The Lord’s Empire

The 2827th chapter eight witches (for subscription)

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Volume 1 Chapter 274

Xuan Sheng was not injured, and said coldly, "Huming, I said, your strength is not as good as mine, so you should stay in the poor tiger tribe honestly."

Hu Ming said angrily, "I want to see how strong you are."


Hu Ming slashed towards Xuanjing with another knife, bringing out a black blade wind, and slashed towards Xuanjing fiercely, as if to cut Xuanjing into many pieces.

Xuan Sheng raised the sword in his hand, and a huge blue bird appeared behind Xuan Sheng, with a body like a crane, crown feathers on its head, and three feather feathers behind it, a beautiful blue feather.


Xuanniao slammed a pair of wings, and a huge blue sword wind blew fiercely forward.


Two strong winds collided, and a more powerful storm spread, and the wind raged, as if torn everything to pieces.

Finally, the black gust of wind was blown away, and the blue sword wind continued to blow towards Hu Ming.

Hu Ming immediately blocked the knife in front of him, and the knife emitted countless black lights, forming a huge black protective cover.

Xuanzhang came to Hu Ming, and he slashed down with a strong sword, and a blue sword light quickly slashed forward, the defensive cover was smashed by a sword, and Hu Ming was shot and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Hu Ming shouted angrily, a huge momentum burst out, and a huge poor tiger appeared behind Xuan Sheng, opened its big mouth and bit towards Xuan Sheng fiercely.

Xuan Sheng slapped it with force, and a huge blue handprint with powerful force slapped it towards Hu Ming.


The two collided, and a shock wave spread, and both of them stepped back five or six steps.

Hu Ming with a strong momentum, immediately rushed to Xuanjing from the past.

The blue sword in Xuan Sheng's hand turned, and the blue sword lights flew towards Hu Ming, the number was very large, and it seemed impossible to resist.

Hu Ming slashed hard, with a black blade light, and slashed forward like a black crescent.

bang bang bang...

The numerous cyan sword lights were chopped up by the black crescent moon and turned into countless cyan airflows, but the power of the black crescent moon also rapidly weakened.

Xuan Sheng swung out a sword, chopped the fragile black crescent, stretched out a hand and grabbed it. Countless blue rays of light shot out from behind Xuan Sheng, and a huge bird claw grabbed Hu Ming with a powerful momentum.

Hu Ming immediately blocked the knife in front of him and blocked the huge bird claw.

Xuan Sheng flew to Hu Ming at that moment, and the sword in his hand emitted a strong cyan sword light, exuding extremely powerful power.


That Hu Ming was slashed from the sky by a sword, and smashed heavily on the ground, just in the vicinity of Zhao Fu and several others.

Hu Ming spit out a large mouthful of blood, suffered serious injuries, and looked at Xuan Sheng standing in the sky angrily. Judging from the current results, he is indeed not Xuan Sheng's opponent.

Lang Lulu smiled and said excitedly, "Xuansheng is so strong, it's not bad that he is one of the three geniuses of our Wu clan, and that Hu Ming's strength is much weaker."

Hearing this, Hu Ming was furious, turned his head to look at Lang Lulu, and took out his anger on Lang Lulu, "Bitch, you are courting death!"


Hu Ming jumped up from the ground, rushed in front of Lang Lulu with a terrifying aura, punched forward with the power to shatter the void.

He couldn't beat Xuanjing, and he couldn't kill a weak woman if he didn't believe it.

Lang Lulu looked at Hu Ming who was calling her, his body stiffened in place, and felt a strong fear, is he going to die?


A figure stood in front of her, and that was Zhao Fu. He punched out without exuding astonishing power, just like a punch from an ordinary person.


The fists of the two collided, making a loud noise, and Hu Ming's body flew out quickly, fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked stunned.

Lang Lulu looked at Zhao Fu standing in front of him, and his heart was full of joy and gratitude. It was Zhao Fu who rescued her.

Xuan Sheng, who was standing in the sky, was also a little surprised. Although Hu Ming was seriously injured, it was not something that ordinary people could defeat. This person was not simple.

Lang Qing and the others were shocked. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to be able to knock out a witch from the Eight Great Tribes, and his strength was beyond their imagination.

Hu Ming looked at Zhao Fu and shouted fiercely, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Why should I tell you?"

Hu Ming said angrily, "Then do you know who I am? How dare you hurt me?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Of course I know, but as a witch of one of the eight great tribes, your strength is weak enough."

Hu Ming shouted angrily, "If I hadn't been seriously injured, I would have been defeated by you? You wait for me, and I will definitely make you regret it."

Now that Hu Ming's body has no strength, he understands that he is not Zhao Fu's opponent at this time, and Xuan Sheng is standing next to him, so he turned and ran back.

Zhao Fu didn't go after him, because this was the Wu clan, and Zhao Fu couldn't kill Na and Hu Ming here.

Xuan Sheng flew down from the sky, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "I don't know what your Excellency is called?"

Zhao Fu replied with a chuckle, "My name is Wu Ling!"

Xuan Sheng asked with a smile, "Then you are also here to participate in the witch festival?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Xuan Sheng smiled and said, "Your strength is so strong, I am a little surprised, I think there is a strong opponent."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You have won the prize, but I will become the young patriarch of the Wu clan!"

Xuan Sheng's face was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Zhao Fu to be so direct. He also thinks that Zhao Fu is very strong, but his strength is not weak, he said with a smile, "This will only be known when the witch sacrifices!"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Xuan Sheng asked again, "I don't think you are from the Wu clan. I don't know if you got the inheritance of the Wu clan strongman? I think that strong man is also very famous for his strength?"

Xuan Sheng probably guessed the identity of Zhao Fu, and also understood that since Zhao Fu is so powerful, he must have obtained a strong inheritance. With such a strong inheritance, he must be famous among the Wu clan. If you know this powerhouse, you will know that Zhao Fu is behind him. and how dangerous he is.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You will know when the witch sacrifice begins."

Xuan Sheng was a little disappointed. He understood that Zhao Fu would not reveal his identity, and he was not reluctant. He planned to investigate Zhao Fu well after going back. After chatting with Zhao Fu for a few more words, Xuan Sheng turned into a stream of light and disappeared here.

Langqing and the others looked at Zhao Fu excitedly. They didn't expect Xuan Sheng, one of the three geniuses of the Wu clan, to stand in front of them and chat with Zhao Fu politely. Their status is too low.

Zhao Fu was able to chat with Xuan Sheng, and he still did not lose to the other party at all. Everyone was sure that Zhao Fu's strength was definitely not weaker than the witches of the eight tribes.

Thinking about spending so many days with such a person, everyone feels incredible.

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