The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2828 witch tomb

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Volume 1 Chapter 285

After Zhao Fu killed a few more plants, he vaguely sensed something, and flew to a tombstone with Langqing. The tombstone was a hundred meters high. in different variations. Lang Qing asked curiously, "What is this place?"

Zhao Fu looked at the tombstone and replied, "I don't know, but there may be something I want in it, you stay here first."

Wolf Qing smiled and nodded.

Zhao Fu flew into the tombstone and came to a gloomy and gray space, like a passage, surrounded by rock walls.

As Zhao Fu appeared here, the scarecrow's eyes flashed with strange blood, and they slowly started to fight from the ground. Those blood-colored eyes looked at Zhao Fu, and in the darkness, they seemed particularly infiltrating, making people sweat. erect.

After these scarecrows appeared, there was no other movement, just stood there blankly.

Zhao Fu was a little puzzled. He took a step forward, and the scarecrows also took a step forward. Zhao Fu frowned when he saw this scene, and took another step forward. The scarecrows also took a step forward.

Are those scarecrows imitating themselves?

Zhao Fu thought for a moment in his heart, and with a flick of his sword, a sharp black crescent slashed forward, severing the bodies of several scarecrows with one sword, and the grass clippings flew up, as if he had no resistance at all. But then a strange thing happened, the straws that were cut open slowly climbed up again, their bodies were reassembled, and the grass clippings also automatically flew to the scarecrow.

Zhao Fu's body hurt, and he was slashed by the sword, but he wasn't injured, just aching.

Those scarecrows continued to look at Zhao Fu strangely with those bloody eyes.

Zhao Fu wondered in his heart, "This is the reason for the shooting. He attacked the scarecrow himself, but he was injured instead?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Fu's body stepped back, and the scarecrows also stepped back. They not only blurred Zhao Fu, but synchronized with Zhao Fu with some force, so their movements were the same as Zhao Fu, and they were affected by The damage will also be reflected on Zhao Fu.

Why don't you attack these straws yourself?

Zhao Fu walked forward, and the scarecrow also walked forward. The two sides walked forward step by step. Zhao Fu also became careful and beware of the scarecrow's attack. This is the holy place of the Wu clan, and only Wu power can be used. Zhao Fu power has been greatly weakened.

These scarecrows walked forward in a daze, as if they had no intention of attacking Zhao Fu. At the moment when they passed by, Zhao Fu only felt that the surrounding scene changed instantly, and Zhao Fu stood in the original position on the opposite side again. There were many scarecrows. It was very strange to stand in front of Zhao Fu again.

Zhao Fu also had a headache, "How do I get to this place?"

Many people outside the Holy Land were watching Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu was a strong candidate to become the young patriarch, and they knew this place. The elegant middle-aged man said, "It's very strange there. The person who built that cemetery back then was also a very famous strong man in our Wu tribe."

The beautiful woman in the red dress said with a smile, "I was trapped there before, and it took a lot of energy to escape. It is difficult for ordinary genius-level witches to pass there."

The elegant man nodded and said, "Well, any attack there is meaningless, it will only rebound on himself, and he can only pass through other methods. Now I will see what method he will use. I am also a little curious about it."

Zhao Fu stood there thinking about how to pass, vaguely feeling that this was a mysterious magic power.

Seeing Zhao Fu standing still, many scarecrows slowly raised a hand and hit their head hard, causing Zhao Fu's head to hurt.

Zhao Fu looked at these scarecrows angrily, but he didn't have time to think about anything. He activated the dragon of luck in his body, and strands of pure luck came out of Zhao Fu's body.

Luck is the best thing to resist some mysterious and metaphysical powers, such as curses, divinations, and prophecies can be resisted by Luck. Whoever curses Zhao Fu for divination will also be attacked by Luck, so Zhao Fu used Luck for the first time. withstand.

Everyone sensed Zhao Fu's luck. Although Zhao Fu had hidden some familiarity with his luck, many experts still sensed some information and showed surprised expressions.

The old woman said strangely, "This is the luck of the emperor!"

The elegant man was also very strange in his heart, "Few of us in the chaotic world have the emperor's luck. The emperor's luck on this person seems to be very powerful. What is his identity?"

The beautiful woman in the red dress said, "I think he should be an emperor, or an emperor."

The heroic young man frowned, "Then his identity is even more strange, if he is an emperor, then we should be able to find out his identity, and how is an emperor my inheritance from our witch clan powerhouses? ?"

The old woman said seriously, "There are more and more doubts about him, we still need to pay more attention to him."

The elegant man said seriously, "I have been following him since the beginning, and I feel more and more terrible about his identity. I hope he will not bring disadvantages to the Wu clan."

The cold and beautiful woman said, "I should hope that Wu Ying can suppress him. I don't really hope that such a person will become the young patriarch of my Wu clan, and it will definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future."

His eyes turned back to Zhao Fu.

After Zhao Fu exuded a lot of luck, those straw movements seemed to become more sluggish, which showed that Zhao Fu's move was useful.

When Zhao Fu stepped forward, he took out the scarecrow and walked forward slowly and clumsily. Zhao Fu exuded even greater luck and continued to walk forward.

The scarecrows slowly stopped, standing in place without moving, and the blood-colored light from their eyes dimmed.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fu showed a smile and walked past those scarecrows.

At that moment, the surrounding scene changed rapidly, Zhao Fu returned to the same place again, and many scarecrows were standing opposite. This scene was the same as before.

"What the hell is going on?" Zhao Fu had a headache thinking about it.

The change of position may have nothing to do with the scarecrow, and that may be the reason for this space. Zhao Fu injected a lot of air into his eyes, causing them to emit aura.

Zhao Fu continued to walk forward, the scarecrows stood still.

When Zhao Fu walked past the straw, Zhao Fu saw a thin layer of film in his eyes, and immediately stretched out his hand and pressed it with strong luck.


A dull voice sounded, and the layer of film shattered, and Zhao Fu's body stayed there, not returning to its original place.

Zhao Fu continued to move forward, but did not return to the original place, and finally resolved the matter, Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

Continue down this passage.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Fu came to a bronze statue ten meters high. This bronze statue was carved of an old man, wearing a wizard costume, a bone crown on his head, and holding a short wooden stick.

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