The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2803 Ice and Fire Dragon

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Volume 1 Chapter 250

Long Huiling said, "I admit defeat!"

In the past, Long Huiling wanted to become the young master of the ancient dragon clan, and made all plans, but there was a major accident in the plan. This accident was Zhao Fu. The strength and potential that Zhao Fu showed had completely made her lose the idea of ​​becoming the young master. .

Now she has no intention of fighting, and that's why she doesn't join other people.

Long Xuwu stepped aside, disdain to join forces with others.

Zhao Fu looked at Long Huiling and said, "I want some of the power that you inherit from the ancient dragon, and I will give you a certain reward later."

Long Huiling nodded,

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed it. Countless black dragon energy wrapped around Long Huiling's body. Long Huiling's body emitted a lot of white light, and a powerful divine dragon power spread out.

Zhao Fu stretched out and pulled it.


A dragon roar sounded, and a white dragon phantom was pulled out, struggling to escape, but was still pulled into Zhao Fu's body by that force.

Long Huiling was pale and lay on the ground. Weak breath.

Zhao Fu closed his eyes to absorb the power of this ancient dragon, and his body also emitted a white light. There is also a strong breath.

Everyone was surprised. Although they belonged to the same family, it was very difficult and almost impossible to absorb the power of inheritance from other bloodlines.

But Zhao Fu did it easily, and everyone wondered what terrifying ability Zhao Fu possessed?

Zhao Fu absorbed the power of the ancient dragon, and looked at the remaining young masters of the dragon race.


Zhao Fu appeared in front of Long Lang with a huge aura, and with a black dragon energy, he fiercely grabbed towards Long Lang.

Long Lang was shocked, and punched out with all his strength, bringing out countless purple arcs.


With a dull sound, Long Lang was pushed back and slid for more than ten meters. Finally, he stopped with his feet on the ground. He looked at Zhao Fu with serious eyes.

The other young masters quickly dispersed.

Long Tu shouted, "Let's all do our best, don't hesitate!"

Everyone understood that Zhao Fu was terrifying, so they burst out with all their strength, otherwise they might not have the strength to fight back.

There was a lot of yellow and heavy breath from Long Tu, Long Feng gave off a lot of sharp blue breath, Long Qifang gave off a lot of cold air, the ground under his feet began to freeze, Long Yanyi burst out with flames, emitting a lot of cold air. a high temperature...

Many young masters exuded a powerful momentum, and rushed towards Zhao Fu from all directions.

Zhao Fu stood there and smiled contemptuously.


A huge dragon roar sounded, a black arrogance ignited from Zhao Fu's body, the cloak bulged and swung, an amazing black shock wave spread, and the ground shattered directly.

Many young masters rushed past and were shaken back by this black shock wave.

Long Lang jumped into the sky with a large number of purple electric arcs all over his body. The arcs carried by his fists formed a dragon head composed of purple lightning bolts. His body rushed towards Zhao Fu and came to Zhao Fu. gods and demons.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed Long Lang's fist.


There was a loud noise, and a terrifying purple electric arc raged around Zhao Fu, smashing the ground apart, and a terrifying aura of thunder and lightning spread out.

Although this move was terrifying, it did not cause any harm to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu grabbed Long Lang's hand and pulled it back. Long Lang was startled, and immediately launched his defense, with many thunder and lightning in front of him.


Zhao Fu punched Long Lang in the stomach, knocking him over a hundred meters with one punch, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Longyi suddenly appeared beside Zhao Fu, and a palm radiated a lot of metal light, slashing towards Zhao Fu like a light knife.

Zhao Fu waved his other hand vigorously, bringing out a black light, hitting the light saber and smashing the light saber. Zhao Fu then turned around and kicked Longyi out.

Longtu pressed his hands on the ground, and a huge force spread out. Several dragon claws made of mud stretched out from the ground and grabbed Zhao Fu's legs.

Long Qifang stood on the side and released a palm, a huge cold current rushed towards Zhao Fu with a biting chill, and the ground turned into frost.

Long Yanyi stood on the other side, and at the same time he slapped it with force, and a huge flame rushed towards Zhao Fu fiercely, and the ground immediately scorched black due to the high temperature.

The cold current and flames hit Zhao Fu from both sides at the same time, drowning Zhao Fu's body in it.

This is not over yet, Long Feng folded his hands together, and a huge wind swirled around Zhao Fu, blending the cold current and flames into it, forming a vortex of ice and fire, attacking Zhao Fu with an unusually terrifying power.


A huge roar sounded, and a terrifying black force erupted, sending the huge ice-fire wind vortex flying away, and the combined power of the huge ice-fire wind quickly knocked the three of Long Tu Long Feng into the air. go out.

Zhao Fu stood in the middle without taking any damage.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu in astonishment. This strength is too powerful, and many young masters have no advantage in going up together.

Long Qinghong was half-squatting on the ground, one hand turned into a green dragon claw, and with one grab it poured into the ground, each one huge.

The tree grew from all around Zhao Fu, and the trunk hit Zhao Fu hard.

Zhao Fu waved his palm and brought out a huge black arc, which instantly cut off many big trees.

In the next second, Zhao Fu's body appeared in front of Long Qinghong, and he grabbed Long Qinghong's head with one hand, like a dragon's claws grabbed Long Qinghong's head.

Long Qinghong immediately erupted in resistance, his body radiated a strong green light, and countless sharp roots grew on the ground, densely stabbing Zhao Fu.


A powerful force erupted from Zhao Fu's body, and the astonishing force pressed down on many tree roots, and the huge force caused all the tree roots to shatter and shoot towards the surroundings.

Zhao Fu grabbed Long Qinghong's head with a hard hand, and Long Qinghong's face showed a hint of pain.

Long Huiling hurriedly shouted, "Don't hurt him!"

Zhao Fu glanced at her, raised his hand and pulled out a green dragon from Long Qinghong's body and sucked it into his own body. Long Qinghong also seemed to be severely injured, his breath became very weak, and he had no strength to fight.

He was the first young master of the dragon clan to be defeated by Zhao Fu.

call out!

The news of Zhao Fu's body immediately appeared in front of the most timid Long Sui.

Long Sui looked at Zhao Fu who appeared in front of him in fear, and immediately said, "Don't attack me, I will hand over my inheritance power."

Zhao Fu showed a smile, grabbed his hand in the air, and a blue water dragon was pulled out from Long Sui's body and flew into Zhao Fu's body.

Long Sui also became weak and had no strength to fight.

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