The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2917 The Son of God

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Volume 1 Chapter 374

Zhao Fu said, "Didn't you say that only the Son of God can obtain the Sun Power? How can I prove that I am the Son of God?"

The heroic woman chuckled and said, "If you can ascend to the throne of God, you can be called the Son of God, and we will obey your orders."

Zhao Fu nodded, "I want to give it a try!"

The noble woman snorted softly, "We can give you a chance. If you can't ascend to the throne, don't blame us for dealing with you."

Zhao Fu looked at the noble woman and asked, "What do you want to do with it?"

The noble woman thought for a moment and said, "Just be our slave, obey all our orders, and do whatever you want,"

Hearing that there was no danger to his life, Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay!"

The heroic woman smiled and said, "Are you sure? If you fail, you will stay here for the rest of your life, and I don't think you should be the Son of God."

A glamorous woman said, "Don't persuade him, there are so many creatures left in the temple, and I want another servant for me to play. I'm tired of sleeping here for so long."

The charming woman chuckled and said, "Me too, and how does your kid look like? Take off your cloak and show us, I'm not interested in ugly men, if you don't look good, I might kill you. already."

The sunny woman smiled and said, "It's useless, let him do other things."

At this time, Zhao Fu took off his cloak, revealing that perfectly perfect face. He saw that many divine envoys were a little lost, and he had never seen such a perfect face.

The noble woman said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to look so good!"

The charming woman said with a hint of regret, "It's a pity that we can only serve Lord God, otherwise I don't mind playing with you, it's a pity for your face."

The hot woman said with a smile, "Although I can't do those things, it's a joy to have such a perfect servant."

Zhao Fu said, "Are you really that confident?"

The glamorous woman said with a chuckle, "Why do you think you are really the Son of God? If you were the Son of God, we would have sensed it long ago, and giving you the throne is just for you to try."

When the tree sap next to him heard this sentence, his heart sank, and he said, "Zhao Fu, why don't we leave here first."

Zhao Fu said, "I want to give it a try!"

The hot woman said happily, "Well, yes, I appreciate you."

The heroic woman smiled and said, "Everyone, let him have a try."

Hearing that, the sixteen women all withdrew their powers, and then stood aside, looking at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and some of them were discussing how to deal with Zhao Fu with a smile.

Zhao Fu walked forward.


The seat of God exuded a powerful momentum, and countless golden rays of light shot out. The seat of God seemed to be as tall as a mountain, and mortals couldn't get close to it at all.

Zhao Fu took a step forward.

A golden power spread out from the throne.

The noble woman chuckled and said, "I knew he wasn't the Son of God. If he were the Son of God, he would have no such reaction at all."

The glamorous woman smiled and said, "I have already figured out what to do with him. He looks so perfect, I want him to dance in women's clothes and show me."

A lively woman smiled and said, "I have this idea too, he is really good-looking."

The noble woman snorted softly, "I don't have any of your weird interests. I want to train him into a good servant who is devoted to me."

The heroic woman smiled and said, "You also think a little weird. I treat him like a normal servant, and she just takes care of my daily living."


A roar sounded, and the girls heard the voice and looked over, only to see that Zhao Fu's body also emitted a strong golden light, a golden light ball wrapped around his body, like a golden sun, an ultimate divine power spread out.

The girls felt this momentum, their bodies were like falling into the abyss, a fear appeared in their hearts, and the girls showed shocked expressions.

This divine power is not the divine power of the Hao Ri God, but a divine power emanating from a more advanced God, but it also contains part of the divine power of the Hao Ri God.

Zhao Fu walked forward.

There was a powerful golden power radiating from the throne, and a powerful force wanted to knock Zhao Fu out. Zhao Fu stepped on the ground, and the golden ball of light wrapped around his body radiated a powerful force to resist it. The golden power that spreads.

Zhao Fu continued to walk forward step by step, and the throne continued to emit powerful divine powers, trying to push Zhao Fu away.

The girls were surprised,

The glamorous woman asked, "What should we do now? This kid has a very terrifying origin, and he actually possesses such terrifying divine power."

The noble woman said solemnly, "We underestimated him, and what is his identity? We have lived for so long that we have never seen an existence similar to him."

A gentle woman asked, "Would you like to prevent him from ascending the throne?"

The heroic woman said, "According to the rules, as long as he ascends the throne of God, he can be called the Son of God, and he also has a strong power of the sun in his body, I think it's better not to stop it, he really becomes the Son of God, I believe it is also destiny arrange."

heard, the crowd

The woman nodded.

Zhao Fu had already walked to the stone steps of the God Throne, stepped on the stone steps one step, and a powerful divine force slammed down from the sky.

Zhao Fu fully exerted all the power related to the gods in his body, forming an invisible force field, which actually made the terrifying divine power ineffective.

Keep going.

boom boom boom...

The seat of the gods released an incomparably powerful divine power, which could kill all approaching gods. No one could resist such a terrifying divine power.

However, this divine power was ineffective under the force field released by Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu's body of ten thousand gods could become the body of ten thousand gods.

Zhao Fu came to the front of the Throne, and the Throne also released all its divine power, pressing down on Zhao Fu like several mountains.

The girls also looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, their hearts beating fast.


With a loud noise, Zhao Fu resisted that divine power and sat on the throne, his body exuding countless divine lights, and behind him there was a huge sun, like a real sun god.

A huge golden light wave spread out instantly, covering the entire Haori Temple, and the Haori Temple welcomed his new owner.

The girls also reacted and knelt on the ground one after another, "Meet the Son of God!"

Zhao Fu showed a smile and withdrew all his strength. "Do you remember what you just said?"

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