrible sword power.

However, such a huge power could not stop the terrifying sword power, and the huge sword power eroded Zhao Fu's body even more unscrupulously.

The handsome young man said from the side, "Would you like to remind him that this is the power of the sword, and you need to rely on your own heart to resist."

Wanjian City Lord said solemnly, "I have already said that we should not make any intervention. Although we are kindly reminding it, it may also lead to adverse consequences. Wanjian himself understands what it is doing."

Hearing this, the handsome young man didn't say anything.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and a more powerful sword force poured out from the sky, and it slammed down on Zhao Fu with a force like a bamboo.


That force slammed on Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu's body sank, and a terrifying shock wave spread out instantly.

The people who were cultivating immediately woke up. They only felt that countless swords were cutting their own flesh, and they all looked at Zhao Fu in front of them. They only felt a little power fluctuation and were so scared. How could Zhao Fu, who was directly facing this power, bear it?

Zhao Fu couldn't resist this sword power at this time, and in turn began to devour this sword power, melting a little bit of sword power into it.

into the body, into the blood.

clang clang...

The huge sword formation above began to rotate, and a sound of swords resounded through the sky, and an extremely terrifying breath spread out.


A huge sword force slammed down from above with the power to destroy everything. Nothing could stop it. Everyone felt extremely small and fragile in front of this power.


That mighty sword force fell on Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu's body was shocked, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. There were also many wounds on his body, and blood continued to flow out.

Wanjian City Master couldn't help but said in surprise, "He can actually resist with his body, such a terrifying sword power is hard to bear even for ordinary children of origin."

The beautiful woman in the red dress said, "I don't know why, but I feel that the power of the young master's bloodline is shrouded in a layer of mysterious power, otherwise we can determine the bloodline level of the young master of the demon dragon, and the general saint-level bloodline does not have such a strong resistance. ."

The old man said curiously, "I was curious about the identity of the young master of the dragon at the beginning, and I also felt that his identity was not simple. Now I am even more curious. Not only does he possess the sword intent to kill, but his bloodline level is also unpredictable."

The handsome man said solemnly, "When the matter is over, we have to investigate this Demon Dragon Young Master carefully to see what his origins are."

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