The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3133 Alchemy World

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Volume 1 Chapter 97

boom boom boom

A loud roar sounded, and the void all over the world of Apocalypse suddenly burst out with the power of alchemy. Many metal elements condensed in the void, and metal gates appeared one by one, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

The metal door slowly opened, and countless alchemists walked out from inside, looking around excitedly.

The Alchemy World took the lead in launching an attack on the Apocalypse World.

The card world is not far behind. The power of cards poured out from the void. I saw huge cards standing on the ground, and then turned into many spots of light, and beautiful doors appeared one by one.

The neatly dressed soldiers of the Card World came out from inside, looking around curiously.

For the people of the two worlds, it was the first time they came to another world, and it was also the first time they participated in the war against the foreign world.

boom boom boom

The barrels of the many alchemy holy beasts were aimed at a tall city wall, and one after another terrifying beam shot out, and quickly flew towards the city wall.

Numerous Apocalypse World soldiers on the city wall immediately displayed their defensive shields to block the beams that shot past.

The people in the alchemy world didn't care, and continued to let the alchemy holy beast attack.

Countless beams of light continuously bombarded the protective cover, and the protective cover shattered after blocking several waves of attacks.

Countless alchemists saw that the defense was broken, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the city wall.

Arrows shot out from the side of the Apocalypse World, and fell like countless raindrops. The alchemist u waved the metal arm, or the weapon in his hand, and the arrows flew out without causing any damage to it.

roar roar

A loud howl sounded, and the terrifying momentum spread out from this side of the apocalypse world, and huge white lions appeared, exuding a terrifying power.

Numerous alchemy holy beasts rushed towards the white lions with great strength, and those lions also rushed towards those alchemy holy beasts.

The two sides fought fiercely together.

An alchemy holy beast shoots out numerous beams, piercing the body of a huge lion, a white lion spews a white ball of light, blasting an alchemy holy beast out, and an alchemy holy beast is facing the rushing white The lion shoots out many beams and shoots the white lion flying.

A white lion pounced on a holy alchemy beast and grabbed it with enormous power. A harsh metallic sound rang out, countless sparks emanated, and huge scratches appeared.

An alchemy holy beast exudes a powerful alchemy power and rushes towards a white lion, knocking the white lion out and slamming it to the ground.

A white lion opened its big mouth, condensed a white ball of light and shot it at an alchemy holy beast. A alchemy holy beast also shot out numerous beams and slammed towards the white lion. The two forces collided, causing a huge explosion. explode.

The alchemist tribe displayed the power of alchemy, condensing metal stairs, extending to the city wall, and many alchemists rushed towards the city wall through the spar stairs.

There are also some who use the power of alchemy to condense metal chains and shoot at the city wall, and use the metal chains to attack the city wall.

On the side of the Apocalypse World, many swords and spears, arrows and stones attacked the Alchemy World, and the Alchemy World displayed many sharp rays of light, as well as alchemy spears, and alchemy thorns shot at the people of the Apocalypse World.

The two sides fought fiercely, with loud and harsh sounds, blood splashing constantly, and people dying constantly.

The war situation is not good for the side of Apocalypse World,

The alchemy holy beasts are all metal, and they are not afraid of pain and death. They fiercely attack the white lions, causing the white lions to die a lot, and the alchemy holy beasts also lose a small part.

The people of the alchemy family on this side have already attacked the city wall and fought with the people of the world of Apocalypse.

An alchemist jumped forward and slashed down with a knife, splitting the body of an apocalypse man, and a spear in the hand of a man from the world of apocalypse stabbed sharply, piercing an alchemist's chest, and blood splashed.

An alchemy soldier waved the long knife in his hand, slashing out several sharp blade lights, killing several Tianqi people, and an alchemist used a metal spear to penetrate the throat of a Tianqi person.

An Apocalypse World person held an axe and angrily chopped at a person in the alchemy world. An axe split the head of the alchemist, blood and brains splashed.

The people of the Alchemy Clan kept attacking the city wall, and people on the side of the Apocalypse World kept dying. Gradually, the people of the Apocalypse World couldn't stop the people in the Alchemy World, and the queen began to retreat, and finally the Alchemy Clan won.

The ground was full of corpses, and the blood dyed the surroundings red, exuding a strong smell of blood, and the alchemists cheered and celebrated their victory.

As for the result of this battle, in fact, the alchemists are not surprised, because they haven't put the people in the world of Apocalypse in their eyes.

There were also wars in other places, most of which were won by the alchemy world, and few forces could resist the attack of the alchemy world.

People in the card world also began to fight with people in the world of Apocalypse.


Cards flew out of the card army, and the cards turned into streams of water, shooting towards the city wall of the Apocalypse World.

On the side of Apocalypse World, the city wall emits a powerful light, forming a huge wall of light to block the water that shoots past. The card army threw out another card after another, and those cards merged with the previous water flow to form a giant.

Highly corrosive strong acid.

These strong acids start to corrode the light walls. The pungent white smoke continued to float out, and the light wall was slowly corroded into large holes.

The world of cards broke the defense of the world of Apocalypse, and immediately started the whole army attack.


The picture of countless soldiers rushing over was like a tide sweeping everything, with a huge momentum, shaking all directions, and changing the situation.


Countless arrows were shot from the side of the Apocalypse World, and the countless arrows shot towards the Card World with a strong force, the number was dense.

On this side of the card world, many soldiers exuded a powerful aura. Those auras condensed and formed huge cards, blocking the countless arrows shot in the past. Some of those swords bounced and flew out, and some diagnoses fell. .


Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air suddenly remembered that the soldiers on the Apocalypse City wall projected the purple spears with all their strength, and the purple spears exuded a powerful force and quickly shot at the army of the card world.

bang bang

The purple spears shot the cards out of big holes, and the purple spears continued to shoot at the army behind. Some card soldiers couldn't dodge, and the spears penetrated their bodies. Some blocked the spears.

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