The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2801 Dragon Blood

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Volume 1 Chapter 248

Long Xuwu withdrew his gaze in disappointment. He originally wanted to see Zhao Fu's strength. He was also a challenge to Zhao Fu by smashing the metal pillar, but Zhao Fu did not accept it.


A roar sounded together, countless colored rays of light condensed in front of many young masters, and a watermelon-sized crystal ball appeared.

The crystal ball is called Dragon Blood Circle, which is used to test the blood of the dragon family.

Longlang was still the first, he stretched out a hand and placed it on the crystal ball in front of him, a small purple dragon appeared from the crystal ball, arcing all over his body, and slowly the purple light emitted, more and more. stronger.

Finally, the dazzling purple light from the crystal ball stopped, which showed that Longlang's dragon bloodline level was very high, and his strength was also very strong.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone showed surprised expressions and began to discuss lively.

"This dragon wave looks very powerful, and the bloodline level is much stronger than the average lesser master."

"Well, Long Lang is the most powerful among the many young masters."

"This Dragon Wave's Thunder Dragon power is also very strong. I hope he will have an amazing performance in the future."

"Well, I'm very optimistic about Long Lang. It would be best if he becomes the young master of the ancient dragon clan."


Long Lang enjoyed the respectful eyes and words of these people, and so did his own personality, otherwise he would not be at the forefront every time.

Dragon Huiling also put his hand on your crystal ball, a white dragon appeared in the crystal ball, and countless white rays of light radiated out.

Everyone's eyes were quickly attracted by Long Huiling, and they began to discuss Long Huiling.

Long Lang was very upset when he saw this.

Everyone in Longhao looked at everyone discussing their young master, and also showed a surprised expression. Their young master was still very strong regardless of bloodline and strength.

Long Huiling didn't want to do this, but this bloodline was not under her control and was sensed by the crystal ball.

Long Tu also stretched out a hand to the crystal ball, a yellow dragon appeared in the crystal ball, and countless yellow rays of light were emitted, and the intensity of the light was no worse than that of Long Hao.

Long Sui also stretched out a hand, a dragon made of water appeared in the crystal ball, and countless blue rays of light radiated out. The intensity of the light is not even weaker than that of Long Tu.

Everyone showed a surprised expression. They didn't think that Long Sui, the weakest person, had the same bloodline level as Long Tu Long Lang.

Long Sui didn't expect that, looking at the dazzling blue light, a surprised smile appeared on his face.

Long Lang was dissatisfied, how could his bloodline level be the same as Long Sui?

This is thanks to Long Sui's parents. Both of his parents have a very high bloodline level. As their son Longsui's successor, he has a bloodline level. He doesn't need to work hard to obtain such a high-level bloodline, which is also an advantage.

Longfeng stretched out a hand and placed it on the crystal ball, a dragon composed of wind appeared in the crystal ball, and countless cyan rays of light radiated out.

The cyan light is bright, but not strong, indicating that the blood level of the dragon family is stronger than that of the general dragon family.

Longfeng sighed, he didn't have the talent of Longlang, and his parents' bloodline level was average, so his bloodline level was not very high.

Long Qinghong also stretched out a hand and placed it on the crystal ball. A wooden dragon appeared in the crystal ball. Countless green rays of light radiated out. The light was bright and not intense, similar to Longfeng's bloodline level.

Long Qinghong had no expression for this, which he had already expected, and this was also the reason why he did not want to become the young master of the ancient dragon clan, because with such a bloodline level, it was almost impossible to become the young master of the dragon clan.

Long Yanyi stretched out a hand, a fire dragon appeared in the crystal ball, and countless fire lights radiated out. The light was strong and a little weaker than Long Lang, which showed that Long Yanyi's blood level was only the first point than Long Lang.

Long Qifang's light is the same as Long Feng's, it is bright but not strong, and the bloodline level is only a little bit stronger than the average.

Dragonborn put his hand on the crystal ball, a metal dragon appeared in the crystal ball, and countless golden rays of light radiated out. The dazzling light was similar to that of Longlang.

Long Xuwu also slowly put his hand on the crystal ball.


A huge roar sounded, and a dragon condensed from spar appeared in the crystal ball, emitting countless dazzling rays of light, like a small sun, illuminating the entire Longzu Cave, making people unable to open their eyes at all. , cover it with your hands.

As far as the light of Long Xuwu's crystal ball alone, crushing other young masters, or the blood level of other young masters, together they are not as strong as Long Xuwu.

Long Xuwu took his hand back, and the light from the crystal ball gradually weakened.

The scene boiled over.

"The bloodline of Tianlong's bloodline is originally relatively high, and Long Xuwu has the blessing of the ancient dragon star, and the bloodline level is terrifyingly high."

"Well, Long Xuwu's bloodline level is definitely the highest I've ever seen."

"The ancient dragon star can greatly enhance the bloodline. I feel that the level of the dragon's virtual bloodline is so high that the reason for the ancient dragon star."

"Well, even if you are an ordinary dragon family, your parents are also ordinary, but having a desolate ancient dragon star is different. The bloodline will be purified and improved by the dragon star."

"I feel that the bloodline of Long Xuwu is already very close to the Dragon Ancestor. If he obtains the inheritance of the Dragon Ancestor, will the Dragon Ancestor bloodline be born?"

"Looking at it now, I feel that Long Xuwu must be the young master of the ancient dragon clan, and no one can compare with him."


The faces of many strong people did not change much. They had already expected this scene, and they also believed in the strength of Long Xuwu.

Finally, everyone looked at Zhao Fu, and now he is the only one who hasn't tested his blood.

Zhao Fu was also a little hesitant, because this test was not under his control, but without the test, the selection of the young master could not be carried out.

Long Lang urged, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and test your blood!"

Zhao Fu put his hand on the crystal ball.

Everyone also opened their eyes and looked at the crystal ball, wanting to see how high Zhao Fu's blood level was.

The strong people in the stands also cheered up. They were also curious about Zhao Fu's bloodline level. As the person who started the third Wanjianxin training, the level should not be low.

But the crystal ball floated quietly in the air without any change.

Countless people were dumbfounded, "What's going on? Why isn't the crystal ball responding? Could the crystal ball be broken?"

Many strong people in the stands also looked strange and puzzled. The crystal ball will display all bloodline levels, why can't it be displayed now?

The old man in black asked, "Is there any problem with Long Xueyuan?"

The cyan-haired old man next to him frowned, "There is no way that there is a problem with Long Xueyuan. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation."

The majestic old man said solemnly, "There are two reasons for this, one is that the bloodline is too low-level or too high-level, and the other is that the person who tested is not from my ancient dragon clan."

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