The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3219 waters

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Volume 1 Chapter 183

Huang Li looked at the girls and whispered, "What should we do now?"

Huang Ling said, "I don't know, if His Majesty knew about this, would he still accept us? And I don't know why, I want to be a guy's woman now."

Huang Li blushed slightly, "Me too!"

Huang Mingmei said softly, "When His Majesty's injury is healed, we are telling these things, and doing such a thing, I have no face to continue to be by His Majesty's side."

Huang Sang said, "Yeah! I'll talk when His Majesty's injury heals."


The three of Zhao Fu continued to fly forward.

After about two days of traveling, the three of Zhao Fu finally came to the edge of the water.

The waters are endless waters. Although there are also land, they are extremely rare. Almost all areas are in the water.

At this time, the three of Zhao Fu stood on the shore.

The sky was a light blue. White clouds were blooming, the waters were very calm, and the breeze was blowing with ripples.

Zhao Fu asked, "Now that the waters are here, where is your clan heading?"

Yu Shaoling pointed in one direction and said, "It's in that direction, but there is still some distance to go."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let's enter the waters!"

The two girls nodded.

The three fell into the water together. Surprisingly, the underwater is not dark. A large white light illuminates the underwater world. What attracts the eye is a colorful, as if indescribable fantasy and shocking picture.

The plants here are brightly colored, the green grass glows green, the flowers are extremely delicate, and the large branches and leaves are colorful.

There are also many corals on the ground, all of different colors, and small fish swimming around can be seen everywhere, and they also have different colors.

Yu Shaoling and Yu Qiye don't need to borrow other props, they can breathe freely underwater, just like on land.

Zhao Fu also immediately changed the attributes of the aquarium, exuding an aura of the aquarium, and it seemed that it was an aquarium, not a human race. At the same time, Zhao Fu could also breathe underwater without the help of other props.

The three continued to fly down.

When I came to the underwater ground, I walked towards a small town. There were two soldiers with shrimp-like heads and human-like bodies guarding the dull mouth.

The three easily entered the small town without encountering any problems.

Zhao Fu intends to use the teleportation array to continue teleporting in the direction of Yu Shaoling's family.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and beams of light shot from one side, and the waters could not escape the invasion of the alchemy world and the card world.

bang bang bang...

This small city simply did not have the ability to resist so many alchemy holy beasts. The city wall was directly smashed, and some beams shot into the city, destroying many buildings, and countless fragments collapsed and flew out.

Zhao Fu had some headaches. After this wave of attacks, it is estimated that the teleportation formation in the small city could not be used.

boom boom boom...

A loud bang sounded again, and many beams continued to shoot with huge power. This time, they shot directly into the city. Many explosions sounded, and some aquariums were directly killed, and blood flowed out.

Now the water races in the city are running for their lives in panic, they dare not stay in the city for a second, and they have no intention of resisting. The holy beasts of the alchemy family make them all desperate.

Zhao Fu sighed, "Let's go too!"

When Yu Shaoling and Yu Qiye saw this scene, their faces were also a little ugly. Their aquarium was invaded and destroyed in front of them, and the aquarium was fleeing in death.

The three flew forward.

After half a day, the three of Zhao Fu came to another small town and used this town to teleport out of the area.

Fortunately, although the waters were also invaded by the two worlds, the number was not as many as that on land. Many teleportation formations could be used, and the speed of the three Zhao Fu was also relatively fast.

"Sister Shaoling!" a childish boy shouted happily on the street.

Yu Shaoling looked at Niu Tau and said with a smile, "Yu Mi is you!"

The man named Yu Mi ran over, looked at Yu Shaoling with a pair of eyes and said, "Sister Shaoling, you have been away for so long, I miss you so much."

It seems that Yumi should like Yu Shaoling very much.

Yu Shaoling was a little embarrassed. She glanced at Zhao Fu and explained, "His sister and I are good friends. Their clan has a good relationship with our clan. Now we are within their clan's sphere of influence."

Zhao Fu nodded.

Yu Mi looked at Zhao Fu jealously and asked, "Sister Shaoling, who is he?"

Yu Shaoling blushed slightly, "He is my husband."


Yu Mi cried out in disbelief, he still thought about marrying Yu Shaoling, but he didn't think about how Yu Shaoling got married.

"Is this true?" Yu Mi looked at Yu Shaoling and asked with certainty.

Yu Shaoling nodded.

Yu Mi immediately ran away crying sadly.

Yu Shaoling sighed, it was impossible for her and Yu Mi, even without Zhao Fu, at most she just regarded Yu Mi as her younger brother.

A woman with a graceful figure, snow-white skin, and delicate facial features walked out from one side and shouted, "Shao Ling!"

She is Yu Mi's sister Yu You.

Yu Shaoling looked at Yu You and said, "Sorry!"

Yu You said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, let my silly brother recognize the reality earlier, so as not to fall into it later."

Yu Shaoling smiled slightly.

Yu You said with a smile, "What have you been away for so long? You're only back now."

Yu Shaoling said with a smile, "Nothing!"

Yu You looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Is he really your man?"

Yu Shaoling hummed.

Yu You was a little worried, "Although your family does not restrict saintess from marrying, but after not being a saint, and the regulations are very strict, you can find a man and come back now, will it be okay?"

Yu Shaoling rolled her eyes at Zhao Fu, although she didn't want to, but Zhao Fu had already forcibly possessed her, and she had no choice.

Yu Shaoling said, "Please keep this matter a secret for me, and it will be made public when I deal with it."

Yuyou said with a smile, "That's no problem!"

Yu Shaoling said, "Thank you!"

Yu You said with a smile, "It's okay, I haven't seen you for so long, come and sit at my house!"

Yu Shaoling looked at Zhao Fu.

Yu You chuckled lightly, "Shaoling can't, right? You need to ask your man's opinion when you go to play with me? It's not like you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Anyway, it's almost time for your clan, so it doesn't matter if you play here for a few days."

Yu Shaoling said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

Yu You took Yu Shaoling's hand and walked to the side.

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Qiye next to him and said, "Let's go!"

Yu Qiye nodded and was about to return to his own race. Thinking of those people in the past, Yu Qiye was inevitably a little nervous.

The two followed behind Yu You and came to a mansion.

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