The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2819 Evil Insect

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Volume 1 Chapter 266

The power of the surrounding heaven and earth quickly gathered here, the sun and the moon dimmed, the wind and clouds surged rapidly, and an invisible depression enveloped this place.

Everyone looked at the sky with puzzled expressions, not knowing what was going on.

The expressions of some powerful people nearby changed because they sensed an extremely dangerous aura and hurriedly fled the place.

Zhao Fu's body continued to emit blood-colored rays of light, and there was also an evil bloody aura, which made the surrounding celestial phenomena change even more dramatically. The sky had already darkened, and that terrifying aura was pressing on everyone's body, making people gasp for breath. Come.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge worm appeared in the sky. This worm was very long and filled the entire sky. The body was composed of various insects, including scorpions, centipedes, dragonflies, ants, Spiders, flies, beetles, earthworms...

It looks very terrifying and infiltrating, and the crazy, twisted, bloody, and perverted breath it exudes fills the world and makes people fall into endless fear.

That huge, ugly and terrifying long worm was slowly swimming in the sky, absorbing the power of heaven and earth that came from all around.

As it absorbs the power of heaven and earth around it, the power emitted by that huge and ugly long worm is also getting bigger and bigger.


The ugly long worm raised a huge neigh and penetrated the entire world like a substantial sound wave, stinging everyone's ears, and countless people looked in Zhao Fu's direction in astonishment.

A terrifying aura rushed towards them like a flood, easily covering everything, and nothing could resist.

Those people were immersed in this force, the hairs on their bodies stood up, their bodies were constantly shaking, and their souls seemed to be in fear.

Everyone is already familiar with this evil, bloody and perverted atmosphere, and they understand that it is a vision caused by the blood of the first evil immortal, and countless people are dignified.

"Is the successor of the first evil immortal growing so fast? I thought it would take at least a hundred years to break through to the fifth stage."

"I didn't expect him to grow so fast. Back then, it took five hundred years for the first evil immortal to raise his bloodline to the fifth stage. Now this person has only spent a few years."

"I don't know what kind of person that person is, it's too scary to let him grow like this, maybe it will lead to things like the first evil immortal back then, the strong man of that year has already soared, can we still stop him? "

"I vaguely feel that a catastrophe has occurred in the chaotic world. The son of the source, the dragon's blood of the source, and the descendants of the evil immortals have been born one after another. Only when the world is in danger will such terrifying people be born."

"Well, I also feel that something big must happen in the chaotic world, and I have been a little worried in my heart."

"I feel nothing. The opposite world of Apocalypse gave birth to such a terrifying Son of Apocalypse. Why can't my Chaos World give birth to a more terrifying Son of Chaos than him?"

"I feel right about this. The Chaos World should also breed the children of Chaos, so as to compete with that child of Apocalypse, it will definitely play a big role in future wars."

"Now I'm not in a hurry. The first evil immortal can have a big hatred with the Eastern Alliance. Even if this inheritor harms the Eastern Alliance, it will be the first to harm the Eastern Alliance."


The ugly worms in the sky twisted wantonly, and the terrifying momentum continued to spread around. All the people in this city were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, sweating all over their bodies. This was the most terrifying thing they had ever experienced in their lives.

Zhao Fu looked at the ugly long worm in the sky. The ugly and huge long worm with a powerful momentum swooped towards Zhao Fu, and finally merged into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's first evil fairy bloodline successfully reached the fifth stage.

At this moment, Zhao Fu waited for a long time, and finally he can continue to devour all kinds of insect blood, strengthen the power of the first evil immortal bloodline, and at the same time master the eight forbidden blood techniques will become more powerful.

Because Zhao Fu merged the source of the God of Chaos, it was a little surprising that this was a part of the divine soul split from the God of Chaos, and the God of Chaos split out a lot of these divine souls.

Zhao Fu also understood the purpose of the God of Chaos by integrating into the soul.

The God of Chaos is a chaotic aggregate. He likes all disordered chaos, and also wants to see this world in chaos. He has a hunch that the chaos world is about to usher in chaos, so he splits his soul a lot to lead the world into chaos.

Now this God of Chaos is not in the Chaos World, so Zhao Fu is not worried about him, and he wants to devour the other souls together, because the soul of the God of Chaos is of great help to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu got off the bed and immediately flew away from this place. Not long after, many strong men came to this city.

Feeling the strong and terrifying atmosphere around, everyone knew that the descendants of the evil immortals caused the vision here.

There was a handsome young man who sensed something, his face changed, disappeared in place, and came to the blood-colored altar underground.

The handsome young man who came here first, wrinkled and didn't say, "The God of Chaos has come out again, and chaos will happen again in the Chaos World."

A young woman nodded, "Every time there is a big chaos in the chaotic world, the god of chaos will appear in advance, and it will also add fuel to the fire, which is really disgusting."

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old asked, "What should we do? Do we need to spread the word?"

The short-haired old man said seriously, "Of course, and kill the followers of the God of Chaos as soon as possible to prevent them from making things worse."

The handsome young man asked suspiciously, "I'm a little strange, why did the God of Chaos and the descendants of the evil immortals appear here?"

The boy said, "Will the followers of the God of Chaos be the descendants of the evil immortals? The descendants of the evil immortals will definitely cause a catastrophe, so the god of chaos helps the descendants of the evil immortals."

Hearing this, everyone fell into thought.

The short-haired old man said, "There is indeed a possibility. If this is the case, then things will become more troublesome."

They didn't know that Zhao Fu was not a believer of the God of Chaos. Zhao Fu also devoured the soul of the God of Chaos. It is estimated that the God of Chaos would want to kill Zhao Fu when he saw Zhao Fu.

The Chaos God Zhao Fu is not afraid, because he believes that his power will definitely surpass that of the Chaos God in the future, and then he will swallow the entire body of the Chaos God, gain all his power, and become a new Chaos God.

The news spread quickly, and everyone knew the news of the God of Chaos and the news about the descendants of the evil immortals. There was also a heated discussion, which was no less hot than talking about the original dragon blood.

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