The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2910 Temple

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Volume 1 Chapter 367

Ri Qing thought for a moment, then nodded, "I am willing to support the Son of God!"

Ri Qing has made a statement, and the other two envoys have also expressed their willingness to support Zhao Fu's reform. If they do not support it, both of them may be abolished as Sun envoys, and new envoys can be promoted at any time.

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "First of all, I want to announce that two systems will be abolished. First, the gods are not allowed to levy materials from other villages. Second, the maid system will be abolished."

These two systems were abolished when Zhao Fu was the master of the temple. Later, considering that the fluctuations caused were too great, he temporarily stopped them. Now that Zhao Fu has become the master of the Eighth Sun Temple, he has the highest power, and it is time to make a new change.

Riqing said, "Son of God, these two systems have been implemented for a long time, and the opposition may be very large."

Ri Que also persuaded, "The resistance of the son of God is too great, why don't we come step by step, don't be in such a hurry."

Rihu also said, "Well, this affects the interests of many people, and the resistance will be great."

There will be a lot of resistance, and Zhao Fu has already anticipated that, because Zhao Fu received a huge help when he abolished the two systems in the white-level temple, and Zhao Fu's solution is also very straightforward, that is, kill them all.

Maybe taking it slow will reduce some resistance and casualties, but Zhao Fu doesn't have that much time to stay here.

Zhao Fu said, "Well, I know there will be a lot of resistance. Now you have assembled the forces of the eight temples and distributed them in various places in the Land of Extreme Sun. If there is a resister, you will kill them."

The envoys of the sun looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to be so decisive and directly kill those who resisted the order. I don't know how many people will die this time, and the Temple of the Eighth Sun will suffer a lot. loss.

Ri Qing couldn't help but say, "Son of God, if this is the case, a lot of people will die, which will have a negative impact on the Eighth Sun Temple."

Zhao Fu nodded, "I understand that there will be a lot of losses, but if you don't break it, you can't stand. Only by sacrificing these people will we usher in a more thorough and brand-new Eighth Sun Temple."

Hearing this, Ri Qing didn't say anything.

Zhao Fu looked at everyone, "What else do you have to say?"

The crowd was silent.

Zhao Fu said, "Then follow my orders!"

"Yes!" Numerous sun envoys responded,

The assembled army of eight temples was distributed to various places in the Land of Extreme Sun according to Zhao Fu's orders, and at the same time announced the abolition of the two systems.

The happiest of course were the people in the villages and towns and the persecuted maids, who couldn't help but calm down, and some people even cried with excitement.

The prophecy has really come true, and the prophecy will make their lives better and the Japanese people to become prosperous.

Of course, there are also some people who are not convinced. Originally, their own interests would not be greatly affected, and they even thought that there would be more benefits, but they did not expect this to happen.

Some people chose to endure it. Now that the prophecy has taken control of the Temple of the Eighth Sun, their rebellion is equivalent to courting death. .

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, so they called their own troops and wanted to resist the orders given by Zhao Fu.

At this time, the army distributed in various places played a role.

A large army easily invaded a town, those who resisted wanted to flee in fear, and the army fiercely pursued those people.

Finally, the mayor of this town was caught, a middle-aged man with a pot belly, who was dragged by two people to a young man in armor.

The middle-aged man cried and said, "I dare not, please let me go, I am willing to obey all orders."

The young man gave an order indifferently, "The Son of God has an order, and anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy."

The middle-aged man was dragged down, and the soldier pulled out a big knife and chopped off the middle-aged man's head, and blood spurted out like a spring.

ah ah ah...

There were countless screams in the town, making people feel a sense of fear, and the smell of blood spread everywhere.

Killing many rebellious people, the youth let these corpses hang on the city wall as a warning to others.

There were also rebels in other places, but just as they were moved, the army guarding on one side rushed into it and killed all the rebels. It was useless to surrender, and the corpses were piled up together to form a hill with blood flowing. into a creek. Makes people feel intense fear.

Under the suppression of this bloody slaughter, the signs of rebellion were eradicated before they grew, and the rest of the people who had the heart to rebel did not dare to take any rebel actions.

After a short period of chaos, the Temple of the Eighth Sun quickly calmed down. It could even be said to be dead quiet. Whether it is a person who wants to rebel or a person who supports change, they dare not make any noise under this bloody killing, for fear that they will also be killed. kill.

The Eight Sun God Envoys became cautious in front of Zhao Fu, and they were also afraid of angering him. Seeing the Eight Sun God Envoys changing into a different shape in a short period of time, the Eight Sun God Envoys were also a little surprised.

Zhao Fu waited for a few days to let the killings subside. He continued to issue some orders, and at the same time issued some announcements. I will not kill people at will. I will kill some damned people. They are the ones who disobeyed my orders. He is also the one who hinders the reform of the Eight Days Temple.

Zhao Fu issued another order, inviting people from all villages, towns, and forces to come to the temple together to discuss the direction of the temple for the next eight days, and to solve problems in various places.

Knowing this, the one who was originally worried and scared cheered at one time, and he was no longer worried that he would be punished, and wholeheartedly supported Zhao Fu, the prophecy.

People from all over the world came to the temple with smiles and hope, and when they saw the legendary prophecy, they became excited and excited.

Zhao Fu didn't have a high profile, but sat on the throne gently, listening to various things being said in various places, and giving some answers. Although they might not solve their various local affairs, they also had that attitude.

At the end the banquet entertained the crowd.

After these people went back, they talked about what happened, and let countless people know what kind of person Zhao Fu was, as well as his views on the Temple of the Eighth Sun, as well as his personal philosophy, and the land of extreme sun was boiling. Everyone's love and respect for Zhao Fu became fanatical.

It can be said that no matter what kind of spirit Zhao Fu orders, they will not even think about executing it, and they are full of confidence in the future of the Eight-Day Temple.

The eight-day envoys watched the changes in the Eight-day Temple, and their attitude towards Zhao Fu became more respectful. They understood that Zhao Fu was not just a prophecy, but his own strength was also extraordinary. Regarding the future of the Eight-day Temple, Also full of expectations.

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