The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2797 Sword Intent

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Volume 1 Chapter 244

Zhao Fu looked at the female Jian'er and said with a smile, "Is there something wrong?"

Female Jian'er said a little embarrassedly, "I want to understand your three supreme sword intents, I wonder if you can?"

Originally, Nv Jian'er made a deal with Zhao Fu. As long as she got the bronze shards, Zhao Fu would give her three thoughts of the strongest sword, but now Nv Jian'er did not get the bronze shards.

Zhao Fu thought of Nv Jian'er's mother, Nv Tianjian, and said with a smile, "Why don't I just give you a hint of sword intent!"

Nv Jian'er didn't understand what Zhao Fu said.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and pulled the female Jian'er into his arms. A blush appeared on the female Jian'er's face, and she struggled in a panic, but she couldn't break free from Zhao Fu's hand.

A few hours later, the female Jian'er put her arms around Zhao Fu's arm with a ruddy face and showed a smile, "I didn't expect you to look so good-looking!"

Originally, the female Jian'er was interested in Zhao Fu. When Zhao Fu wanted to possess her, she only struggled a little and did not obey Zhao Fu. Now that she became Zhao Fu's woman, her heart was full of joy and she was not angry.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Then what do you think I look like?"

Nu Jian'er said with a smile, "I thought you would have a fierce face, or a heroic face, but I didn't expect you to look so perfect."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "Now I have given you a hint of sword intent, which is much better than your understanding. You can rely on this hint of sword intent to become stronger."

The female athlete said with a smile, "Well, thank you!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You can rely on that trace of Sword Intent to cultivate, I want to continue to turn around in the Heavenly Girl Sword."

The female swordsman nodded with a smile.

Zhao Fu left the room, and the female Jian'er also returned to her residence.

In a secret room, the female Tianjian sat cross-legged on a round stone platform, with three sword lights all over her body, and a strong sword force emanated from her body, making the air in the secret room seem to be very sharp.

The other beautiful women sensed this power fluctuation and came to this secret room one after another, looking at the female Tianjian sitting cross-legged on the platform, with a surprised expression on their faces.

The female concubine Mu said in surprise, "Tianjian has obtained the three supreme sword intents, and now the power has undergone great changes. Not only has it become much stronger, but it also gives us a very dangerous feeling."

Nu Le said strangely, "It's not that Wannian Jianwenmu can't bear the three supreme sword intents, how can Tianjian obtain three supreme sword intents?"

The female Erling said, "I'm also curious!"

Nu Yimin looked at Nu Tianjian's ruddy face and her more seductive temperament, she guessed something, and showed a charming smile.

Female Lenghan said with a hint of envy, "This Xeon Sword Intent is so powerful, I really hope we can also get this kind of Sword Intent."

Nu Xiaoning said, "We wait for the Heavenly Sword to practice and ask her how to get the Sword Intent!"

The girls nodded.

Nu Yimin smiled and walked to the side, trying to verify her thoughts.

The female Erling asked, "Sister, where are you going? Didn't you wait for Tianjian?"

Nu Yimin smiled and said, "Sister, come with me too!"

The female Erling snorted in confusion.

Zhao Fu walked to the middle of a mountain and heard that there was a Tiannv Stone here, and wanted to see what kind of stone it was.

At this time, Nv Yimin and Nv Erling found Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu bowed, "Meet the seniors!"

Nv Yimin looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "We're here to find you for something!"

Zhao Fu asked, "I don't know what happened?"

The girl smiled charmingly and said, "How do you give Tianjian Xianqiang Jianyi the same way to us."

Zhao Fu clearly showed a smile, stepped forward and hugged the girl Yimin.

The female Erling blushed and understood the reason for this matter, why the female Tianjian did not say how she obtained the supreme sword intent.

Looking at her sister's appearance, the female Erling also wanted to obtain the strongest sword intent, so she quickly joined it.

Two years later, sister Nu Yimin flushed and left with a smile on her face.

They obtained a trace of the origin of the sword intent as they wished, and now they also want to find a place to absorb and refine it like the female Tianjian.

Zhao Fu also showed a satisfied smile. The two beautiful women were very charming. Zhao Fu looked at the woods and said, "You all come out!"

Four or five women walked out with blushing faces. They were originally disciples who were cultivating here. They didn't expect to meet the elders of their sect and Zhao Fu to do this, nor did they expect that the elders who were usually fairies would become like that.

Zhao Fu looked at several women, all of them were pretty, and said, "Come here!"

The girls looked at each other and walked towards Zhao Fu.

They knew what would happen, but looking at Zhao Fu's perfect appearance, domineering temperament, and the identity of the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, they couldn't refuse.

When the time came to night, dozens of beautiful women lay beside him.

A seductive woman said with a smile, "Master of Ten Thousand Swords, you are so charming, I like you so much, even if I can't get anything, I want to be with you."

Another beautiful woman smiled and said, "Me too, I think I've fallen in love with you."

A glamorous woman sighed, "It's a pity that our status is too humble to be your woman, able to serve you already.

It is our honor. "

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You have become my women now, and I will not treat you badly. You all have some sword power in your body, which will be of great benefit to you."

When the girls heard the words, they felt their bodies, and they all showed expressions of surprise, and immediately thanked Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu continued with a smile, "I may take you all away later, to where I am, and I will take care of you."

The girls showed a happy smile.

The glamorous woman was moved and said, "Master of Swords, you are so kind to us! I will definitely serve you well in the future."

The innocent woman also said earnestly, "I will be the owner of the Lord of Swords in the future, and I will never touch other men."

The charming woman said, "Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, our Sword Land is also famous for beauties, and there are many beautiful women. Do you need us to help you call them over?"

Zhao Fu felt that the women in Tiannvjiandi were very good, with a fairy-like temperament, and nodded with a smile.

Then Zhao Fu followed the girls to the place where they lived. It was a large building complex. A few disciples with average status would live together. The disciples with higher status would have their own rooms, and the higher status girls would have their own room. Also has its own yard.

Zhao Fu entered here with a smile on his face.

At this time, the female Tianjian slowly opened her eyes, she just integrated and comprehend a trace of the strong sword intent, her strength was greatly enhanced, and the female Tianjian showed a satisfied smile, everything was worth it.

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