The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3192 Kingdom (Subscribe)

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Volume 1 Chapter 156

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Hurry up! I'm waiting here."

Chris snorted coldly.

Afterwards, Chris picked out more than fifty elf women, came to Zhao Fu, and said coldly, "That's it!"

Zhao Fu glanced at it and said dissatisfiedly, "I mean all the women!"

Chris glared at Zhao Fu and called all the women over, including Terry Ae, who hadn't come before, and the princess who just didn't show up. There were more than 300 people in total.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let's go!"

Chris asked coldly, "Where to go? And we promised to be your woman, but she won't be separated from the team. This is our only condition. If you don't agree, kill us!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I didn't want to take all of you away!"

Chris glanced at Zhao Fu, not worried.

The girls followed Zhao Fu to a place with beautiful scenery, Zhao Fu showed a smile and hugged Chrissy.

Time flies fast.

Kris wanted to put a mouthful on Zhao Fu's shoulder and scolded, "Damn bastard!"

Zhao Fu put his arms around her and said with a smile, "I'll be leaving later!"

Chris looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and said somewhat unexpectedly, "Aren't you going to leave with our team?"

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "I was just passing by, and I was interested in you all on a whim. You succeeded in making me interested in you."

Chrissy said angrily, "You bastard still have the face to say?"

Another princess Aini asked softly, "Then you are just playing with us? Don't you really think of us as your women?"

Chris said coldly, "It's best for us to pretend that nothing happened, and we won't communicate with each other in the future."

Terry nestled in Zhao Fu's arms and said softly, "Now our elf country has nowhere to go, and our safety is not guaranteed. We need your strength."

Hearing this, all the girls looked at Zhao Fu? They still wanted Zhao Fu's protection in their hearts. With Zhao Fu's powerful strength, it was enough to protect them without any danger.

Chris looked at Zhao Fu with her eyes too? Only after this time did she realize how powerless she is in the face of a powerful force? She also has a little expectation for Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not such an irresponsible man? Since you are all my women? I will be responsible for you, but I need to go to the water now, or I can take you back to my territory."

All the girls showed a smile.

Chris calmed down and asked? "What are you going to do now?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while and said, "I left a force in your body? You can go to the Fire Nation for the time being? Wait for me to come back from the waters? I'm taking you back."

Terriy stretched out a hand? A powerful force condensed in the palm, and many black rays of light radiated out, asking, "Is it this force?"

Everyone felt a little surprised by this power, which was far stronger than the power they controlled.

Chris felt astonished in her body and said, "My strength has also been greatly enhanced? My physique and bloodline have changed."

The other princesses also said? "Me too!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile? "This is some compensation for you, why am I not such a bad man!"

Chris snorted softly, "Bastard! Do you think this will get our hearts? We won't give in to you so easily,"

Zhao Fu put his arms around Chris and said with a smile, "I know, there will be feelings in the future."

Chris glanced at Zhao Fu, leaned against Zhao Fu's arms, and asked, "Why are you going to the water? This place is still a long way from the water, and it will be very dangerous."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "There are very important things! And with my strength, you don't have to worry about me."

Chris rolled her eyes at Zhao Fu, "I didn't worry about you!"

Everyone rested.

Countless other people looked at each woman with a smile, her face was ruddy, and her temperament was charming. This was completely different from what they thought. According to their thinking, the girls should be very sad and desolate when they were defiled by Zhao Fu.

The queen is now in the arms of the man, and she doesn't seem unwilling at all. How did this man do it?

When Zhao Fu returned to the team, he also gave them a lot of good things, such as the blood elixir to increase his cultivation, which can be used to deal with the sage's stone of the alchemy clan, and many things immediately changed everyone's attitude towards Zhao Fu.

Although Zhao Fu did such a humiliating thing to them, Zhao Fu really gave too much.

parting moment.

Zhao Fu said, "I'm leaving!"

Chris said softly, "Be careful on the road!"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "You should also go to the Fire Nation as soon as possible to avoid encountering other dangers."

Chris replied, "Yes!"

Terriy smiled and said, "Sir! You can come back early, we will wait for you."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "Okay!"

After Zhao Fu left. Chris was heartbroken.

Terri said with a smile, "Queen, let's go early too!"

Chris suddenly asked, "How do you feel about him?"

Terri said with a smile, "With the appearance and temperament of an adult, there is no woman who does not move.

Heart, and with his powerful strength, no one can refuse. Although it is a bit domineering, it is also very good to us. "

After hearing these words, Chris also understood and said, "Let's go!"

A group of people changed direction and headed to the Kingdom of Fire.

At this time, Huo Dongmei, the queen of the Huoyan Kingdom, heard the guards report that a group of people came to the Huoyan Kingdom, saying that it was a person named Zhao Fu and asked them to come.

Hearing Zhao Fu's name, Huo Dongmei smiled. He missed him for some days and let that group of people in immediately.

The group of people who came was the teak heart crowd.

Fire in the main hall, Dongmei was disappointed and a little strange, and asked, "Who are you?"

Teak Xin replied, "We were originally a group of people who were fleeing, but when we met Zhao Fu, he asked us to come here."

Looking at Teak Heart, Huo Dongmei quickly understood the reason and said with a smile, "Well, you can live in the Kingdom of Fire with peace of mind, don't worry about danger."

Teak Heart said with a smile, "Thank you Queen!"

Huo Dongmei asked again, "What is he doing there?"

Looking at Huo Dongmei's appearance, Teak Xin understood that the relationship between Huo Dongmei and Zhao Fu was very unusual, and briefly said that Zhao Fu was going to the waters.

Huo Dongmei was even more disappointed after hearing this. Zhao Fu went to a place so far away from the waters, and he didn't know when he would be able to meet.

Teak Heart took people back first, and they were sheltered by a kingdom. They were completely relieved, and the exhaustion along the way was worth it.

Huo Dongmei missed Zhao Fu in her heart. She knew that Zhao Fu would be away for so long, so she should take the initiative to go to Daqin. But she didn't know the people she missed, and let a group of people come to the Fire Kingdom.

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