The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3203 Relics (for subscription)

Volume 1 Chapter 167

Kushuang hurriedly dodged, avoiding Zhao Fu's sword, turned and ran back. Zhao Fu slashed out with another sword, hitting the bitterly wounded back and slashing out a wound.

Kushou endured the severe pain, but did not stop, and continued to run back.

Looking at the back of Kushuang's escape, Zhao Fu raised the sword with one hand, and concentrated a powerful force in the sword, and the sword exuded a huge demonic energy.


Zhao Fu slashed out with a sword, and a huge sword light with the power to slash everything quickly slashed forward.

The bitter wound was slashed out by a sword, and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Zhao Fu sneered and walked in front of Kushang.

Kushang looked at Zhao Fu coldly and said, "Who are you? I really don't want to offend you, I don't know why you want to kill me?"

Zhao Fu said, "You don't need to know!"

Then Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand and brought out a sword light, cutting off the bitterly wounded head. Blood spurted out of the bitterly wounded neck, and blood flowed all over the place.

Shi Kun walked out from the side, looked at the pain of death and said with a smile, "Thank you! The person you want to save is in a building in the southeast."

Zhao Fu nodded and flew in that direction.

Shi Kun also immediately called someone and began to cleanse the forces of penance. Completely remove the hidden dangers in the sect.

Zhao Fu found the building and was about to enter it when an enchanting woman came out. She was Yu Shaoling. She didn't know what happened. Yu Shaoling frowned, looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Are you the servant from there? Didn't I say that you can't approach here casually?"

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Yu Shaoling, Yu Shaoling's expression changed, and she slapped Zhao Fu's chest with a palm.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Shaoling's hand. Yu Shaoling's current cultivation base is only the Emperor Heaven Realm, and it is not Zhao Fu's opponent at all.

Yu Shaoling struggled and wanted to pull out her hand.

Zhao Fu smiled and hugged her, and walked towards the building.

Yu Shaoling struggled a few times and couldn't break free. She changed her attitude and said with a smile, "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'm here to save someone!"

Yu Shaoling's expression turned cold, "Are you the son of that traitor? Will the proof of strength be so strong?"

Zhao Fu said speechlessly, "I'm not, you made a mistake, I was entrusted by his son to save her mother."

Yu Shaoling smiled again and said, "What did he pay you? As long as you can obey me? I'll pay you ten times."

Zhao Fu looked at her and said with a smile, "He is rewarded with Bafang Water World, can you give me ten?"

Yu Shaoling said angrily, "This Bafang Water World is a sacred object of our family!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "But it belongs to me now!"

Yu Shaoling looked at Zhao Fu and said, "It's useless to give it to you. You are a human race and cannot use the Bafang Water World. I think if you call it to me, the benefits will definitely exceed your imagination. Zhao Fu said with a smile, " What's the benefit? "

Yu Shaoling said seductively, "For example, I can be your woman!"

Zhao Fu laughed and said, "Even if I don't give it to you, you will become my woman. Do you really think I can't use Bafang Water World?"

Yu Shaoling snorted coldly, "I don't believe it!"

At this time, Zhao Fu had already walked into the secret room with his arms around Yu Shaoling, and looked at the hanging Yu Qiye, that is, Yu Ye's mother.

Yu Qiye looked at Zhao Fu, who came in with Yu Shaoling in his arms, with a strange look on his face, not knowing what Zhao Fu's identity was.

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Qiye and said with a smile, "I am the one who was entrusted by Shouli's son to save you, and I have already killed you as well."

Yu Shaoling was shocked, Kushang actually died, and she didn't know anything.

Yu Qiye looked surprised, and even asked in disbelief, "Is it true?"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "I can let you go now and take you to see your son."

Yu Qiye said with a smile, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No thanks!"

Yu Qiye's clothes were already very tattered and could not cover his body, Zhao Fu's eyes were attracted.

Yu Qiye's face was slightly red.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let me treat your injury first!"

Yu Qiye nodded.

a few hours later.

Yu Qiye's face was flushed red, his eyes looked at the man in front of him, and he didn't know why, but he was very attractive to her.

Zhao Fu hugged Yu Qiye in his arms and said, "Your injury is almost recovered now!"

Yu Qiye hummed softly, and she was not angry that Zhao Fu used this method to treat her.

Yu Shaoling snorted coldly, "You bastard! I told you that you are dead."

Zhao Fu put his arms around her and said with a smile, "Tell me why I'm dead?"

Yu Shaoling stared at Zhao Fu, "You dare to do such a thing to me, and even rob my clan's sacred things, my clan will not let you go."

Zhao Fu said with a disdainful smile, "Even if you don't tell me, I will personally go to your clan."

Yu Shaoling was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "My destination is the waters, and your family is related to the Bafang Water World, so I must go see it."

Yu Shaoling frowned, "Who the hell are you?


Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "I won't tell you!"

Yu Shaoling was angry and turned her face away,

Zhao Fu smiled and said to Yu Qiye, "Let's go!"

Yu Qiye nodded.

After leaving this secret room, Shi Kun had waited for a while, watched Zhao Fu walk out with the two women, and said with a smile, "I have cleared away all the pain, I want to invite you to stay and celebrate, I wonder if you can Appreciate your face."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Sorry! I have other things to deal with."

Hearing this, Shi Kun said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, you will be a distinguished guest of my sect in the future, and I will welcome you whenever you come."

Zhao Fu nodded.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu returned to the mountain with his two daughters.

Yu Ye watched her mother come back, tears streaming down her face, she rushed over and shouted, "Mother!"

Yu Qiye also hugged Yu Ye, shedding tears happily, and said softly, "I didn't expect our mother and son to meet one day. It's great!"

Yu Shaoling looked at the scene in front of her with a dissatisfied expression.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Now that the pain is dead, I rescued your mother, and the transaction is complete."

Yu Ye wiped his tears and said gratefully, "Thank you for this time!"

Yu Qiye wondered, "What deal?"

Yu Ye replied, "I use Bafang Water World as a reward, and let this adult help me kill the pain and rescue your mother."

Yu Qiye understood, looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, and couldn't help sighing.

Yu Ye asked, "What happened to your mother?"

Yu Qiye said, "In order to bring out the Bafang Crystal back then, it was originally to prevent the plan of the patriarch. It has been carefully preserved over the years. I hand it over to you, and I hope it will be useful to you."


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