The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2795 Heavenly Sword

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Volume 1 Chapter 242

This transaction seems to be okay, anyway, the bronze shards are useless to her. If her daughter can comprehend the three Xeon Sword Intent, it will be of great help to her daughter.

But the female Tianjian didn't want to do this, she said with a smile, "You ask the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords to come over, and he will come over in person if he wants bronze bronze fragments."

Female Jian'er asked, "Mother, did you agree to the deal?"

Female Tianjian smiled and said, "No, but I have my own plans."

Nu Jian'er snorted and said, "Then I will let him come over now, and he will be waiting in a city next to Jiandi."

The female Tianjian nodded and said with a smile, "I also want to meet the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords in person."

Female Jian'er found Zhao Fu at the inn.

Zhao Fu asked, "Have you brought the bronze fragments?"

Nu Jian'er shook her head, "My mother told you to go by yourself!"

Zhao Fu frowned, looked at the female Jian'er and asked, "Can I get bronze shards when I go?"

Female Jian'er replied, "I don't know, but I think it should be easy to get, because the bronze fragments are useless to us."

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Okay! I can go with you."

Girl Jian'er showed a smile and said, "Come with me!"

Several people came to Tiannvjiandi.

There were already several beautiful women waiting in the hall. In addition to the heroic-looking female Tianjian, there was also a beautiful woman with a cold temperament named Nu Lenghan, a plump woman named Nu Le, and a very gentle looking woman named Nu Le. Xiao Ning, and a tall, beautiful woman with a delicate face called Concubine Nu.

The last pair of sisters with attractive figure and pure temperament are called Nv Yimin and Nv Erling respectively.

Because they are all elders of Tiannvjiandi, they all wear a white dress, and their temperament is immortal, and they also have a sharp sword-like aura.

Nu Lenghan said in surprise, "I didn't expect that the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords would come back to us, and now the news about him has spread all over the world."

Nu Xiaoning said with a smile, "I also want to meet this person. Now he has mastered three supreme sword intents and is known as the first person in swordsmanship."

Nu Le said with a smile, "I think Jian'er is a good fit for him, why don't you marry Jian'er to him, no one will refuse him with his current conditions, the key point is that I also heard that something happened between him and Jian'er, it seems that Jian'er I bet you'll marry him."

Concubine Mu said with a chuckle, "Let's see how that person is first, but we can't let Jian'er be wronged."

Nu Yimin said curiously, "Aren't you curious why he wants this bronze fragment? I heard that it is related to the Yuanyuan family, and many people are collecting this thing."

Female Tianjian said, "It's useless to leave this thing with us, no matter what he does, thinking that the most important thing is the three strong sword intents, the purpose of calling him here is this, if we get Either way, the benefits to us are enormous.”

The second female spirit smiled sweetly and nodded, "It's still full of eldest sister, that is the strongest sword intent in the world. If we can comprehend a little bit, our strength will not only increase, but even break through the existing realm."

At this time, the female Jian'er led Zhao Fu into the hall.

Seeing that everyone was there, Nu Jian'er smiled and said, "Hello, ladies and gentlemen!"

Zhao Fu also bowed, "Meet all the seniors!"

Many beautiful women smiled and nodded, their eyes fell on Zhao Fu, they felt that Zhao Fu was really not simple, and they couldn't see through Zhao Fu at all.

Nu Jian'er walked among the many beautiful women.

Zhao Fu said, "I'm here this time because I want a bronze shard from the senior's hand, and I also ask the senior to give me that shard."

Nv Tianjian replied with a smile, "No problem, but you need to stay in Tiannvjian for a few days."

With the status of Zhao Fu now, many beautiful women naturally dare not snatch it hard, and even if they snatch, they can't grab it, because the three supreme sword intents are not ordinary sword intents, so many beautiful women want Zhao Fu to stay a little longer. Days, find a way during this period.

Zhao Fu thought for a moment and asked, "Is it true that seniors can get the bronze fragments after staying a few more days?"

Nu Tianjian said with a smile, "We won't lie to you!"

Zhao Fu continued, "Senior please show me that piece of bronze fragment."

The female Tianjian smiled and took out a piece of ancient bronze shard from the storage ring, "Is this the kind you are looking for?"

Seeing this piece of bronze shard, Zhao Fu faintly felt the bronze shard in his body, so he felt relieved and said with a smile, "I promise to stay for a few more days!"

Nu Tianjian chuckled and said, "Jian'er, take him down, he is now a guest of our Sword Land and needs to be taken care of."

Female Jian'er nodded and took Zhao Fu out of here.

After Zhao Fu left, many beautiful women began to discuss again. Now they have seen Zhao Fu with their own eyes, and they have simply obtained some information.

On the way, many women in white dresses with a sword tied around their waists looked curiously at Zhao Fu who was walking beside the female Jian'er. They also heard that the Lord of Wanjian came to them, and they were very curious about Wanjian. What kind of person is the Lord of Swords, and his heart worships the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords very much.

Zhao Fu also smiled and looked at the women around him.

Some people couldn't help being excited and shouted, "The Lord of Ten Thousand Swords!"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

Many women looked at Zhao Fu's gentle and easy-going appearance, and their emotions became more high-pitched, and the surrounding area became even more intense.

Added fun.

They asked Zhao Fu various questions, such as whether Zhao Fu's power could be shown to them, and why Zhao Fu was so powerful, what kind of people Zhao Fu likes, and what Zhao Fu has learned about swordsmanship.

Nu Jian'er frowned and said coldly, "Be quiet, now he is our guest of Heavenly Girl Swordsman."

Many women were quieter.

When she came to an exquisite house, Nu Jian'er said, "You've been living here for the past few days, just call me directly if you have anything."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "Then can I take a look at it?"

This Heavenly Girl Sword Land is also a very strong force, and maybe there is some harvest here, so Zhao Fu wants to look around.

Nu Jian'er thought of the women outside, if Zhao Fu wanted to walk around alone, he would be divided among the women, and replied, "I can take you around, but you can't go alone."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Walking around, Zhao Fu really gained something. Zhao Fu came to a flat ground made of stones. There were beautiful faces in the sky. Fairies wearing white dresses and ribbons around their waists danced their swords, exuding an invisible air. Sword power.

This is the cultivation place of Tiannvjiandi, where the cultivation speed will be increased several times.

However, it is useless to Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu is not interested in cultivation. This place, also known as the Heavenly Maiden Sword Region, is a powerful domain, and this is what Zhao Fu is interested in.

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