The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3149 Looking for Relics

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Volume One Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

A few days later, Zhao Fu asked people to collect the ruins of the empire. Although some ruins were found, they were only low-level ruins and could not meet Zhao Fu's requirements.

Zhao Fu also understands that it is difficult, so let the other worlds look for it together, and there is no information for the time being.

A green army with huge momentum gathered in front of the city wall built by the alliance. In front of it stood a handsome man wearing a green long coat. He was the king of Shenmu Kingdom, named Shenmu Duan.

This is the northern side of the alliance, where a third of the alliance's forces are concentrated. It is also basically composed of the forces on the back, and now many forces are guarding their own directions.

Shenmu Duan shouted, "I don't want to have too many casualties, you still submit to me now, and I can guarantee that you will be treated the same as the people of Shenmu Kingdom."

The leaders of many forces had ugly faces, mainly a man with a beard and a fat body. His name was Hong Yuejun.

Hong Yuejun said loudly, "We don't want to participate in the war either. We also ask you Shenmu Kingdom not to attack us. We will also promise that we will never attack you. Please go back!"

Shenmu Duan let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the opponent would not surrender, and issued an attack order.


With a terrifying momentum, the green army rushed forward like a green tide, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

The alliance's side immediately displayed a defensive cover, and a huge yellow energy cover emerged, covering the city wall of the alliance.

Numerous archers pulled away the workers one by one in their hands, and the arrows aimed at the green army rushing over.


Countless piercing sounds rang out, and thousands of arrows shot at the green army, and the sharp breath made the hair stand on end.

The green army exudes a green aura. Above the army, there is a huge circular wooden shield on the side of the stars. A dull sound rang out. Some of those arrows were inserted into the wooden shield, and some bounced out.

The green army continued to charge forward.


Huge runes appeared on the city wall, a huge force of the femur spread, and huge soil pillars on the ground suddenly burst out from the ground, knocking out some unprepared Shenmu soldiers.

This also caused a little confusion in the front army, and a small number of soldiers were injured and died.

However, things were resolved quickly.

I saw soldiers taking out cards one by one and pressing them on the ground. Countless green rays of light spread out, and green vines grew rapidly, stabilizing the ground, and no soil pillars suddenly burst out.

The runes on the city wall also emitted stronger rays of light, and the more powerful force spread, and the soil pillars on the ground rushed out and spread to the green army.

The green army immediately took out another card and pressed it on the ground. Green light clusters spread out one by one. Those vines grew faster and their bodies became thicker. They grew wildly forward. Also full of vines.

A powerful green force spread out, and those huge runes on the city wall gradually disappeared.

Numerous vines also retracted underground, and the green army continued to attack.

roar roar...

A huge roar sounded, and huge creatures appeared, including lions, tigers, elephants, hippos, and huge wolves...

Alliances can also cultivate large creatures, but the large creatures that are cultivated are not as powerful as kingdom-level large creatures.

All kinds of large creatures rushed over with a fierce and irresistible momentum. This side was very terrifying, and the earth was shaking violently.


A huge roar sounded, and a team of cavalrymen wearing green armor, holding green weapons, and riding green wooden horned warhorses appeared. The number was about ten million. With a huge force of life, they rushed towards those large creatures. .

bang bang bang...

A loud bang sounded, and a strong wind spread out, and the large creatures were knocked out by a force, and the bodies of some large creatures were cut in half by a force.

Recommend one, it looks like the old version of the book-chasing artifact has been resurrected, and the source-changing artifact that can change all the source books..!

The cavalry did a lot of damage to the large creatures, and the large creatures also did some casualties to the cavalry. Some cavalrymen were also knocked out, and some were swallowed by large creatures.

The cavalry continued to collide with the large creatures, and more and more large creatures were killed and injured. The cavalry suffered some casualties, but not as many as the large creatures.

Some eagles, vultures and big birds are large creatures that can fly, attacking the cavalry from above, some unleashing wind blades, cutting the body of the cavalry, and some ramming with their bodies, knocking the cavalry and the warhorse into the air.


The cavalry regiment slammed wooden spears into the ground. A terrifying force radiated out.

brush brush...

Countless huge and sharp branches grew from the ground, easily piercing the bodies of those large creatures, blood splashed and gushed continuously, and roars of pain continued to sound.

Those flying large creatures also suffered casualties accidentally, but taking advantage of their ability to fly, they still avoided this wave of attacks.

Numerous cavalrymen drew their swords, moved in the same way, and swung toward the sky, and the green sword power gathered into huge green sword lights, and quickly slashed at the large flying creatures in the sky with powerful force.

Puff puff……

The bodies of some large creatures were slashed by the sword light, and huge wounds appeared one after another, and the wings of some large creatures were cut off and fell from the sky.

Many alliance leaders watched the death of so many large creatures, and could only temporarily withdraw the large creatures.

The green cavalry continued to pursue the large creatures.

The green army also rushed under the city wall at this time, and took out a card and pressed it on the ground. I saw many vines growing on the city wall, and the green soldiers began to attack the city wall by climbing the vines.

The alliance shot arrows one by one, threw boulders, and poured out barrels of kerosene, and ignited those vines directly. The fire quickly ignited, and a heat wave spread.

Those vines immediately spewed out a large amount of green liquid, extinguishing the flaming flames, and arrows were continuously shot towards the city wall.

The two sides fought fiercely, each with casualties.

In less than a while, the people of the green army had already attacked the city wall, and the offensive of Shenmu Kingdom was very fast, and they began to fight head-on with the people of the alliance army.

A green soldier took out a card, that card turned into a wooden thorn, shot through the body of an alliance soldier, blood splashed, and the alliance soldier died, and an alliance soldier held an axe and smashed a green soldier out. .

A Union soldier stabbed his spear forward and pierced the shoulder of a green soldier who had just climbed up the city wall. A green soldier shot an arrow and shot through the soldier's throat, and the Union soldier died.

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