The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2832 Reason for the Staff

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Volume 1 Chapter 270

The elegant young man asked, "I don't think you are a member of my witch clan. Who did you inherit as a witch?"

Zhao Fu said, "I can't tell you that!"

The elegant man was a little surprised, "Why can't you tell me what special identity that person has?"

Zhao Fu replied, "Well, that person's identity is indeed special."

Hearing this, the people around looked at Zhao Fu curiously. Judging from Zhao Fu's strength, that one might be very powerful, and everyone guessed who it was. Such a powerful person must be famous.

The elegant man's face became serious, and he also vaguely felt that this matter was unusual.

Zhao Fu thought that he could not register, maybe the strong man in front of him could solve it, he bowed and said, "Senior, I have something to ask for your help?"

The elegant man asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Fu said, "I don't know why I can't register here. Does the senior know the reason?"

The elegant man is also a little strange. This kind of thing rarely happens. Generally, as long as it is Wuzi, the registration will be successful. What is special about the person in front of him?

The elegant man said, "You go in for an interview, I see if there is any problem."

Zhao Fu nodded and came back to the house to stand at the center of the ring. The ring radiated light, but the wizard's staff did not fluctuate.

The elegant man waved his hand, and a ray of light shot into the wizard's magic circle, and his face became serious. He found that there was a problem there, and the person in front of him was beyond the perception of the wizard's wand.

That matter became very important, because the three major witches of the witch clan can perceive the wizard's wand, but this person exceeded the perception ability of the wizard's wand, indicating that this person may be stronger than the three major sorcerers of the witch clan, or not even powerful. A little, but a lot more powerful.

Through the wizard's wand, he also determined that Zhao Fu was a sorcerer and qualified to participate in the sorcerer sacrifice, so who would have such a terrible inheritor?

The elegant man looked at Zhao Fu solemnly and said, "Who are you the heir of?"

A beautiful woman with an attractive figure and a red dress walked in. Looking at the dignified expression of the elegant man, she asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

The elegant man replied, "He is beyond the perception ability of the wizard's magic circle!"

The beautiful woman in the red dress looked at Zhao Fu in surprise and said, "In the history of the witch race, there are only a few people who can surpass the perception of the wizard's magic circle."

The elegant man said, "Well, that's why I have to ask who he is the heir."

The beautiful woman in the red dress looked at Zhao Fu, "Then who are you the heir?"

Everyone also looked at Zhao Fu, and their hearts were very shocked. They didn't expect that the strength of the person in front of him was so terrifying. The person who surpassed the perception of the wizard's staff in the history of the witch race was undoubtedly the one who mastered the lifeline of the witch race.

Xuan Yuanxin was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated Zhao Fu.

Hu Mingxin was also a little scared, Zhao Fu had such a big background, then it would be very bad for him to offend Zhao Fu.

Langye and the others looked at Zhao Fu with stunned expressions, the matter was beyond their imagination.

Zhao Fu wanted to reveal his identity, so he still said, "I can't tell you."

The elegant man and the beautiful woman in the red dress were embarrassed. They wanted to know Zhao Fu's identity, but Zhao Fu refused to say that they could not force it, because Zhao Fu's origin would be very scary.

Zhao Fu asked, "Is there any other way to enter the holy place of the witch clan to participate in the witch sacrifice?"

The elegant man said, "This is actually not very difficult."

The elegant man stretched out a hand, and a cyan power condensed in his palm, forming a ball of light with a cyan bird in it. The elegant man threw his hand, and the ball of light flew towards Zhao Fu and said, "At this time I The totem of the Wind Bird Tribe proves that as long as this thing is integrated into the body, one can enter the Holy Land."

Zhao Fu took the ball of light and said with a smile, "Thank you, senior!"

After accepting the ball of light, Zhao Fu took Langye and several others to leave the place. The news that someone had defeated the 8 great witches, beyond the perception of the wizard's magic circle, quickly spread, and all parties were shocked.

Now the Wu clan is in a crisis, facing the threat of the ancient dragon clan, and the terrifying young master of the ancient dragon clan, and no one in the Wu clan can compare with the young master of the ancient dragon clan, and now suddenly such a person appears People, the strong Wu people were greatly surprised.

When the other witches heard the news, they also felt tremendous pressure, and they felt very powerless when such an unexpected person appeared.

Especially the 8 great witches, they were originally the most watched people and the most favorable candidates for the young patriarch of the Wu clan, but with the appearance of Zhao Fu, the limelight suppressed the 8 great witches and became the most likely to become the young patriarch. , is also the person who most hopes to become the young patriarch.

Because only someone like Zhao Fu who is beyond the perception of the staff has a chance to compete with the young master of the dragon clan.

But they never imagined that Zhao Fu was the young master of the ancient dragon clan.

In the courtyard, there is a young man dressed in white with a masculine temperament. He is a witch of the Yuanlong tribe. His name is Yuan Mie. Originally, it was also the person most likely to become the young patriarch.

Yuan Mie looked at Xuan Sheng and asked, "You have had contact with him, can you tell what kind of person he is?"

Xuan Sheng thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "The aura he exudes is very complicated, and his temperament is also very complicated, he is domineering and powerful.

Yan, some noble, some sharp, some bloody, some evil, some holy, some gentle, as if it is a collection of various strengths and various personalities. "

"However, in terms of his personality, he can get along very well, and he came here to become the young patriarch. His tone is very confident. I think he has the strength to become the young patriarch."

Yuan Mie sighed, "From your description, I can understand the gap between me and him, I don't think I can compare with him."

An ugly and fat young man next to him said coldly, "As the most powerful person of the 8 great witches, you will lose your confidence if you don't meet each other, and waste such good aptitude and strength."

His name is Frog Bull, and he is also one of the three geniuses of the Wu clan. He belongs to the evil frog tribe, and the people of the evil frog tribe are very ugly.

Yuan Mie said displeasedly, "Frog bull! Do you think I am really that weak? I know that I am definitely not the opponent of the young master of the ancient dragon clan, and I also hope that someone stronger than me will become the young chief of the Wu clan. Resist the young master of the ancient dragon clan."

Xuan Sheng sighed, "I have personally collected information about the young master of the ancient dragon clan before, and the rumors about him are all true, he is more terrifying than we imagined, not only has the original dragon blood, but also has three Extreme Sword Intent."

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