The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2923 The Fifth Sun

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Volume 1 Chapter 380

When it came to the fourth sun, there was lava, and there were no plants or animals. The surroundings were full of dead silence and the temperature was not very high.

Zhao Fu learned the lesson from the last time, and this time he came to this sun to be a little more careful. He first sensed the surroundings and found that there was no danger, and then walked forward.

It didn't take long for Zhao Fu to come to the front of the temple. There were two tall lava statues in this temple.

Zhao Fu displayed the power of the Holy Sun Ambassador. The barrier in front of the temple did not block Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu easily entered the temple and continued to walk towards the temple.

When he came to a large hall and saw that there was no one around the shrine, Zhao Fu felt a little strange, "Is there no goddess who manages the shrine here?"

However, no one here is beneficial to Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu released a supreme divine power. A golden sun enveloped Zhao Fu's body at one time, emitting a strong dazzling light, like a real sun god, towards the walked past.

In less than a while, Zhao Fu ascended the throne and successfully became the master of the temple.

Zhao Fu came to a golden gate again, and pushed it hard, only to see a sea of ​​fire in the power, and a one-meter-sized golden crystal in the air, emitting countless golden rays of light.

Beneath the crystal, there were eight tall women with fiery hair, pointed ears, beautiful faces, and tall statures, sitting cross-legged on the ground, absorbing the energy of the original sun.

Zhao Fu thought that there was no goddess. It turned out that they were here. Zhao Fu did not disturb them. He also sat crossed under the hair of the spar, and shot a golden beam on his forehead.


An hour later, a mighty sun power burst out from Zhao Fu's body, Zhao Fu's body turned into a body made of golden light at one time, and the spar on his forehead emitted numerous golden rays of light.

The powerful fluctuation caused the eight cultivating goddesses to open their eyes one after another, looking at the strange man in front of them, showing a stunned expression.

They have been cultivating here for countless years, and they have been concentrating all the time. Their minds have already been immersed in it, and they have not cared about other things. If it is not for the strong fluctuations around them, they will not wake up from their cultivation.

A woman with a sweet face asked curiously, "Who is he? How did he appear here, and he can still absorb the original energy."

The noble woman shook her head, "I don't know, but now he has ascended to the throne of God and has become the Lord of the Temple. Now he absorbs the power of the Sun and becomes the Son of the Holy Sun."

The Lengyan woman said seriously, "This matter is troublesome! We are too immersed in our cultivation, and we don't even know that such a big thing happened."

The mature woman said, "This place is originally special, we can't sense the changes in the temple,"

The noble woman asked, "This person already has three sources of energy, what should have happened during the period of time we were cultivating."

The sweet woman smiled and said, "We'll ask him when he wakes up."

A small golden sun emerged from the spar on Zhao Fu's head at one time, Zhao Fu's body slowly transformed into strength, and a powerful momentum was released.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes and found that all the girls were looking at him.

The sweet woman smiled and said, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I am a person from the lower realm. This time, I have come to the sun to collect eight sources of solar power."

The noble woman said, "You actually have such abilities, and your identity is not simple. Now you are the master of the temple, and you have the original power of the sun. We can't change it. We recognize your identity."

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face.

The mature woman looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Tell me about what happened recently. We feel that a lot has happened."

Zhao Fu nodded, "I don't know if you want to hear what happened in the sun or what happened in the lower realm."

The mature woman replied, "All!"

Zhao Fu told all the girls in detail what had happened recently.

When the girls learned that all kinds of things happened, they showed complicated expressions, especially the matter of the Eighth Sun Temple in the lower realm, which made them angry, uncomfortable, and a little sad.

The noble woman smiled and said, "The eight-day envoy did not know what prophecy method was used to predict your existence. We also believe in you. Under your leadership, the Eight-day Temple will usher in a great revival."

Zhao Fu said humbly, "You have passed the prize!"

The Lengyan woman asked, "You haven't said why you need to collect the eight sources of energy, why you have such abilities, and your future plans."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "This is my secret, I won't tell you for the time being."

The mature woman smiled and said, "Well, we understand you, and I wish you the ability to integrate the eight sources of sun power. I believe that at that moment, the Eight Sun Temple will usher in the final change."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'm going to the next sun."

The girls nodded.

Zhao Fu got up and left the room and flew towards the fifth sun.

After Zhao Fu left, the mature woman asked seriously, "Do you think he will become the new Sun God?"

The cold and beautiful woman said, "He will be a new sun god, but he will definitely be an acquired sun god, he can't compare with the innate sun god, but eight

With the existence of the gods, the Sun Temple will be reborn. "

The sweet woman said, "What about us? What should we do?"

The noble woman said, "Of course we concentrate on our cultivation. If he needs us, we will try our best to help him. We are practicing honestly now, and we will look for the missing Sun God on the day of immortality."

The sweet woman pouted and said, "We are sun elves. We have endless lives on the sun, but our cultivation is too slow to improve."

The noble woman smiled and said, "Let's continue to concentrate on our cultivation, maybe the next time we wake up, we will be imprinted as immortals."

The sweet woman smiled sweetly and nodded.

Everyone continued to close their eyes and concentrate on absorbing the original energy.

Zhao Fu has already arrived at the fifth sun, and Zhao Fu is a little surprised here, because it is actually covered with purple-red plants, the ground is dark red, the temperature is not very high, and it is suitable for people to live in. Zhao Fu also saw A few little beasts ran over.

This fifth sun was obviously more alive than the previous four suns, Zhao Fu smiled and flew to the side.

call out!

A fiery red arrow quickly shot towards Zhao Fu. The arrow's strength was very weak. Zhao Fu just glanced at it. The arrow spontaneously ignited and turned into many ashes.

Zhao Fu looked at the ground, and saw a young man who was scared and wanted to run away. With a smile, he disappeared and appeared in front of the young man.

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