The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3179 Wind Blade

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\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Volume 1, Chapter 143

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The next day, Zhao Fu just woke up, Feng Chuixue took Zhao Fu to go to breakfast, and many people's eyes were also focused on Zhao Fu, there was no way that Zhao Fu's appearance and temperament had already Beyond the cognition of mortals, especially after awakening Chaos Emperor Star.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;A sharp blade in the crowd stabbed Zhao Fu. With Zhao Fu's reaction speed, of course he could react quickly, but Zhao Fu had to pretend to be very weak. Feng Chuixue didn't expect it. Someone dares to commit murder in front of such a person.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The sharp blade stabbed and stabbed into Zhao Fu's body.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The man was knocked out, fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground and died, not because the wind and snow killed him, but because he took poison in advance.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Chuixue caressed Zhao Fu and asked, "How are you?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu was only slightly injured, and pretended to be weak and said, "It's very uncomfortable!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Chuixue went back immediately, called a doctor and asked her to provide Zhao Fu's information. The doctor was a plump woman in white clothes, blushing and her heartbeat accelerated, bandaging Zhao Fu's chest previous wound.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue walked in with a look of anger, "Who did it?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Duixue shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't found the identity of the man."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said coldly, "Go on, if I find that person, I must make her pay the price."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Now Feng Qingyue can regard Zhao Fu as the most precious treasure.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue looked at the doctor and asked, "How is the injury?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Doctor Air Curtain replied, "It's just some minor injuries, not serious."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said to a heroic woman next to her, "Fengshou! You will be responsible for protecting him in the future, and you cannot let him suffer any harm,"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "Yes!" The wind hand replied.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Dongming frowned, "He didn't think that his carefully selected killer would be so useless."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;That person is the one sent by Feng Dongming.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Because Feng Dongming is keenly aware that Feng Qingyue likes Zhao Fu very much, his status is difficult to guarantee, so he wants to get rid of Zhao Fu.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This time he failed, so he didn't dare to make a move. If Feng Qingyue knew, then he would not only lose his status, but also lose his life.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue asked Zhao Fu to rest in the room, made a bowl of porridge, and sat on the bed to feed Zhao Fu. Feng Chuixue watched this scene and understood that her mother was completely fascinated by Zhao Fu. just. He sighed slightly in his heart.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Take care of Zhao Fu, Feng Qingyue said with a smile, "Recover well, I will come to see you later."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu said softly, "Thank you, Patriarch!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue smiled slightly and took the people away.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Chuixue and went to Tianqi World to deal with things, glanced at Zhao Fu, left Zhao Fu here alone, I don't know what will happen, but she can't control it.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After everyone left, the wind curtain and the wind hand were left.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Fengshou glanced at Zhao Fu, she had never seen such a perfect man, but she did not dare to look at it, and said, "I am guarding outside, you have anything to call me directly."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu smiled slightly, "Thank you!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Fengshou looked at this moving smile, his cheeks flushed, and he hurriedly came outside.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The only doctor left in the room was Feng Curtain to take care of Zhao Fu.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu lay on the bed for a while, feeling a little bored. Looking at the wind curtain with blushing cheeks standing aside, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Thank you for your treatment."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Air Curtain said nervously, "No thanks, this is my duty."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu said, "I'll rest for a while."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Air Curtain nodded.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu pretended to fall asleep.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Seeing this scene, the wind curtain couldn't help but leaned over, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fu's face carefully, his face was hot, his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and finally he could not resist Zhao Fu. lure.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The wind hand heard the sound inside, looked at the room strangely, and found that the wind curtain was rubbing against Zhao Fu's sleep and doing such a thing, is this wind curtain dying? Feng Shou immediately wanted to rush in and grab the wind curtain that violated Zhao Fu.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;But her body didn't seem to be able to move, and her eyes were staring at the picture in the room, and she didn't want to leave for a second.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After the wind curtain came out, looked at the wind hand standing on the side, thought that no one had found out about his own affairs, and left there with a sigh of relief.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Watching her leave, Fengshou, who couldn't wait, rushed into the room immediately.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After a period of time, Feng Shou also returned to normal, and it seemed that nothing happened.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue dealt with some things, and came to Zhao Fu again, and said to Fengshou, "You leave here first, I have something to talk to him alone."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; "Yes!" Feng Shou replied.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue walked into the room and woke up Zhao Fu with a smile, and the two of them also started.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;An hour later, Feng Qingyue put her arms around Zhao Fu and smiled, "I find that I can't leave you more and more."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu also said with a look of fondness, "Me too!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue said with a smile, "I will deal with this matter as soon as possible so that you can become an honorable husband of the head of the family."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, and said, "Patriarch, can I take a walk around?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In the room now, Zhao Fu can't do anything, and I don't know how long it will take to control the Feng family.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Hearing this, Feng Qingyue thought about it and said, "Yes, but I will send someone to protect you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Yeah!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Qingyue called Fengshou again and asked her to accompany Zhao Fu around.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Fengshou looked at Feng Qingyue's rosy face, knowing what just happened, she felt a little envious in her heart, she didn't dare to do that to Zhao Fu who was awake.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Leaving the yard, Zhao Fu and Fengshou walked on the street, still surrounded by people, men and women, some screaming with joy, some full of jealousy and hatred.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The wind hand warned everyone not to approach, otherwise they would come around.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu deliberately walked in one direction.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;A coquettish and beautiful woman stood upstairs, looking at Zhao Fu with a hint of charm, "I must get this man."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;She is the leader of another faction and the mother of Feng Douxiang, named Feng Baixiang.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Feng Douxiang was standing next to this matter, hearing her mother's words, thinking of the previous incident, her expression was a bit complicated, if you were to be the head of the family, sitting on such a perfect man would be the pursuit of countless women Goal, she thought the same.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu took a walk outside. The news about Zhao Fu caused even greater excitement, just like countless men were as excited when they saw a stunning beauty.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu followed the prompt and came to a high wall,

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The cold woman appeared, Zhao Fu had already learned about her, she was the leader of another faction, and the mother of Feng Muluo, a very black woman named Feng Ren.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I heard that Feng Muluo's father was also Feng Ren's husband, who was beaten to death by Feng Ren. This woman was very cruel and violent. From her behavior and tone, you could tell what she was. kind of person.

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