The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2983 Last month (for subscription)

Volume 1 Chapter 431

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to catch this strand of silk thread, and the silk threads merged together to form a small ball of light, emitting pure original moon energy.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Thank you!"

Fairy Yue said, "You don't need to thank us, and you don't want to tell us about you now, we can understand you, but you must tell us in the future that you are one of our men, and I don't want us to become enemies in the future."

Zhao Fu fell silent. He was originally from the Apocalypse World. The Apocalypse World and the Chaos World were originally hostile worlds, so their relationship with Zhao Fu was also a hostile relationship.

Fairy Yue looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Well, I will tell you later, what things I will definitely avoid, and whether I should go up to accompany you for a few days."

The women blushed and said, "Don't! Asshole! Pervert! Bad guy!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Then I'll go and accompany you for a few days after I've dealt with these matters."

The girls showed smiles. Although they said they didn't want Zhao Fu to come up, they really wanted Zhao Fu to go up. The days with Zhao Fu in the Moon Palace were their happiest days.

With this trace of source moon power, Zhao Fu came to the land of extreme sun again. Zhao Fu came in quietly. If Zhao Fu came in openly, then countless people would know that the innate sun god had returned, and it would definitely cause a huge sensation.

Zhao Fu also wants to see what the current temple has become.

Now the land of extreme sun has changed a lot, and it has been called the land given by gods. It seems to be wrapped by a kind of divine light. It does not look barren and barren. Animals can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Fu felt that it was the people in the temple who performed miracles and wrapped the Land of Extreme Sun, which made such a huge change in the Land of Extreme Sun in a short period of time.

Come to the temple.

It is no longer called the Eight-Day Temple, and the system of eight temples has also been abolished. Now it is collectively called the Supreme Temple. There is only one statue and only one god, and that is Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu quietly came to the temple and looked at the statue of himself with a smile. With a wave of her hand, a beam of light hit the statue, and the statue exuded a halo, with images of Japanese and English appearing inside, and she was the only one.

Zhao Fu asked strangely, "Why are you the only one?"

Niying explained, "They are cultivating now."

Zhao Fu understood that most of the Supreme Temple is now managed by Niying alone, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Riying showed a smile, "What's the matter? Suddenly contacted?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I need a ray of original energy."

Niying replied, "Well, I'll pick it up for you."

Riying disappeared into the picture, and after a while, a small golden ball of light emerged from the statue and flew towards Zhao Fu. Niying reappeared in the picture and asked with a smile, "Is it enough?"

Zhao Fu put away the ball of light and replied with a smile, "Enough!"

Riying looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "When are you coming back? We all miss you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "When I deal with this matter, I will go back."

Yingying smiled and hummed.

After finishing the conversation with Japan and Ying, Zhao Fu took a few more glances at the Land of Extreme Sun and returned to the Eastern Alliance.

In the hall, Zhao Fu carefully took out two balls of light, one white and one gold, and said, "My lord, I have lived up to your hopes, and have obtained two kinds of origin power."

Dongfang looked surprised last month. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to actually do it. He felt the pure source aura emanating from the two light spheres. It was definitely the power of the source.

This kind of power is only found on the sun and the moon. She has never had this level of power. If it wasn't to deal with evil spirits, she would have wanted to absorb these two source powers, which would have a huge impact on him. s help.

Dongfang Shangyue grabbed the two balls of light in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said with a smile, "You are doing very well. Originally, it would take decades for an ordinary person to become a deacon at the earliest. Appoint you as a deacon, and also grant you a wish."

Zhao Fu wanted to say in his heart, I want bronze shards, but this is too suspicious. Zhao Fu absolutely can't say it directly, he can only say, "I don't have any wishes, I just want to work for the Eastern Alliance."

Dongfang last month nodded with satisfaction and said, "I see you have been wearing the cloak, why didn't you take it off?"

When Zhao Fu heard the words, he took off the cloak, revealing his perfect face.

Dongfang Shangyue looked at Zhao Fu unexpectedly. Looking at Zhao Fu's perfect face, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Dongfang Shangyue's mouth, "Since you have no wishes, then I will reward you for serving me once."


Zhao Fu looked at Dongfang Shangyue's face, and he refused in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it directly, it would be a tragic death.

Dongfang last month frowned slightly, "Why don't you want to?"

Zhao Fu said quickly, "It doesn't mean that, it is my honor to serve the Lord of the Alliance."

Dongfang last month nodded in satisfaction and said, "Come here!"

Zhao Fu could only walk forward.

A few days have passed since then, Dongfang last month took the mirror in surprise and looked at his beautiful face.

Just when she had a relationship with Zhao Fu, she discovered that there was actually a physical power in Zhao Fu, which caused some changes in her appearance, so after a few days of pestering Zhao Fu, she finally made her original.

Ben's ugly face became beautiful.

Zhao Fu said a little dejectedly, "Lord Alliance Lord, can I leave?"

Dongfang last month smiled and said, "Want to leave so soon? I'm very satisfied with you, you can stay with me in the future!"

Zhao Fu said, "I still have things to do, Lord."

Dongfang said last month, "I don't think you have anything important, so you should stay. I want to become more beautiful. Although I don't have much requirements for appearance, there is no woman who wants to be ugly, and your body How can you have this kind of power inside?"

Zhao Fu replied, "This is one of the exercises I practice!"

Dongfang last month said with a smile, "No wonder Dongfangyu said you are a bit lewd, it turns out that your practice is like this, don't worry, I will not treat you badly."

Said Dongfang pushed Zhao Fu down last month.

A few days later, looking at Dongfang last month, who had already fallen asleep, his face flushed and became very beautiful. Zhao Fu still had a little resistance in his heart. Taking advantage of Dongfang last month, Zhao Fu left the hall and accepted the appointment of the deacon. , began to inquire about the news of the bronze fragments.

Sure enough, with the improvement of his status, Zhao Fu learned a lot of news that he didn't know before. What surprised Zhao Fu was that there was news about bronze fragments.

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