The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3100 Void

Volume 1 Chapter 55

This time, the void coolie was not afraid of Zhao Fu's power, but directly sealed Zhao Fu's power.

I saw that the light of the body that covered Huo Baiwu was gradually blocked by ice, and it also spread to Zhao Fu, making Zhao Fu feel a biting chill, he immediately retracted his hand and took a step back, his face became solemn.

Huo Dongmei's heart sank, and she quickly asked, "How is it?"

Zhao Fu said solemnly, "This time it's not only the nihilistic bitterness, but also a terrifying ice cold poison. The two toxins are fused together, and my strength is not only unable to remove the toxin, but will also be affected by the two toxins."

Huo Dongmei burst into tears, "What should I do now?"

Huo Meimu also looked at Huo Baiwu with a sad expression. Now that Zhao Fu has no way to save her father, then her father will definitely die.

Although Huo Qinger didn't know Zhao Fu's identity, he also understood that Zhao Fu was the only one who could save his father, so he said anxiously and sadly, "Please, save my father, you should have a way."

Zhao Fu frowned and said, "Now I can only try it with my bloodline, but I may also be poisoned, and I will be in great danger."

Huo Dongmei looked at Zhao Fu, "I don't know what to do to put you in such a big danger, but I still want you to give it a try. If you are poisoned, I can pay for it with my life."

Zhao Fu hugged Huo Dongmei with a smile and said, "It's not that serious. Although I will be poisoned, it will not be life-threatening, but it may not be possible to put out the fire."

Huo Dongmei hugged Zhao Fu and rested her head on Zhao Fu's shoulder, "It doesn't matter if you fail, I won't blame you, I will be yours from now on."

Zhao Fu smiled and hummed.

Huo Qing'er looked surprised, she didn't know what the relationship between her mother and the man in front of her was. How could the usually stable and mature mother be so pitiful in the arms of other men?

The fiery eyebrows also said, "Xiang Gong! Although I am already yours, if you can be my father, I will thank you for the rest of my life."

Huo Qing'er's face was even more stunned, "Why did my eldest sister call this man in front of her husband? Doesn't she have a husband? What happened to your mother and eldest sister?"

Zhao Fu nodded, "I will try my best!"

Zhao Fu walked to Huo Baiwu's side, cut his finger, and blood flowed from the wound. Zhao Fu then pressed his finger on Huo Baiwu's forehead, and a supreme blood force poured into Huo Baiwu's body.

A huge coercion was released, causing Huo Dongmei's three girls to feel their bodies sink, and the air became dignified.

The three girls felt Zhao Fu's terrifying blood pressure, and they felt as insignificant as ants, and they were even more curious about who Zhao Fu was.

Zhao Fu poured into the blood power of Huo Baiwu's body, turned it into blood runes, and swam to various parts of Huo Baiwu's body, but the fused toxin formed a vortex, and the blood runes were Wen inhales it.

Not only that, that vortex is still swallowing Zhao Fu's blood, exuding an even more terrifying power.

Zhao Fu gathered many blood runes to form a huge blood sword, and slammed into that vortex with an incomparable power. The two forces collided continuously, and an amazing momentum spread.

The outside was also affected, and Huo Baiwu radiated a terrifying force that cracked the ground and pushed the bodies of the three Huo Dongmei girls back.


The vortex was unfolded by a sword and made a loud noise, but the vortex that was cut open did not disappear, but turned into two huge monsters,

One looks like an earthworm, the color is transparent, there are tiny holes on the body, and the top layer is cone-shaped, and the other looks like a worm, with ice hairs on its body, a big ferocious mouth, and five eyes.

The two monsters moved up very fast, trying to get into Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and pressed his finger on the center of Huo Baiwu's eyebrows, and a more powerful blood force was injected into it, forming a blood-colored dragon, with a powerful momentum, and the two monsters. fight together.

The Void Worm with a transparent body disappeared directly in place, drilled out of the Void, bit on the Blood Dragon's body, and the Blood Dragon swung the body, and the Void Worm flew out.

The ice worm spit out countless cold air, trying to freeze Zhao Fu's body, the blood dragon ignited a blood-colored arrogance, resisting the cold air that was used.

The void drilled out from the other side, and wanted to bite the blood dragon again, but the blood dragon had already prevented this move, and turned his head sharply to bite, and instead bit the void worm, and the void worm made a piercing chirping, The body keeps twisting.

The ice worm hurriedly rushed over, biting on the blood dragon, spitting out a lot of cold air, and freezing the piece of the blood dragon's body that it bit.

Regardless of the ice worm's attack, the blood dragon grabbed the body of the Void Insect with both claws and pulled it hard, tearing the Void in two halves.

The ice worm spit out more cold air and wanted to freeze the blood dragon.

The blood dragon immediately turned his head and took a fierce bite, one bite was about to hit the ice worm's head, and he slammed the ice worm out.

The Void Worm that turned into two halves is not dead yet, exuding a power of nothingness, and wants to reunite.


The blood dragon let out a huge dragon roar, and a blood-colored light shot out of its mouth, hitting the void worm with a huge force.

The body of the Void Worm dissipated into numerous particles.

The blood dragon's eyes fiercely looked at the ice worm, and the ice worm turned its head in fear and ran away.

The blood dragon immediately chased after him.

After a while, the blood dragon caught up with the ice worm and took a bite on the body of the ice worm. The ice worm struggled hard, and the blood dragon ripped upwards, tearing off a piece of meat from the ice worm.


A huge explosion sounded, the ice worm actually exploded, and an ice-colored force spread out, blasting the blood dragon out.

The ice worm disappeared, the blood dragon also suffered some injuries, and then it turned into a blood-colored force that dissipated, and a huge bloodline force dissipated. Countless toxins were emitted from Huo Baiwu's body, and Huo Baiwu's face gradually became rosy. stand up.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Huo Dongmei showed a happy smile, knowing that the poison in Huo Baiwu's body was removed.

Zhao Fu continued to inject the power of his bloodline to continuously remove toxins from Huo Baiwu's body.

However, the two toxins that gushed out have not dissipated, one is entangled in the void, the other is floating in the void, emitting a chill.

Zhao Fu immediately said, "You step back a little!"

Zhao Fu was worried that these two toxins would attack other people.

Hearing this, Huo Dongmei and the three immediately retreated into the distance, carefully looking at the two groups of toxins floating in the void.

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