The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2822 boy

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Volume 1 Chapter 269

After the wild boar was dealt with, the sky darkened, and a few people started a bonfire here and roasted the wild boar.

Zhao Fu didn't say a word, and sat there slowly comprehending the bloodline.

Long Lulu said with a smile, "How much do you think you can rank at this time for Lang Qing's witch sacrifice?"

Lang Qing thought for a while, "Now our White Wolf Division is ranked 283,445, we can probably advance a few hundred places!"

Lang Yueqing smiled and said, "It will be a great improvement to advance a few hundred people, and it will be more powerful than many witches in the tribe." tv mobile terminal

Lang Qing was a little dissatisfied and said, "It's just a few hundred places. My ideal result can be a thousand places. With such a big improvement, our tribe will also have a lot of rewards."

Langye said with a smile, "You are the most qualified of us, and we believe you can do it."

Wolf Wuli also nodded and said with a smile, "This time, the reward for our tribe's witch sacrifice is entirely up to you!"

Participating in the witch festival of the witch tribe, not only the witches will have rewards, but also their tribes will have rewards. The higher the ranking, the more rewards.

Lang Qing chuckled and said, "Well, I will definitely work hard."

Wolf Wuli took the roasted wild boar with branches, handed it to Lang Qing and said, "This wild boar is roasted, you can try it."

Everyone knew that Lang Wuli had other thoughts about Lang Qing, and they didn't care too much. They picked up the branches on the ground and ate the wild boar.

Lang Qing didn't think much about it, took a few bites of the wild boar that Lang Wuli handed over, and then noticed that Zhao Fu, who was sitting silently on the side, also took a piece of wild boar and handed it to Zhao Fu, and said, "This is for you eat!"

Zhao Fu glanced at her, took the wild boar, and said, "Thank you!"

Lang Qing said with a smile, "Why haven't you spoken? If I hadn't paid attention, I would have almost forgotten you."

Zhao Fu replied, "I've been comprehending, you don't need to care about me."

Langqing said, "We are on the same road anyway, how could I not care about you, and it was requested by the wizard."

Wolf Wuli said uncomfortably on the side, "Lang Qing leave him alone, he's following behind us like this, and it's good to have our protection."

Zhao Fu didn't explain too much, how could he need their protection.

Wolf Lulu looked at Zhao Fu with beautiful eyes and asked curiously. "Why do you wear a cloak and can't show us what you look like?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Wolf Lulu smiled playfully and said, "But I just want to see how you look? Anyway, there are only a few of us here, and your appearance will not be revealed."

Lang Qing also looked at Zhao Fu, she was also a little curious about Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said with a smile while eating wild boar, "It's still not good!"

Wolf Lulu snorted, a little unhappy.

The next day, the group continued on their way. At this time, Zhao Fu and the others met another group of people, who also seemed to be participating in the witch sacrifice.

The leader was an arrogant young man, who glanced at Langqing and the others with a contemptuous tone, "I don't know if it's a big or small tribe there!"

Lang Qing sneered and said, "It's true that we are a small tribe, but you are a member of the big tribe?"

Now everyone is just staying on the periphery of the witch land. The tribes here are basically some small tribes, and the big tribes and some more powerful tribes are all in the center of the witch land.

The arrogant teenager said angrily, "My tribe is definitely stronger than you!"

Not to be outdone, Lang Qing said, "It's only after a comparison!"

The boy shouted, "Okay! Let's compare. I want to see the strength of your little tribes."

The boy stretched out a hand, a black light shot out, and a six-meter-tall black bear appeared in front of everyone, exuding a ferocious beast aura.

This is the young beast spirit.

Looking at the powerful black bear, Lang Yueqing said worriedly, "How about we stop competing?"

Lang Qing said firmly, "No, I'll compare." After speaking, Lang Qing stretched out a hand, and a white light shot out, turning into a white wolf.

The two beast spirits met like enemies, glared angrily, and let out a low roar.

The white wolf launched the attack first, and rushed towards the black bear very quickly. The black bear also charged fiercely. The two beast spirits collided. , the black bear beat the white wolf back with force, and the white wolf pounced again.

The black bear slammed into the white wolf and threw the white wolf's body away. The white wolf quickly pounced on the black bear and bit the black bear's arm. The black bear attacked the white wolf with its bear claws, and the white wolf also used The wolf grabs and attacks the black bear.

The two beast spirits fought fiercely.

Wolf Green looked at the young man and shouted, "Dare to fight a witch duel!"

The boy took out a bone knife and said, "Why don't I dare!"

A mark emerged from the middle of Lang Qing's eyebrows. This mark was like a wolf, wrapped in a circle, and there was a flow mark like a spell.

This is Wuziyin. It has been said that Wuziyin is divided into different grades. One flow mark is the lowest Wuziyin, two flow marks are more advanced than one flow mark, and three flow marks are more advanced than two flow marks.

The highest level has nine flow marks, which are only available to the top forces of the very powerful Wu clan, and there is also the legendary tenth flow mark.

The boy's eyebrows also paid a black bear mark, and there was only one flow mark.

Two imprints fly each other

In the past, when they collided, they turned into countless light spots, and the duel of Wuzi was a battle approved by Wuyin.

Lang Qing quickly rushed in front of the boy, a long spear stabbed the boy's chest, and slashed to the side of the boy's body. Lang Qing closed his spear, blocked the knife that was looking over, and pushed forward. , pushed the boy out.

The boy took a few steps back, a little annoyed, he slashed down with a knife, and a huge black knife light slashed towards Lang Qing fiercely with powerful force.

Lang Qing did not retreat or hide, and rushed forward with a long spear, the long spear shot white light, and stabbed forward.


The black knife light was stabbed by a gun, and Lang Qing's body also rushed in front of the boy, and the sharp gun head stabbed the boy's head.

The young man was startled, and hurriedly rolled to the side, dodging the blow with some embarrassment.

Lang Qing showed a smile, while the teenager was even more angry.


A powerful aura emanated from the boy's body, many black lines spread from the boy's eyebrows, and the boy's strength immediately strengthened.

This is one of the exclusive abilities of the Wu clan, and you can use the Wu Yin to enhance your powerful strength.

Lang Qing did not hesitate, some white lines on the eyebrows began to spread, and the strength on his body became stronger.

With a wave of the knife in the boy's hand, a huge black knife light slashed towards Lang Qing.

The long spear in Lang Qing's hand swiped, and the black knife light flew out. The teenager appeared in front of Lang Qing, raised his knife and slashed towards Lang Qing. Lang Qing swung the spear in his hand horizontally, blocking the knife from the young man, and kicked the young man out with one kick.

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