The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3107 Purple Bone Demon Flower

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Volume 1 Chapter 71

After returning to Daqin, Zhao Fu came to the sea of ​​​​flowers, chose a place, pressed one hand on the ground, and a huge demonic energy was injected into the ground, making the ground quickly transform into demonic land, and wisps of purple demonic energy also keep drifting out.

After transforming this place into a demon land, Zhao Fu took out the seeds of the monster clan's rare flower, dug a small pit, buried the seeds in it, and then dropped the ten thousand year demon liquid into it.

Like spiritual liquid, this demon liquid is made of highly demonic condensed energy. The ten thousand year demon liquid is condensed for ten thousand years and contains very pure demon power. It is also very rare, and is invaluable to ordinary people.

The Wannian demon liquid was poured into it, and the strange flower seeds of the demon race began to take root and sprout, breaking out of the ground and growing rapidly, and the surrounding demon energy was also rapidly gathering.

I saw that many roots grew out and expanded rapidly. like countless snakes. Zhao Fu also quickly stepped back.

Those rhizomes cover the ground with a radius of 100 meters. The rhizomes are inserted against the ground, and the branches in the middle are also growing rapidly. Small white round leaves grow out and grow to a height of more than 20 meters. The top begins to touch a pure white. buds, like those of a lotus flower.

From the appearance, the appearance of this monster flower is very different from the corpse monster king flower. The corpse monster king flower is already another kind of flower.

The height of the monster flower is only more than 20 meters, which is too small compared to other flowers that grow several kilometers high.

This monster flower is also called Purple Bone Monster Lotus, so its shape is somewhat similar to a lotus flower.

Now there is a spectacle in the sea of ​​flowers. Six tall and different flowers of different colors are distributed in six directions. Although they are separated by a certain distance, they do not seem to be far apart because of their huge size.

If you look at it from a distance, you can't go to the end, which gives people a shocking feeling. From a distance, there are six huge flowers growing here, as if they are going to rise into the sky, which is also very spectacular.

However, for some unknown reason, these strange flowers are all just budding, and none of them are about to bloom yet.

For example, the gods and exotic flowers have bloomed before. Both of them are humanoids, and they are the existence of the ancestors of the flower. But after they are replanted, they grow again. The original flowers wither and bear new ones one by one. bud.

Zhao Fu looked at the strange flower of the monster clan in front of him. He had also learned about its function before, and wanted to try it, whether it could improve his bloodline.

Zhao Fu opened his arm, and the blood flowed out under Zhao Fu's control, forming a blood group, Zhao Fu flicked it, and the blood group flew towards the monster flower and merged into the strange flower.


A huge momentum erupted from the strange flowers of the demon race, forming an air column that went straight to the sky, causing the world to begin to change color, and a vast demon power enveloped the four directions.

The place where the strange flower of the monster race merged into the blood, shot out countless purple rays of light. This monster flower seems to be absorbing and merging the blood, perhaps because the blood is too advanced, the process is slow and difficult.

After more than an hour, the strange flower of the demon clan finally absorbed the blood, and a larger demon force spread out, and no one could stop this force.

The strange flowers of the demon race are also growing wildly. Many rhizomes continue to expand, covering the ground of several thousand meters. The branches also quickly grow to one thousand meters, and the buds become even larger. There is a faint purple demon light shooting out. Look. It's pure white and weird.

Zhao Fu looked at the strange flower of the monster clan, his expression stunned, and found that the strange flower of the monster clan only absorbed his blood, and did not improve the blood that he left in its body.

"what happened?"

Zhao Fu thought about it, probably because his bloodline level was too high, and he was almost on the verge of breaking through his original bloodline.

However, there should be no problem in cultivating a kind of holy bloodline with the power emanating from the strange flowers of the monster race.

Zhao Fu called Bai Qi.

Zhao Fu was surrounded by many people with high-ranking bloodlines, but all of them were women, and the bloodlines of many Daqin generals were relatively ordinary.

Bai Qi is the most important general in Daqin and one of the most powerful people in Daqin. Zhao Fu wants to give Bai Qi the opportunity to be promoted to a holy bloodline, so that Bai Qi can also obtain the first generation holy blood, which will be of great help to him in the future. , will also be very beneficial to Da Qin.

As for other people, we can only wait for this monster flower to bloom and give birth to seeds, which will improve the blood of other people.

Because the monster flower is similar to the lotus in some aspects, Zhao Fu sees that this monster flower of himself should be able to breed a thousand ordinary seeds, hundreds of excellent seeds, dozens of rare seeds, and a few inheritance. seed.

Among them, the inheritance seeds are the most important, which can inherit all the attributes of the monsters and have all the abilities of the monsters.

The ability of other seeds will be much weaker, and they are almost bred to upgrade bloodlines, at most some emperor blood, emperor blood.

Of course, this is not very important to Zhao Fu, but it is still very surprising. Back then, when Zhao Fu was still the first emperor blood, the first generation king blood also caused shocks in all parties. These bloodlines were unattainable to them.

Zhao Fu told Bai Qi the matter.

Zhao Fu was willing to give him such an important opportunity. It was obvious that Zhao Fu attached great importance to him. Bai Qi knelt on the ground on one knee and said gratefully, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Don't be too polite, let's incorporate your blood into it now."

Bai Qi stood up, showed a smile, walked forward, and came to the demon flower. He cut his arm open, and blood continued to flow out.

Bai Qi's blood is scarlet with a trace of murderous aura. Bai Qi's bloodline is not ordinary. Bai Qi has the Seven Killing Stars and the Seven Killing City. The bloodline is affected by it and becomes the Seven Killing Bloodline, so the blood will have a trace of murderous aura.

The demon flower exudes a suction force, sucking the blood flowing out of Bai Qi into it.

The time lasted for five minutes. Bai Qi lost too much blood, and his face turned slightly pale. At this time, the demon flower also stopped absorbing the blood.


A huge blood-colored aura emerged from the monster's strange flower body, exuding a powerful murderous aura, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly.

Zhao Fu sensed something and raised his head to look at the sky.

The sky seemed to be stained with blood, and an aura of slaughter spreads, and the world seems to have become a bloody and cruel battlefield, making people seem to have fallen into the ice water, and the bloodline seems to be about to be frozen.

Many elves in the sea of ​​​​flowers looked at this discovery in fear, not knowing what terrible things happened.

Zhao Fu knew what was the reason. The strange flower of the monster clan attracted Bai Qi's Seven Killing Stars, and that's why there was the current vision.

This surprised Zhao Fu. He didn't expect that it would trigger the Seven Slaughter Stars. If Bai Qi's bloodline improved the first-generation Holy Blood, then this Seven Slaughter Star would feel a huge change.

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