The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2826 witch sacrifice

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Volume 1 Chapter 283

A few days later, the witch ritual of the witch tribe officially began.

Countless people came to the front of a vast forest. Here, rectangular platforms ten meters high were built. Abundant fruits and food were already placed on them. One by one, wizards wearing wizard costumes and masks danced primitive dances on it. .

Standing in front of each stone platform are the patriarchs of various tribes, followed by the witches of many tribes, and at the end are countless ordinary people.

The scene was very lively.

Everyone is dominated by an old woman holding a wooden stick, and it seems that her status is the highest.

The forest in front was the place where the ancestors of the witch tribe lived at first, and now it is banned and wrapped by various magic circles, and it has become the holy place of the witch tribe. .

Zhao Fu stood at the front, and another Immortal Venerable descendant stood aside, because Zhao Fu and her had the greatest potential, and as representatives of many witches, they had to stand in the front, otherwise Zhao Fu didn't want to be so eye-catching from the beginning. .

Another Immortal Venerable descendant, Zhao Fu, also knows a little. She is a pure Wu clan.

The old woman looked at the forest in front of her with deep eyes, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "My generation will not forget our ancestors, we will worship our ancestors today, and hope that our ancestors will bless them!"

After speaking, the old woman bowed forward, each clan leader bowed forward, and the others followed, and Zhao Fu was no exception, because it would be too obvious if he did not bow alone.


The void emitted by the forest shot out countless rays of light, with a huge momentum shooting at the people standing in front of the forest, forming a path of rays of light.

The old woman shouted, "The witch sacrifice begins!"

The old woman and many patriarchs walked to the side and looked at Zhao Fu and the others standing behind them.

Zhao Fu and the others walked forward, following this path of light into the forest.

Wuzi kept entering the forest.

The elegant middle-aged man asked, "This time Wuji doesn't know who can become the young patriarch!"

The beautiful woman in the red dress said with a smile, "If there is no accident, the young patriarch will be selected from Wu Ling and Wu Ying. But I am more optimistic about Wu Ying."

The handsome young man also chuckled and said, "I'm more optimistic about her. She is a descendant of Immortal Venerable, her aptitude is beyond perception, she is a tenth-level witch seal, and her blood is also related to Immortal Venerable. It can be said that she is the perfect heir to the Young Patriarch."

The old woman also nodded, "It's true that there is no one better than her!"

The elegant middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "On the surface, she is indeed the most suitable person, but I vaguely feel that the witch spirit is not simple, his origin is too mysterious, and I have not received any news from him. It's just deliberately hiding my identity."

The beautiful woman with a cold face said, "Well, you are right about this, and I wonder why he hides his identity? What do you want to tell us? And the strength displayed by this person is unfathomable, maybe He will become the young patriarch of the Wu clan, just let him become the young patriarch, okay?"

The old woman said, "Nothing. Since he is qualified, we can't stop him."

The elegant middle-aged man sighed, "It's really meaningless to talk about him now, just look at their performance in the Holy Land!"

Zhao Fu entered the forest and looked around, and said to Lang Qing, "Follow me!"

Lang Qing is also a witch of a tribe, qualified to participate in the witch festival, and nodded with a happy smile.

Wu Ying looked at Zhao Fu who was leaving with a solemn expression. She had also heard some information about Zhao Fu, and she also cared about Zhao Fu very much, because Zhao Fu was also a strong candidate to become the young patriarch.

She has been trying to perceive Zhao Fu's strength from the very beginning, but until now she has not been able to perceive Zhao Fu's strength. With her ability, she cannot perceive Zhao Fu's strength, so Zhao Fu's strength is absolutely terrible, and it will definitely not be weak. to her.

An enchanting woman walked up to her and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

She is the witch of the Luo Snake tribe, named Snake Youmeng, one of the eight great witches, and has become Wu Ying's friend in the past few days.

Wu Ying said, "I feel that Wu Ling's strength is very strong!"

Snake Youmeng chuckled, "Well, we have heard of him before, but I still think you will become the young patriarch of the Wu clan."

Wu Ying said softly, "Maybe not necessarily!"

Snake Youmeng said, "It's better to catch up with him now and try to see who is stronger. I think only he is a threat. If you remove him, no one can stop you."

Wu Ying thought about it for a while, "Now that the witch festival is just beginning, it's a little inappropriate, so let's keep our battle to the end!"

Xuan Sheng, Yuan Mie and Frog Niu stood aside. Originally they were the three geniuses of the Wu clan and were admired and admired by countless people, but now they seem to have lost their light, and the limelight has almost been taken away by Wu Ying and Zhao Fu. People are watching them.

"What should we do next?" Xuan Sheng looked at Wu Ying in front of him and asked.

The frog bull said, "Anyway, it is impossible for us to become the young patriarch. We will each do our own things. There are many good things in this holy land."

After the Frog Bull was defeated by Zhao Fu last time, he lost that arrogance and became low-key.

Yuan Mie nodded, "Their battle should be at the end, and we don't need to do anything now."

The people standing outside the Holy Land use a secret technique, so that everyone's pictures are first in the sky.

Lang Qing followed behind Zhao Fu and asked, "Wu Ling, where should we go now?"

Zhao Fu sensed the surroundings while flying in the sky. "I don't know, let's see what treasures there are."

call out!

At this moment, a huge black vine shot out from the ground and shot towards Zhao Fu and the two with a powerful momentum, very fast.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. An invisible big hand grabbed the vine, and the vine twisted and grew like a black python.

The black vines found that they couldn't break free from Zhao Fu's hand, and immediately grew rows of three-meter-long spikes. flew past.

A protective cover appeared from Zhao Fu's body, wrapping Zhao Fu's body and Lang Qing's body, and the dense spikes shot on the protective cover, making a sound, without causing damage to Zhao Fu.

Not only Zhao Fu was attacked, other witches were also attacked in different ways.

Some are grasses that grow on the ground, and suddenly grow rapidly, entangling a witch's body, and some are big trees that come to life and grow a big mouth to swallow a witch. Some flowers suddenly flew out, as sharp as blades, cutting people's bodies...

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