The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3196 Bandit (Subscribe)

Volume 1 Chapter 160

Except for the women who couldn't fight, who hid behind, all rushed forward to fight the group of bandits. Although they fought hard to attack the bandits, they were not the opponents of bandits. People on this side of Yunnan kept dying.

Yun Yu'er swung out a sword and killed five or six bandits. One bandit jumped at the same time, and slashed at the Yun Yu'er. Yun Yu'er hurriedly ducked.

A person wearing a blue long coat with an elegant temperament was named Yun Xiao. His body was kicked out by a bandit, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He also happened to fall near Yun Yu'er. Yun Yu'er stabbed the bandit's chest with a sword. pierce.

Yun Xiao turned pale and stood up and said, "Let's escape! How many can escape, otherwise all of them will die here."

Yun Yu'er also understood the dangerous situation now, and just wanted to issue an order.

ah ah ah...

Many screams sounded, and I saw a group of demonic creatures from nowhere, brutally attacking the group of bandits, and those bandits died quickly.

Yun Yu'er raised her head and saw that Zhao Fu appeared in the sky.

Originally, Zhao Fu had already flown away, but soon he heard the sound of fighting in the rear. Zhao Fu was a little too lazy to care, but after thinking about it, he came over.

When everyone saw Zhao Fu, they immediately showed a surprised smile.

The big man with a beard looked at Zhao Fu in the sky, and shouted with an ugly face, "This is a private matter of the Demon Spear Nation, and you will kill your whole family if you dare."

Zhao Fu's eyes were contemptuous, and he stretched out his finger a little, and a burst of force shot out quickly, instantly piercing the head of the bearded man, the man fell to the ground and died.

But they still didn't escape. The demons chased and killed them ferociously, biting their throats and swallowing their blood, a sharp claw penetrated their chests, and some cut off their heads, and the bandits were quickly killed.

The battle is over.

Zhao Fu flew down.

Some women couldn't help throwing themselves into Zhao Fu's arms. Zhao Fu rescued them twice in a dangerous moment. Their gratitude to Zhao Fu was indescribable, and they didn't want Zhao Fu to leave again.

Zhao Fu looked at the girls who were holding him, and said with a helpless smile, "What's wrong?"

Yun Huoling said with tears in his eyes, "Don't leave us, will you stay?"

Zhao Fu said, "I really have something to do, so I can't stay by your side."

Yun Yu'er stood aside and said, "Thank you very much for saving us twice."

Zhao Fu said, "You're welcome, I didn't fly far anyway, and I immediately returned when I heard the sound of battle here."

Yun Yu'er said with a smile, "Do you really want nothing? We can help you with all your requests."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I don't want anything anymore!"

Yun Xiao smiled and said, "There are too few good people like you, and I admire people like you very much."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled slightly.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and several stars appeared in the light blue sky.

Yun Yu'er said, "It's getting dark now, so you should wait until you go tomorrow!"

Everyone looked forward to looking at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, showing a smile on their faces.

Afterwards, everyone walked for a while and found a hidden place to rest. The tent was quickly set up and the bonfire was lit.

The girls brought out delicious wine from Yunnan to entertain Zhao Fu.

They were also very enthusiastic, and kept feeding Zhao Fu wine and meat, as if they were going to get Zhao Fu drunk. Unfortunately, Zhao Fu's physique would not be drunk, but they were a little drunk.

Yun Yu'er continued drinking and pushed Zhao Fu to him. Looking at Zhao Fu's perfect face, she blushed and said, "You don't want to leave, okay?"

Zhao Fu looked at Yun Yuer and was about to speak. It was blocked by Yun Yu'er.

In the middle of the night, the flames of the bonfire illuminate the surroundings, the heat dissipates the cold, and it feels warm.

There are about a hundred women next to Zhao Fu.

Yun Yu'er snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms and her cheeks were slightly red, "Are you satisfied with this reward?"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded. Although he was a little conflicted with their looks at first, he also had a different taste.

Yun Xiao blushed and said, "I feel like I'm already in love with you, what should I do?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then be my woman!"

Yun Xiao nodded happily.

Yun Yu'er blushed and said, "I really don't know the charm from your place. Now we also want to be your woman. Not only do we need your protection, but we really like you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well, I know."

Yun Xiao Leng looked at Zhao Fu with his eyes, "What do you think we should do in the future? We all listen to you."

Yun Huoling hugged Zhao Fu affectionately and said, "You shouldn't leave us now, right?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "I'm going to the waters for something very important. It's not that I don't want to take you with me, but it's too dangerous. You can rest assured that I will keep you safe, and you can go to the Kingdom of Fire."

Hearing this, the girls were reluctant, but when they heard the reason why Zhao Fu was leaving, they didn't insist. They also believed that Zhao Fu would keep them safe.

Yun Yu'er hugged Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "Thank you so much!"

Zhao Fu laughed.

The next day, Zhao Fu left Yun Yuer and everyone and continued to fly towards the water.

Yun Yu'er also followed the information given by Zhao Fu,

Advance to the Fire Kingdom.

But not long after they left, they were surrounded by a group of bandits again, and the number reached more than 200,000. The leader was a sexy figure who just covered important parts of the body with a few pieces of cloth and carried a big axe. A very sturdy looking woman.

Her name is Fierce Seven.

Xie Qi said with a vicious face, "You are that group of people who escaped from the kingdom? Then you also killed my people, right?"

Yun Yu'er and everyone were surrounded by such a large number of bandits, their faces were ugly, and they began to worry in their hearts.

They were also too unlucky. They were chased by the alchemists at first, then surrounded by bandits, and now they were surrounded by bandits. The last bandits were only tens of thousands, so it was difficult for them to resist. Now the number has reached 200,000. There is absolutely no hope.

Yun Yu'er said coldly, "We can give you the treasure, and please let us go once."

Next to Fierce Seven, there are several vicious women, named Fierce One, Fierce Two, Fierce Three, Fierce Four, Fierce Five, and Fierce Six.

Xie Yi said fiercely, "The people who killed us, do you think you just leave like this?"

Xie San smiled evilly, "Selling them in a brothel should be worth a lot of money."

Fierce Five sneered, "Is this a bit too cheap for them? I think let's make our brothers happy! Kill them directly, or you won't be able to breathe."

Many bandits shouted happily, "Thank you for the fifth master!" Their eyes were full of lewdness and looked at Yun Yu'er and the daughters.

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