The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2838 Sun and Moon Curses

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Volume One Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen

The strongest form of the fusion of countless witchcraft is the sun and moon witchcraft.

Zhao Fu looked at the sun and moon magic spell that exuded a huge magical power above his head. The sun and moon magic spell slowly fell and merged into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's body was flooded with this powerful force, and an astonishing and incomparable occurrence occurred. Change, every drop of blood, every piece of meat, every bone is infused with a different spell.

Zhao Fu's body was lifted half a meter above the ground by an invisible force, his hands were spread out, and his whole body radiated golden and white light. A sun and moon pattern appeared behind him, exuding an imposing aura that surpassed the heavens and the earth, as if Zhao Fu Like a witch god.

Under this momentum, both the body and mind were under enormous pressure, and the body knelt down uncontrollably.

Almost all the witches knelt in front of Zhao Fu. Only the eight powerful witches were able to resist this terrifying force.

After Zhao Fu fused the sun and moon magic spell, the powerful energy dissipated from his body dissipated, the visions around him returned to calm, and everyone around him returned to normal.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu with some fear and nervousness. Now Zhao Fu has combined the magic spells of countless tribes to create the supreme magic spell of the Wu tribe, and its strength is even more terrifying than before. These witches are like ants in front of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you for your witchcraft, now you can enter the depths of the Holy Land."

Hearing this, some people hurriedly entered the passage, not wanting to stay here for a while.

The 8 great witches looked at Zhao Fu with different expressions, Xuan Sheng and Yuan Mie had smiles on their faces. Now they made the right choice in the stands. Frog Niu Hu Ming and the few people who were defeated by Zhao Fu looked terrified, and Fox looked angry. Such people have such terrifying abilities. Snake Youmeng was very interested in Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Lang Qing and said with a smile, "Let's go in too!"

Lang Qing smiled and nodded. Now that Zhao Fu has merged with the supreme witchcraft, she is the happiest one. I am glad that I was able to meet Zhao Fu.

Seeing Zhao Fu and the two leaving, Xuan Sang said with a smile, "I think he is more likely to become the young patriarch of the Wu Clan. Although Wu Ying is a descendant of Immortal Venerable, he is much weaker than him."

Yuan Mie smiled and nodded, "However, his strength is quite shocking, we feel like a waste compared to him."

He Xiao said, "He has the power of the ancestor of the witch, and he has the strongest spell of the witch clan. If he becomes the young patriarch, I think he should be able to compete with the young master of the ancient dragon clan."

Yuan Mie chuckled, "That's right, now our Wu clan is facing the threat of the young master of the dragon clan, and we need a world-shattering genius."

The frog bull sighed, "I hope he can stop worrying about what happened before."

The fox snorted softly, "I think he is powerful, with extremely bad behavior, and he is a bastard thief."

Snake Youmeng chuckled, "Did he do something to you? Why didn't I see it?"

The fox blushed and didn't speak.

After Zhao Fu entered deeper into the Holy Land, the scene changed a lot. It was no longer in the forest, but in the ruins of the tribes.

Some tents are still standing, some have collapsed, and there are stones and wood scattered around, and some bones are blamed on the walls. It's very quiet here, spreading a cold air that makes people's hair stand on end.

This should be the place where the ancestors of the witch tribe lived.

Zhao Fu and Lang Qing took a few steps forward, and transparent spiritual bodies appeared one by one, floating in the air, including old people, children, men and women.

They looked at Zhao Fu and Lang Qing with smiles, as if there was no danger.

This is the third soul sacrifice of the witch sacrifice. The surrounding spirits are all the ancestors of the previous Wu tribe. They are indeed not dangerous, but they will absorb some of your soul power. If the soul power is absorbed too much, you will have a splitting headache, and even Will be stunned and be teleported directly out of the Holy Land.

Lang Qing said with a smile, "I'll go first!"

Zhao Fu nodded, "If you can't hold on, go back."

Lang Qing smiled and hummed, walked over to those spirit bodies, and those spirit bodies slowly drifted towards Lang Qing.

The first spirit body was a 78-year-old boy, happily trotting through Lang Qing's body, taking away part of Lang Qing's soul power, and merging into his body, Lang Qing frowned.

The second was a young woman who walked through Zhao Fu's body with a smile and took away some of her soul power.

The third person was a young man, also with a smile, quickly wearing Lang Qing's body, taking away part of Lang Qing's soul power at one time.

The fourth is a bald old man passing through Lang Qing's body.


One by one, the spirit bodies passed through Lang Qing's body, taking away the soul power of Lang Qing. With the continuous loss of soul power, Lang Qing's face became paler and paler, and his face also showed a somewhat painful expression.

These soul powers are not absorbed by the spirit body in vain. The spirit body absorbs part of the soul power, and also purifies part of the bloodline. The more the spirit body passes through the body, the greater the improvement of the bloodline. Clan has a huge appeal.

But almost no one can let so many spiritual bodies take away their soul power.

This is not a compulsory behavior. You can absorb soul power from the spiritual body in exchange for improving bloodline power, or you can not absorb the soul power from the spiritual body, but the Holy Land will not give you points and rewards.

After thirty spirit bodies passed through Lang Qing's body, Lang Qing's face was pale and it became difficult to stand. She knew that she had reached her limit and immediately returned to the place. Those spirit bodies did not chase after them, but also retreated.


Zhao Fu looked at the weak Lang Qing, put one hand on her back, and injected a powerful force into Lang Qing's body to help Lang Qing recover, and Zhao Fu also injected part of the power of the sun and moon magic spell into the wolf. blue body.

Lang Qing's body was shocked, and he only felt a powerful magic spell injected into his body. The weak body was recovering very quickly, and a sun and moon pattern appeared on Lang Qing's back, emitting a strong light.

In just a short while, Lang Qing's body has recovered, and his strength has increased a lot.

Lang Qing said with a happy smile, "Thank you, Wu Ling, I plan to go ahead and give it a try."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Langqing continued to step forward, and those spirits flew over, passing through Langqing's body one by one, and the sun and moon witchcraft emerged from Langqing's back, emitting a golden-white light. .

With the blessing of the sun and moon witchcraft, Lang Qing's body became stronger than before, more than a dozen spirit bodies passed through, his face was not pale, and his breath was not weak.

This surprised many powerful people outside the Holy Land. The power of this Sun and Moon Witchcraft is really powerful. There is also this kind of effect. If they can get the Sun Moon Witchcraft, it would be great for them. great attraction.

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