The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3173 Alliance

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Volume 1 Chapter 137

A few days later, Feng Linghui came to a big tree uncontrollably, and there was a person waiting for him, that person was Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Feng Linghui with a smile, while Feng Linghui looked at Zhao Fu coldly.

Zhao Fu asked, "What has your Feng family been doing these days, what are your plans?"

Feng Linghui naturally didn't want to tell Zhao Fu, but her body was still out of control and said, "The Feng family has been collecting news about Da Qin and the Jin family these past few days, and found that Da Qin is not that easy to deal with, and is now making a new plan."

Zhao Fu nodded, "They shouldn't doubt you, right?"

Feng Linghui said, "There is no doubt!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "In the future, every step of the Feng family's plan, you have to tell me in advance, do you understand?"

Feng Linghui said uncontrollably, "Understood!"

Satisfied, Zhao Fu stepped forward and hugged Feng Linghui, and began to deepen his control over Feng Linghui.

Two hours later, Zhao Fu left, Feng Linghui's face was rosy, she sorted out her clothes, and left the place.

Now Feng Linghui has given up resistance, and she is not as angry as before.

Back at Feng's house, Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Linghui and said with a chuckle, "Did you go there to meet a man privately?"

Feng Linghui said, "No!"

In fact, Feng Linghui prefers that Feng Xiaoxiao finds out that something is wrong with him, and then finds out that he is a pawn of Da Qin, so that Da Qin's conspiracy is useless.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Linghui suspiciously, "Really? I look at you, it seems that you just did that with a man."

Feng Linghui said, "I'm leaving!"

Feng Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Don't be angry! I won't object, I'm just curious, who got your heart? I admire him a little, I think he should be a wise man, right?"

Feng Linghui felt bitter in her heart. She had never thought of getting married, but now that she is being bullied by that bastard Zhao Fu, the key point is that she silently begins to accept it.

Feng Linghui said coldly, "I'm leaving!"

Feng Xiaoxiao watched Feng Linghui leave without saying anything.

Feng Chuixue summoned eight elders to discuss together, and said, "According to the information we have received, this Da Qin is not so easy to deal with. We used to think about him too simply."

Feng Xiaoyang nodded, "I really didn't expect Daqin's strength to leave like this. Two kingdom-level forces have been destroyed before, and I'm not afraid of facing the allied forces of the kingdoms."

Feng Yintian said, "Yeah! Fortunately, we didn't attack recklessly last time. Thanks to our young master, we avoided a loss."

Feng Chuixue said calmly, "Thank you Sister Hui for reminding me!"

Feng Linghui stood by and didn't speak.

Feng Chuxue frowned slightly,

Feng Chi Yao said softly, "Young Master, Da Qin's strength is so powerful, and with the addition of a Jin family, it is very difficult to destroy them with our strength."

Feng Chuixue nodded, "So I also plan to form an alliance with the people from the Shenmu Kingdom, and plan to attack Daqin and the Jin family together."

Feng Jiao said worriedly, "The Shenmu Kingdom is a person from the card world, will it form an alliance with us?"

Feng Chuixue said, "I need to send someone to Shenmu Kingdom to talk!"

Feng Linghui immediately said uncontrollably, "Young Master, I am willing to go!"

Now out of control, Feng Linghui understood that Zhao Fu wanted to manipulate her to destroy the alliance between the two forces.

But Feng Chuixue did not agree, but said to Feng Xiaoxiao, "Sister Hui has been feeling unwell recently, so it's better for you to go, Xiaoxiao."

Feng Xiaoxiao chuckled and said, "No problem, I will definitely bring back a good result."

Feng Chuixue nodded, "The matter is here, you all step back first, Sister Hui, you stay."

Hearing this, the girls glanced at Feng Linghui and left the hall.

Watching everyone leave, Feng Chuixue looked at Feng Linghui, her expression softened, and she said softly, "Sister Hui! Do you have an opinion on me?"

Feng Linghui said, "No!"

Feng Chuixue said suspiciously, "Then why do you treat me like this?"

Feng Linghui didn't want to do this either, but now she can't control her body at all. said, "There is no reason."

Feng Chuixue sighed, "Sister Hui! You have been by my side since I was a child. I have always regarded you as my elder sister. You are the person I trust the most. You can just tell me if you have anything."

Feng Linghui felt bitter in her heart, "Yeah!"

Feng Chuixue looked at Feng Linghui and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Feng Linghui shook her head.

Feng Fuxue didn't say anything. "Sister Hui, go down first!"

After Feng Linghui left, her body was out of control, and she passed the news that the Feng family was going to form an alliance with the Shenmu Kingdom to Zhao Fu.

Feng Xiaoxiao and a group of people were planning to go to the Shenmu Kingdom, but halfway through, a man wearing a cloak appeared in the sky, exuding a huge momentum.

This shocked everyone and immediately fled back.

Zhao Fu was disdainful of being in the sky. With a single point of his finger, many black beams shot through, piercing the chests of those people to the ground, leaving only Feng Xiaoxiao alive.

Feng Xiaoxiao said with an ugly expression, "Who are you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The Lord of Qin!"

Feng Xiaoxiao was taken aback, but did not expect that the master of Qin, who had a big impact on the four directions, would come to arrest her in person. Feng Xiaoxiao took out a blue feather and waved it.


A huge cyan storm blew towards Zhao Fu, as if it could destroy everything. Some trees on the ground were uprooted, and many stones were lifted off.

Zhao Fu took out a sword and slashed with force, a terrifying black sword light, and the sword contained the power of annihilation, severing the cyan storm, turning it into a turbulent current and spreading out, with a huge momentum. It makes my ears hurt.

Feng Xiaoxiao did not expect Zhao Fu to be so powerful.

Zhao Fu confidently smiled and landed in front of Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao did not run away and asked, "What do you want? And how did you Daqin get the news that I will go to the Shenmu Kingdom through this route?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Because your Feng family has a traitor!"

Feng Xiaoxiao quickly asked, "Who is that traitor?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You want to know? I'll tell you right away."

Two hours later, Feng Xiaoxiao snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms and asked, "Can you tell me who that person is now?"

The person who knows her route is definitely the top of the Feng family. If such a person is not found, it will definitely endanger the entire Feng family.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Feng Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully, and didn't feel anyone suspicious, and asked, "I can't think of it, you should say it!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Feng Linghui!"

Feng Xiaoxiao said with a surprised look, "No way! She is the most unlikely person to betray the Feng family, how could she be a traitor?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Because she has been controlled by me, the next one is you!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaoxiao's face changed, and he said, "You already have my people, how do you want to control me?"

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